The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 473 VS The Ultimate Alien Beast

Nexus stood up from the ruins on his knees, white smoke hissing from the armor on his chest. Although the photobomb energy did not penetrate his skin, the pain was still quite painful.


The one just now was the flame bomb of the alien beast Grantra. Grantra can continuously fire at high speed from the six valves on the chest. This ability has also been inherited by Izumaru. And due to the powerful energy level of Yizumaru, the power of the light bomb is much stronger than that of Gulantra.

As a synthetic alien beast, Yizu Mairu is full of deadly weapons from head to toe. It is like a living mobile armory of alien beasts. It is impossible to defend against the various weapons.

This is not over yet. All the air valves of Yizu Mairu were opened, and the flames and light bullets were blasted out in a continuous stream!

Nexus flew into the air, and the next second the ruins under his feet were exploded by fireballs.

He took off into the air to avoid the intensive fireball attack, and followed a high-concentration destructive light towards him. Nexus raised one arm and released energy from his wrist. A layer of light blue shield firmly withstood the destructive light.

Then he sidestepped a stream of magma-like flames, flipped his left palm, and flicked another huge ball of light into the sky with a light blue light in his palm. But the next second, the tentacles on Mairu's head released another beating lightning, piercing it like an unsheathed sword blade.

Nexus' thoughts moved slightly, and his whole body flashed red, as if burning. Lightning penetrated his body, and it looked as if the giant's body had been shattered, disintegrating into countless particles and dissipating into thin air.


Yizumaru's senses are also top-notch, and his sensitivity is at the level of a monster even among alien beasts. Nexus was noticed the moment he flashed behind it, and his sharp claws followed him like a shadow.


Like the crisp sound of gold and iron, Nexus's wrist weapon and the alien beast's claws collided violently, causing bright sparks and golden energy aftermath.

Richard has absolute confidence when it comes to fighting personally. Compared with him, Yizumaru's strength is not superior. Although its speed is not slow, its huge size brings inconvenience. Nexus nimbly dodged its claws and slammed his knee into its belly. The knee strike slammed into the alien beast's carapace, causing its entire body to buzz, and the shell on its abdomen seemed to be slightly dented.

Two more arms suddenly popped out from both sides of Yizu Mairu's waist, and his forelimbs were like sharp sickles! Nexus reacted extremely quickly and stepped away as soon as he stepped down. His abdomen contracted and he narrowly avoided being cut by the sickle.

According to the group, Mairu's chest valve opened again, and the same trick was repeated, and another meteor bomb flew out.

But how can the same trick work again? Nexus was already on guard. He made a quantum transformation on the spot, and his body suddenly disintegrated into light particles and avoided the flames. The next second, he flashed to the side of Izumaru again.

His right foot flew up, and his kick was like riding on the wind. With one kick, he broke the sickle at the waist of the alien beast. According to the group, half of Mairu's forelimbs flew out in a spin and plunged into the ground, with blood gushing from the cut.

Immediately afterwards, Nexus folded his arms and slowly reversed, and the rich and powerful energy gathered in his chest——

——Core pulse!

The golden flash hit Izumaru's chest like a roaring torrent. The ultra-high temperature melted through its shell, and the golden light poured in crazily, violently bombarding the body protected under the shell.

Yizu Mairu groaned miserably, and was completely blown away from the ground. He fell down heavily and could not get up for a long time.

It is indeed a very hard shell. A direct hit from the core pulse only penetrates the shell and causes heavy damage, but it seems far from fatal.

Yizu Mairu groaned a few times, leaving a molten hole on the solid shell of his chest, with a piece of burnt flesh inside.

But it heals quickly, and if left unchecked, it should recover in a short time.

Yizumaru struggled to get up, and his figure suddenly seemed to become somewhat transparent.

The crystal-like organ slowly squeezed through the skin and grew out from the back of the alien beast. It flashed on and off and looked very similar to the organ on Grugram's back.

It is the phase-changing ability of Grugram, which can avoid almost any harm in reality. It is a nearly invincible life-saving technique.

But this trick has long been useless.

Nexus' body swayed, turning into an afterimage and quickly getting close to him. He completely ignored the ability of the alien beast and blasted it with a punch. When he punched, his eyes had quickly scanned the vibration frequency of Yizumaru, and the light energy activated at the moment of punching had been adjusted to the resonance frequency.

With one punch, it was as if the space was penetrated, and Yizu Mairu's body in the phase transformation state was suddenly hit. It was like a bomb of light exploded in the face of the alien beast, causing it to stagger back.

Nexus raised his hand, and the crescent-shaped cut light shot out like a dart.

The light hit Yizu Mailu, but it did not cut open its body. Instead, it penetrated extremely strangely and disappeared into the sky.

I saw Yizu Mailu quickly divided into many, and suddenly countless images of Yizu Mailu appeared in the surroundings, surrounding Nexus in layers. Each one of them was doing exactly the same action, and powerful energy was concentrated between each of their tentacles, and a huge fireball began to brew.

Illusion creation, this is Garubus' ability.

Back then, Nexus relied on his strong fighting instinct to defeat this ability, and now it is no longer difficult. Mental abilities are child's play for the God of the Universe. Although Richard is still only half-experienced, his mental power has increased a lot compared to before.

Almost without thinking, Nexus turned around, completed the starting movement, and crossed his hands into a cross.

Cross storm!

The light directly hit Izumari's body - the correct Izumari.

All the illusions were shattered and disappeared in an instant, and the accumulating fireball also disappeared. Yizu Mairu was violently blown away, with a black hole appearing on his body, and his tentacles were also blown off by the power of the cross storm.

However, at this moment, a thick tentacle struck him hard in the chest.

The force this time was quite fierce. As soon as Nexus finished releasing the Cross Storm, he was completely unprepared and was hit by hundreds of thousands of tons of strange force on his chest. Sparks suddenly flew from his armor, and he was sent flying more than a hundred meters away. .

He didn't react for a while.

what's the situation?

Yizu Mairu was six to seven hundred meters away from him. Not to mention that he didn't realize where the attack came from, and Izumaru's tentacles weren't that long either.

And the next second he discovered what was going on.

The space collapsed and two cracks opened on his right rear. Two long tentacles reached out and tied his hands as fast as lightning.

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