The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 474 Phase Interference

Richard immediately figured out that this was the ability from the space alien beast Kutula. Kutula is a alien beast specially sent by Dark Mephistopheles in the original TV series to deal with Nexus. It is a space alien beast. Its body is hidden in the special space "Alien Sea" and can freely open space doors. Travel between different spaces and reality.

It seems that Izumaru has also inherited this ability, using the "alien sea" in the alien space to hide his tentacle offensive, and launch a surprise attack on Nexus from all angles.

A little tricky, but not impossible to deal with. Nexus's arms burst with energy, and the burst of energy instantly broke the tentacles and broke free from their restraints.

Yizu Mairu did not stagnate at all, ripples continued to bloom in the space, and tentacles rushed in one after another, attacking Nexus from various angles that were tricky and difficult to guard against.

There is a strong electric current attached to the tentacles. It is the energy of a variety of alien beasts that are mixed and attached in the form of electric current. Even Ultraman's body cannot completely resist it.

Nexus continued to dodge, and while moving back and forth between the tentacles, he took the time to take action, flinging a particle light blade and throwing it out, aiming unbiasedly at the wound that Yizu Meru had been injured by the cross storm and had not yet fully healed.

Yiji Mairu's body is still repairing itself, and he has not used the particle light blade to harden it. The crystal organ on its back flashed, its body became insubstantial, and it relied on its phase transformation ability to avoid the particle light blade.

Richard sneered. Oh, this trick again? Haven't you suffered enough from the same losses?

He dodged two tentacles and jumped up. His eyes quickly scanned and confirmed the phase frequency of Yizu Mairu's body. He flew into the air, quickly formed a cross with his hands after completing the starting position, and the cross storm was released again!

Yizu Mairu did not dodge, but this time the cross storm did not hit the target. A majestic energy was released into the air from Yizu Mairu's body, forming a gorgeous and colorful rainbow light in mid-air. The cross storm flew to the part shrouded in rainbow light and suddenly disappeared, without any movement at all.

It is the light-eliminating ability of the alien beast Meguflash, which modifies the space in a specific area through special organs. Any light-based techniques will be swallowed up in this space area.

But Richard didn't panic, because this was not an unsolvable ability. Meifulash's light elimination is essentially spatial interference, and it only needs to be solved by making a small correction using the spatial rules of the corresponding area...


Now he was a little surprised.

Because when he tried to use his understanding of space rules to correct this distorted space, he found that he couldn't.

Just as Yizumaru was creating light to eliminate the space, the crystal organ on its back was also working desperately, seeming to be echoing the rainbow in the sky. With every flash of the crystal, the color of the rainbow light in mid-air will switch, just like the ever-changing lanterns in a dance hall.

It's Grugram's phase-shifting organ that's at work.

Yizumaru combined the abilities of the two space alien beasts, using the ability of Meguflash to create a space that eliminates light, and at the same time using the power of Grugram to continuously change the phase frequency of the isolated space. Because the phase of space is constantly changing dynamically, Nexus cannot easily find the correct frequency to crack this move.

This time it's a little bit troublesome. It seems that Mairu, as an ultimate alien beast, really has something. Not only does it have complex abilities and powerful strength, but its combat consciousness and intelligence are also beyond those of ordinary alien beasts, and it can master its various abilities with a high degree of flexibility.

This makes things a little more troublesome...but just a little.

Because the abilities of these two alien beasts, whether it is Meguflash or Grugram, are based on phase interference. In other words, they are spatial abilities, which are realized through the application of space rules.

And Richard happened to be holding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand - an artifact equivalent to the administrator's key in the field of space rules in the current universe.

The Rubik's Cube is not very useful when fighting people, but Richard can also use the space teleportation ability. As a quasi-universe god, he also knows a little bit about the space rules. Although it is relatively superficial, he can usually deal with it, so he usually can't deal with it at all. There is no need for a Rubik's Cube.

But just before he was about to reveal the artifact, he unexpectedly discovered... that in the isolated space created by Yizu Mairu, the phase change suddenly stopped.

But it was definitely not something it wanted to stop, but the interference of some other force that forced it to stop the phase change.

Following the source of the interference, Richard quickly found the foursome standing on the roof of a building more than 900 meters away, completely unafraid of death.

That's the Fantastic Four.

At this moment, Mr. Fantastic was lying on the ground tinkering with a sophisticated instrument, and the other three people were surrounding them.

"Are you okay yet, Reed?" It could be seen that Susan still felt weak standing so close to the battlefield. It was not easy for three teammates to accompany Reed here to risk their lives.

"It should work." Reed tried to explain as he continued to tinker with his instruments. "I have observed that many of the abilities of the alien beasts are related to phase changes, and I just published a paper on phase change interference last year. . I developed this thing at the time to demonstrate the idea that the phase of reality we live in can be distorted and transformed. Although no one was willing to listen to me at the time, fortunately I did not throw this thing away..."

"Let's get to the point." Susan interrupted helplessly, "What are we doing here?"

"This alien beast is the same as the one last time. It can create a space field that neutralizes light." Mr. Fantastic said concisely, "We have to help Ultraman turn off this space field."

They were far away and their voices were not loud, but Richard still heard them.

He wanted to say that I actually don't need your help, and in fact, what Mr. Fantastic did did not directly turn off the alien beast's space field...but he did help in a way.

Due to the combination of the two different spatial abilities of the alien beast and the continuous changes in phase, Mr. Fantastic's black technology device did not achieve the expected effect. Instead, it resonated with the crystal organ behind Yizumaru, limiting its phase. It is temporarily impossible to switch to a specific frequency.

In this way, even without the help of the Cosmic Cube, Nexus can easily crack the alien beast's light isolation space.

An energy blast was thrown into the isolation area, the space was instantly corrected, and the rainbow light in the sky was shattered into pieces like glass. Izumaru had tried his best to hold on for a while before this. The crystal on his back was overloaded and he tried to switch phases to maintain this space. But in the end, not only was he unable to do it, but the organs in his back exploded into pieces with a loud bang.

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