It was a completely different kind of strange power from before. A heavy punch hit Mephistopheles directly in the face, which only made his mind buzz, and then the whole person entered a somewhat confused state.

He couldn't feel his face anymore, and his consciousness became very blurry for a brief moment. The powerful light energy poured into the body involuntarily, causing bursts of pain like a knife.

When he came back to his senses, Mephistopheles had been blasted several miles away, and his huge body was already floating high in the air when he stopped the car.

If it were before his advancement, Nexus' punch with such power would definitely have a huge negative impact on the surrounding environment, but that won't happen now.

The gods of the universe control energy to an extremely meticulous level, including the kinetic energy contained in physical attacks. All the top gods can explode stars. However, in the original work, so many gods have come to the earth to cause trouble, and I have never seen any god blow up the earth by just moving his muscles.

As public officials of the current universe, those gods of the Celestial Group are absolutely not allowed to explode stars without authorization. They can focus all their attacks, including side effects, on the targets that need to be attacked. Otherwise, if the gods of the universe blow up a few stars every time they take action, the cost to the universe of the gods' group's work will be too high.

Although this may not be in line with the rules of physics, modifying the rules is fundamental to the gods. Even if they attack their opponents with a blow that can blow away stars, they can control the power within a very small range if they want to. . From this perspective, the effect is similar to Ultraman's light technique.

Mephistopheles flew out, locked eyes on Nexus who was approaching from a distance, and said viciously: "...Don't let me be too proud!"

The shell on his chest opened, revealing two rows of black holes. Countless dazzling flame bombs mixed with dark energy bombarded out.

Nexus' figure flew forward, and a blue light flashed all over his body halfway through the flight. Several fireballs simultaneously penetrated an afterimage, and Ultraman himself turned into countless particles and dissipated out of thin air.

With a quantization, Nexus instantly moved to the side of Mephistopheles. Mephistopheles had seen this move before and had always been wary of it. At this moment, when he saw his figure flashing, he swung his claws to grab him as soon as possible. His reaction was extremely fast, and he had almost caught Nexus in front of his face the moment his body was condensed into shape.

But it's still not fast enough.


Another punch came first, and the blue fist hit Mephistopheles hard on the lower abdomen. The powerful strange force shook his whole body involuntarily, and the overbearing energy seemed to smash his internal organs into pieces.

Faster than before.

Severe pain poured into his abdomen, and Mephisto's whole body seemed to be paralyzed by pain. But he remained awake and glared angrily at the blue body in front of him.


This shouldn't be the case.

He is one of a kind, the only successful example among countless failed experiments. He is the ultimate weapon, the destroyer of Ultraman, and he is confident of winning this battle.

So why did this guy gain more power than himself in such a short period of time?

Could it be that it was just because a group of humans provided him with lights?

Absolutely ridiculous!

Of course Mephistopheles couldn't understand it, but the fact was so incredible.

Because Ultraman is a being who can summon and tell miracles.

Nexus' subsequent whip hit Mephisto hard on his waist and ribs, shattering the bones of the alien beast in his body through the thick shell and flesh.

Mephistopheles roared, his claws clawing down with dark tracks, leaving dark cracks in the space. Nexus spun around to avoid it, his wrist weapon flashed with golden light, and the golden sword light flashed across Mephisto's black eyes. A long crack suddenly appeared on the demon's white head, and Mephistopheles covered his eyes and cried out in pain.

The scorching light put a huge load on Mephisto's dark body. At the same time, the light that penetrated his body also inhibited the function of the alien beast factor and interfered with his self-recovery.

The injury to his left eye caused severe pain, and Mephisto's vision in his left eye began to become blurry.

The pain further stimulated his anger, turning into surging energy and pouring into the demon's mouth. Mephisto roared violently, opened his dark mouth, and a ball of chaos had already gathered momentum.

Like a roar tearing through the clouds, a powerful and rich dark beam exploded from his mouth!

Nexus dodged another quantum attack, and the powerful impact immediately lost its target and flew into the sky, leaving the earth in the blink of an eye.

Mephistopheles caught the trajectory of his quantum movement and quickly spun around. A dark and sharp blade protruded from the back of his hand and turned around to strike...


The golden light sliced ​​through, as if splitting the space into two.

Nexus waved his right arm and released a golden sword from the back of his hand. Mephisto's right arm was chopped off along with the sharp blade, and he was thrown into the air in an arc.

Storm Sword, a new skill in the blue adult form, is a sure-kill skill. One sword is enough to kill ordinary alien beasts on the spot.

Nexus moved directly in front of Mephistopheles, raised the tip of his sword, and a golden light rose from bottom to top, and the blade cut sharply into the opponent's body. Mephisto's chest was cut with a deep crack by the Storm Sword, and dazzling golden light burst out from the crack.

Mephistopheles quickly activated the crystal organ of the alien beast on his back, and his body quickly became insubstantial, trying to briefly avoid the attack through phase change.

However, this trick has long been used to death, and now it is even flattering to say it is a minor skill. Nexus activated the light energy all over his body and switched it into cosmic energy. He raised his palm and blasted out a cosmic ray impact, which exploded the crystal on his back to pieces without any explanation.

Cosmic rays are a common trick used by cosmic gods. The principle is to purify cosmic energy and release it in the form of highly concentrated rays. In fact, it is similar to Ultraman's rays. Richard saw the gods using this move with his own eyes. At this time, he himself was promoted to a god of the universe and imitated this move without any difficulty.

Mephisto's newly insubstantial body immediately changed back, and his injuries further worsened. Nexus kept moving, interlacing his palms and releasing lightning, charging his palms with powerful light energy. He crossed his hands into a cross, and the powerful advanced version of the cross storm beam roared out!

There was no chance to breathe at all, and before Mephistopheles had time to digest his previous injuries, he received a more violent attack. He tried to hide, but his body was still half a beat slower. The light of the cross storm exploded his skin and flesh, blasting a scorched black hole in his body. The organs in his body that were fused from the alien beast were beaten into pieces and scattered in all directions.

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