The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 486 Sweeping the End

The darkness disappeared, and the demonic whispers disappeared from Richard's ears, as if they had never appeared.

But he knew that it was real, not a dream or a fantasy, that was Dark Zaki himself, waiting for an opportunity in a dark corner, planning the next move.

Thinking of the previous dream about the ruins and the endless darkness that swallowed him up in the dream, Richard could easily make this association——

——Darkness is approaching.

Whatever Zaki is planning, he may be planning to do it now - or have already done so.

According to the plot conjecture of the original TV series, Dark Zaki’s target should be Noah’s light. Zaki kept sending alien beasts and dark giants to fight Nexus transformed by the fittest, just like he kept sending mobs and elite bosses to feed him experience, accelerate the awakening of Noah's light, and provide him with more energy. In the end, he was able to swallow Noah's light to prepare himself.

Richard wasn't sure what Zaki's plan was, but he felt it couldn't be as simple as this. After all, his evolutionary path has already deviated from Noah's original trajectory. If Zaki still feeds him experience like in the original work, I'm afraid he doesn't even need to evolve into Noah to beat Zaki to a pulp.

But this time the battle was not fruitless.

After defeating the synthetic Mephisto, Mephisto's shattered body also released some kind of spiritual signal like the previous second generation. After Mephisto died, he immediately left the earth and flew to the depths of the universe.

Last time, Richard was not at a high level and failed to capture the whereabouts of that spiritual power, but this time he at least tracked a trajectory and a general direction.

At least he confirmed one thing, that is, Zhaji body is not on the earth.

Never be passive when taking the initiative. This has always been Richard's principle. He had no clue about Zaki's whereabouts before. He searched the entire earth countless times through various means but found nothing. That's why he was so passive this time when facing the offensive of Yizu Meru and Mephistopheles. But now that he has a clue, he can't just wait at home and wait for the other party to attack next time.

He didn't have much confidence in Zaki before, but that was no longer the case now. In the Ultraman system, the maximum output of Ultraman's ultimate move is at a level that can destroy planets. In Marvel's case, it is roughly equivalent to the Heavenly Father level. As the strongest Diablo, Zaki is definitely not on the same level as ordinary Ultraman, but if converted to the Marvel system, he should be a single universe level. At the same level, Richard feels that he can fight against Zaki. Even if you prepare for the worst, there should be no chance of winning.

In fact, Richard had already had the idea of ​​going for a spin in the universe before this. Now with such a change, this matter has to be put on the agenda.

Regardless of the outcome, at least we should have the initiative in our hands.

Of course, that's not possible right now.

The matter is not over yet.

The two bosses, Meru and Mephistopheles III, were defeated one after another, but Richard did not forget that there were still a bunch of mobs that he had not had time to clean up.

Twenty alien beasts landed in twenty major cities respectively, and they were still fighting anxiously with the armies of various countries.

To the current Nexus, these alien beasts are just soldiers, but to the government army, this is not the case. According to the current human technology, even the most mischievous alien beast is a super BOSS. These creatures are difficult to kill, can regenerate and learn, and are extremely buggy. Even the most terrifying things you see in nightmares are... Not necessarily more difficult than them.

The armies of various countries have paid a heavy price in the fight, and superheroes everywhere are helpless against extraordinary things like alien beasts. It wasn't until Nexus finished the BOSS on the main battlefield that one of the twenty alien beasts was killed, leaving nineteen...

...Yes, someone also killed one. The unfortunate alien beast landed in Latvinia. Doctor Doom personally went into battle, and black magic and black technology took turns. After a fierce battle, the alien beast was thrown into hell to accompany Lao Mo. Accompany...

But for Richard now, this is just a tidy-up job, requiring almost no effort.

With a thought in his mind, his body was directly quantized, traveling through the subspace, and in the blink of an eye, the person inside had flashed to the island nation of Tokyo.

Tokyo is also well-known as an area hardest hit by supernatural disasters, and its residents' resistance to various disasters is much higher than average. Not long after the alien beast landed, the relevant area was cleared. The Self-Defense Forces quickly arrived at the scene and began to attack in an orderly manner.

Of course, what they did was of no use. In a short time, they were broken through three or five layers of defense. What's even more desperate is that the alien beast didn't even attack deliberately, but just took a leisurely walk in the city for two times, and then brought a catastrophic blow...

Then there was a flash of golden light in the sky.

At the moment when the incident happened, the on-site commander was still calling for reinforcements at the top of his lungs. The battle line was collapsing and everyone was retreating in panic.

The whole process happened so quickly that no one even realized what was happening.

At 0.01 second, the light condensed into a solid body and the body of the blue giant suddenly flashed behind the alien beast. The sharp blade on the side of his arm glowed with a faint golden light, and he maintained the posture of drawing the sword, standing like Wei Ran's sculpture among the cities.

In 0.12 seconds, the giant disappeared. His body was broken down into countless particles again, ripples appeared in the space, and a hole was opened to swallow up all the scattered particles.

The whole city suddenly became quiet.

The alien beast kept its last movement and stood still, as motionless as if it had been frozen. Then in everyone's shocked eyes, a slender incision emerged from its neck, and a golden light ran across its neck. The alien beast's head broke off, and a golden light burst out from the fracture until its entire body was glowing with light. It was broken into particles and scattered in all directions.

Within three minutes, the same situation happened one after another in the remaining eighteen cities.

The eyewitness testimonies of every country and every area involved are very similar - a golden light emerged, someone saw the fleeting giant figure like a hallucination, and after the next blink of an eye, nothing was left. Got off.

Then the alien beasts that were raging in the city were blown into tiny particles on the spot.

Although no one saw it clearly, everyone knew clearly what happened and who took action to defeat the enemy and save everything.

After getting rid of the last alien beast, Nexus flashed outside the earth for the last time, overlooking the blue planet below from the universe, feeling like looking at a beautiful and fragile glass bead.

He smiled silently in his heart.

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