The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 487 Dark Zaki (Additional update for the helmsman Chang’an’s old dream!)

Richard had been mentally prepared to advance to the level of Universe God. Although he had been stuck for a long time before, he always felt that he would be able to ascend to the level when the time came and accumulated enough. It was just a matter of time. But gaining a godhood? This was completely unexpected.

He didn't want to take the matter too casually. The position of god is like a responsibility given by the universe, which is equivalent to him becoming a public official within the entire universe system. The benefits of being a public official are self-evident. This means that he has been recognized by the current universe, has certain resources and authority as a god, and it also means that he has obtained a title.

In the future, if there is any need to deal with regular gods, both parties will have better communication and communication. After all, we are all gods of the universe. As long as it does not involve conflicts of responsibilities and principles, generally everyone will give each other face to facilitate conflicts in minor matters.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the gods of the universe generally have no distinction between superior and inferior positions. This is different from the bureaucratic form on earth. The gods just perform their duties without distinction of rank. For example, explorers are responsible for exploring, planters are responsible for planting trees, judges are responsible for judging, and eradicators are responsible for beating people, but no one would ever say that those responsible for planting trees are inferior to those responsible for judging.

We all work for the universe, and we all eat from the public. There is no difference between us. Therefore, no one would think that just because Richard is the patron saint of a remote place like the earth, that he has a low status. There is no such thing in the universe.

But the divine position brings more than just convenience, it also means responsibility.

This is the same as on earth.

Spider-Man's Uncle Ben is known as "Marvel's biggest liar", and the saying "With great power comes great responsibility" is remembered by the little spider. Because the little spider's later experience was quite miserable, many people felt that he was tricked by Uncle Ben. This chicken soup is simply a deep trap.

However, Richard felt that this statement was indeed correct, but Little Spider over-understood it. He just got some superpowers after being bitten by a spider. In fact, to put it bluntly, he is just a child. Sometimes the responsibilities he tries to take are completely beyond his capabilities.

But looking at it from another perspective, ability does bring responsibility. For example, if you serve as county magistrate, you will obtain public resources and gain powers beyond civilians, but these also mean the responsibility of managing the county well and solving problems for the people. And if you are promoted to mayor, the power in your hands will increase again, but at the same time your responsibility will also be greater, because you have an entire city of citizens to be responsible for.

Manage his position and perform his duties according to his duties. At least according to Richard's personal understanding, he thinks this is what "with great power comes great responsibility".

Although the process may be unintentional, many humans chose Ultraman out of their own will. They unconsciously cast their votes and chose their planet's patron saint.

So Richard felt that this became his mission, his responsibility. If before, he fought purely out of his obligation as a human being and could run away whenever he wanted when he couldn't beat him, that would not be possible from now on.

He is like the guard of the city of Earth. It stands to reason that as long as he is alive, he cannot abandon his territory and run away alone, let alone the people who have chosen him.

...Well, it stands to reason that it cannot.

But if it comes to the point where there is really no hope of winning, he doesn't intend to fight to the death. That's not his style.

By then he plans to take the Earth with him. He even thought about the name of the battle in advance, and called it "The Wandering Earth Project"...

On the other side of the universe, somewhere unknown.

A dark red dangerous light suddenly lit up in the dark space, and a pair of oval eyes lit up.

The dark giant sat on a huge throne, his eyes were red, and on his chest was a "V" shaped energy core that was very similar to Nexus. There was a strong evil aura all over his body, and darkness visible to the naked eye lingered around him, making this already lightless space even more ferocious.

Dark Zaki, the opposite of Ultraman Noah and his old enemy.

...Well, the part about rivals was actually Zaki's own. He himself feels that he is Noah's old enemy. As for what others think, it's hard to say...

"grown ups."

Stepping forward from the darkness was a dark Mephistopheles. With black eyes and no wings, he is the first-generation dark Mephistopheles.

This Mephisto also has a host, an alien life that fell into darkness. It's just that the host's self-awareness has been completely swallowed up, and now he is just a weapon and a puppet under Zaki.

There are countless puppets like this under Zaki's hands now.

"Is it... over?" Mephistopheles asked.

Zaki responded with a dark grunt.

"So, that guy's light has been absorbed?"

"No, something unexpected happened." Dark Zaki said in a hoarse voice, "Although I have overestimated him as much as possible, it seems that it is still not enough. The guy I selected this time does seem to be a little different. .”

Mephistopheles was surprised: "So, even the fusion of the third generation type and the Izumiru failed?"

"Ah, it failed." Zaki said calmly, "This time the molecular structure was also annihilated by that guy's light, and even the remaining particles could not be recovered."

Mephisto felt unbelievable: "That Ultraman... actually has such terrifying power?"

"Yes. The power to obliterate the opponent from the source, tear apart the darkness with scorching light, and burn even the soul to ashes."

Dark Zaki actually laughed softly at the end, and after a while it turned into laughter.

"Interesting... it's really interesting!" He laughed, "Wouldn't this make him exactly the same as that guy? Hahaha...!"

Mephistopheles was a little frightened by his leader. He asked in a low voice: "'That guy' refers to... Noah?"

Zaki's laughter stopped suddenly, and his gaze was as cold as if it wanted to crush people into pieces.

Mephistopheles was startled, turned his head and said nothing.

Dark Zaki is weird sometimes, he seems like a willful madman. It was obvious that he was obsessed with the name Noah to the point of going crazy, and he liked to keep the name on his lips every now and then. But as long as anyone else mentions this name, I'm sorry, Zaki will immediately turn his face, as if he can't wait to immediately use Zaki Lightning to blast that unruly guy and several planets into rubbish.

...It was as if he felt that only he was qualified to mention the name "Noah", and no one else was allowed to mention it.

Fortunately, Zaki seemed to be in a good mood and did not cause any trouble to his subordinates. He paced and said to himself: "Very good, very good. Continue to grow, continue to evolve. I am very much looking forward to the moment when you call out that gesture. And by then..."

He paused and stopped.

Zaki looked at a huge transparent crystal. Outside the crystal was the vast starry sky. Under the starry sky were endless spaceships and battleships, as well as a seemingly endless number of dark Fausts and dark Mephistopheles... invincible star fleet.

Then he laughed again, his laughter ferocious and full of joy.

"...When the time comes, you'll find that I'm ready."

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