The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 484 The Ultimate Light Arrow·Shine

His left eye was scratched, his arm was broken, his back was blown open, and his abdominal cavity was penetrated by light... At this time, Mephisto's condition could not be summed up in one word.

From all aspects, Mephistopheles was at the end of his strength. His body was seriously injured and his physical strength was severely exhausted. Moreover, Nexus's continuous attacks accumulated a large amount of light power in his body, suppressing his own dark power and suppressing it. The activity of the alien beast factor reduced the recovery speed of his injuries to a minimum.

From a situation where he had an absolute advantage to what he is now, it just happened in the blink of an eye. Mephistopheles couldn't accept it, and he couldn't accept it, just like this Ultraman could explode and become stronger anytime and anywhere without any limit.

He felt fear.

Richard had no regard for his feelings, and he had no interest in them. There was another quantum flash, and Nexus suddenly appeared beside Mephistopheles. He lowered his center of gravity, flew up, and swept the sword of the storm across the waist, slashing at the previously severely injured wound on the opponent's waist.

And at this moment, Mephistopheles moved! The image of his body shook slightly, then suddenly dissipated the moment the sword blade cut through his body, disappearing like a cloud of smoke.

When Nexus looked back, countless Mephistopheles had appeared in layers around him, surrounding him like a tide.

Another illusion created by Garubus. It seems that Mephistopheles has nothing new to offer compared to the alien beasts, Meru. It's just that these little tricks are just hanging on for a while now and are completely useless.

Nexus had already locked onto the right target when he turned around. The cross storm was released again, and golden spark-like rays shot out, hitting the only entity among the crowd of clones.

The light hit, and Mephisto's body exploded on the spot! All the clone illusions were lifted at the same time, and countless black fragments exploded in all directions.

A stand-in.

Richard immediately realized that this was a double disguise. What is hidden in the clones created by countless illusions is not Mephisto's true form, but a brand new body constructed from a part of the alien beast's body separated from his body and reshaped by dark particles. A body that looks exactly like his true form. A very similar stand-in.

So where did he hide himself?

Darkness emerged, space was distorted, and a huge dark body emerged from a translucent whirlpool. Darkness brewing in front of it seemed to be enough to swallow everything.

It is the ability of the alien beast Kutula. Mephistopheles just briefly hid in the "Alien Sea", the exclusive space of the alien beasts. While avoiding attacks, he also completed the final charge of his ultimate move.

The stimulation of dark energy accelerated the regeneration of his hands, and arms and claws regrew where Mephisto's broken arm had been.

That's all he has left, his last ditch effort.

"Light," the demon used his spiritual power to let out a roar that shook the sky, "extinguish it for me!!!"

Mephistopheles crossed his hands into an inverted cross, and an exaggerated stream of dark light burst out, seeming to take away all the colors in the world in an instant!

Dark Light·Storm!

The sky dimmed, the waves surged, the laws of the elements turned into chaos, and even the molecules in the space were scattered and annihilated. Nexus raised his head and faced the overwhelming impact, until his body twisted in the darkness and almost disappeared...

Mephisto breathed heavily.

The world returned to calm, the thunderous roars disappeared, and the turmoil in the space slowly stopped.

The blow just now had indeed hit, and he was absolutely sure of it.

No one could withstand such an attack, and Mephistopheles was confident of it. The fusion with Izumaru gave him unprecedented confidence. Although his confidence was shaken by the battle with Nexus just now, he still believed that his full blow could destroy anything in the world. .

And clearly, he was wrong.

This is a very simple truth, obvious but always forgotten.

There are people outside the world.

There are no absolutes in the world. No matter how high a mountain you stand on, you will always find someone standing on a higher mountain top.

And Mephisto is still far from that peak.

Light appeared in the darkness, and golden, pure light tore a rift in the dark world.

What followed was red, blue, cyan, orange... colorful lights like a rainbow.

The arrogant darkness was driven to the corner, and the intensely shining light took over again. Layers of surrounding colored light enveloped the blue giant's body. He stretched out his right hand forward, and on the back of his hand was a bow made of light particles. The tail end of the bow and arrow trailed with light like a ribbon.

Surging energy gathered from the sky and the ocean, and was extracted from countless particles floating in the air, forming a huge vortex filled with golden arrows.

At that moment Mephistopheles realized that it was over.

The opponent was stronger than him, stronger than the limit he could imagine.

Suddenly he seemed to see reality clearly and clearly saw his position in reality. It turns out that he has not gained any invincible power at all. Even if he undergoes upgrades and strengthening, even if he merges with the alien beast and becomes some kind of new existence, when he faces Ultraman, he is no different from the previous two generations of Mephistopheles.

He felt deeply powerless.

A storm of energy swept through the air, as if the entire earth was charging the light arrow in Ultraman's hand, and colorful whirlwinds wandered in the air. The golden bow was stretched tightly, and the energy overflowing was like golden magma beating.

After gathering momentum, Nexus suddenly let go of his left hand, and the strong light turned into a golden burning phoenix, dragging a rainbow-like trajectory and roaring towards Mephistopheles!

It was a blow that there was no way to avoid. The moment the light arrow left the string, it was like a whole golden world was bombarding you!

Mephistopheles didn't even resist, because at this moment any movement had lost its meaning. He watched the burning firebird approaching, and watched the light occupy all of his vision. The darkness had nowhere to hide, and was dissolved into nothingness under the brilliant and scorching light. His body disintegrated, his whole body was shattered, and even the dark particles circulating in his body disappeared into nothingness.

In the final battle of the TV series Lanna, Blue Nexus's storm lightsaber and ultimate move were used in combination to create Lanna's ultimate secret, the Ultimate Light Arrow - Storm, which combined the synthetic alien beasts Meru was reduced to scum at the molecular level and completely obliterated.

At this moment, Richard used this trick, but he mixed it with a lot of other things, such as the energy operation principle of the Eternal Spear and the attribute of being sure to hit with one hit, such as the Eternal Fire The flames, the doping of cosmic energy, etc.

So this is also a combination of the storm lightsaber and the bow and arrow, but mixed with Richard's own various insights and understandings to create the ultimate ultimate kill——

——Ultimate Light Arrow·Shine!

Thanks to the book friend Chang'an's old dream, there is a reward from the devil in our world!

Wow thank you very much!

I’ve been busy all day today, and I didn’t see the big boss’s reward of 10,000 yuan until I finished coding in the evening. I wanted to update it, but it was too late. I’ll make it up to the big guys tomorrow!

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