The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 518 Prejudging each other


A dull loud noise, like a lightning strike, came from the other side of the clouds one after another, and each one seemed to be getting closer.

Then there was a brief silence, and the sound temporarily stopped, as if preparing for a blow that was about to reach climax——

——Bang! ! !

Like a hydrogen bomb exploding near the edge of the atmosphere, the clouds don't penetrate instantly. A huge hole was blasted out of the atmosphere, the air flow overflowed, and the strong wind howled, as if it was trying to drain all the oxygen from the planet.

Two afterimages, one black and one blue, intertwined and descended from the sky, hitting the ground like meteors. The barren ground was violently exploded, and the dust formed into waves, like a tsunami that covered the sky and the earth.

A deep pit was opened on the ground, and the two giants fell into the middle of the pit, facing each other one on the left and the other on the right.

The confrontation between the two sides is still not over, or in other words, this is just the beginning.

Nexus used his left palm and right hand to deflect Zaki's two punches, and took two steps back. Up to this point in the battle, he had been mainly focusing on defense and dodge, observing Zaki's moves while looking for flaws to counterattack.

Zaki is the complete opposite. This dark giant is a berserker, and once he takes action, he has no intention of "retreating". From the moment he handed over his hand, all his movements were offensive, and the purpose of every move was only to kill.

Even so, his moves and skills are by no means unorganized. Dark Zaki's attainments in fighting skills are also at the pinnacle, and they are not on the same level as Faust Mephistopheles. Every blow he strikes is ruthless, deadly, yet meticulously planned, like an ultimate killing machine being activated, with no flaws or emotions.

Of course, that does not mean that Zaki really has no way to defeat him.

As long as anything exists in the world, there will always be loopholes, and as long as it is alive, it can be knocked down.

You just have to find a way.

"Keeping running for your life is not what a hero should be like!" Zaki growled while increasing the force of his punches, "Let me fight in a more decent manner!"

There it was again, that voice again.

Zaki's mental power not only brought about the crazy roar, but also brought some kind of mental shock. Richard felt another "buzzing" in his head, and a chill spread down his back.

He caught a glimpse of a flaw in Zaki's movements.

To be precise, it cannot be said to be a flaw, but a short delay before the two actions are connected.

It is said that the life of a master hangs on a thread, and fleeting opportunities often determine the outcome of the battle. Nexus did not hesitate. He stopped and retreated. His blue body suddenly stepped forward. The golden light of his arm blade flashed, cutting a dazzling trajectory in the air and slicing towards Zaki's neck!

Zaki was throwing his punch in the air, but his next punch was a moment slower, and the golden arm blade suddenly broke through the defense and struck in front of his neck.

Nexus's weapons are astonishingly sharp, and he is also one of the best weapons among all Ultraman. The berserker didn't seem to intend to carry it with his neck. After the beating, he finally gave up and took half a step back. He tilted his head and turned sideways to avoid the knife.

Now or never. Nexus seized this opportunity and jumped forward. Waves of golden light wrapped in blue fists exploded out, chasing Zaki in the direction of retreat...

Then he seemed to hear a sneer, which seemed to express contempt.

Like a dark and sharp attack, Zaki raised his right hand sharply, and grabbed Nexus's wrist as if he had anticipated Nexus' move.

Nexus withdrew his fist, swayed to Zaki's left side, turned his fist into a palm, and slashed the opponent's shoulder with his sword.

However, Zaki seemed to have been waiting for him to do this. He reached out and grabbed his wrist, and restrained Nexus's entire arm with his backhand.

"Idiot, do you really think I would expose such a low-level vulnerability in front of you?" Dark Zaki laughed, "All your skills and fighting methods come from him, and I am the person who knows him best in the world!"


The combat skills and techniques that Richard has used so far all come from the inheritance of Noah. Although they are indeed powerful and sophisticated combat skills, as Noah's opposite, Zaki must naturally know them well.



Zaki was smiling wildly like a proud primary school student, when suddenly a blue shadow flashed in front of him, and a palm appeared out of nowhere and slapped him in the face, causing his neck to tilt involuntarily. .

"What?" Zaki turned his head in surprise.

This time, he really didn't predict it at all, and he didn't see it at all.

Yes, all of Richard's combat skills were inherited from Noah, but the same goes for Zaki.

As a replica, all of Zaki's abilities are copied from Noah, including combat skills. So from this perspective both sides are actually equal.

Zaki deliberately exposed his flaws to lure Nexus into attacking, and used this to predict his moves and take the opportunity to counterattack.

Richard saw it was a trap, but he took action anyway. Zaki can predict his movements, and in turn, he can also predict Zaki's countermeasures.

To put it simply, it is roughly "I predict, you predict, I predict."

As for that last slap...

...Well, that's not a mysterious move, but simply a counterattack that he thinks is most suitable for the current situation...

...and Zaki does look very unsatisfied.

If this move had to have a name, then maybe it should be called "Ultra Slap."

Of course, Richard would not be so idle as to slowly explain his ideas to Zacky. Nexus took advantage of the slap and took advantage of the moment when Zaki was still dazed to pull out his restrained arm, and punched him on the chin even more violently.

A conservative estimate would have been that the force of the punch would have been 700,000 to 800,000 tons, but it seemed to have little effect on this person. Zaki took two staggering steps back, then immediately jumped up and kicked him in the face.

Nexus raised his arm, and Zaki stepped on his arm. A milky-white air ring like a propulsion engine burst out from the sole of his foot, and the whole body suddenly flew into the air.

He was very fast, jumping off the ground and flying into the air a thousand meters away in the blink of an eye. He opened his arms, the V-shaped core on his chest flashed with dark light, and the dark energy was extracted into his hands, transforming into a huge black ball of light.

"Very good, you didn't let me down." Zaki laughed wildly, "Okay then, this is your reward!"

The pitch-black ball of light exploded in mid-air, turning into rain-like light bombs that rained down in the sky. The endless darkness seems to have swallowed up the sun and the moon, and Zaki is like a king who dominates the darkness and dominates the earth.

Richard looked at the curtain of light falling from the sky and couldn't help but be speechless.

Be it Faust, Mephistopheles, and now Zaki... Why do these dark guys seem to like this trick?

And Zaki’s lines and tone...why does he sound more like a yandere the more he sounds?

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