The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 519 It has nothing to do with you

Don't tell me, if you ignore the off-key voice and appearance of the other person, and treat it a little girly, you will still feel like the ultimate yandere.

It seems that no one has ever explained the gender of Zaki. After all, it is the ultimate weapon, so it must be genderless?

Then maybe she really is a yandere.

"Don't run, Light, come and face me!" Zaki was condescending, pouring light balls wildly while shouting, "Aren't you going to drive away the darkness and crush the evil? Then hurry up and crush me!"

Richard ignored him. Nexus's blue body shuttled back and forth between the dark balls of light all over the sky, and the blue afterimages kept flashing and disappearing in the rain of bullets, like a butterfly passing through a flower.

He flew close to the ground, and countless dark balls of light followed one after another, constantly chasing and exploding behind him. Fire shot into the sky, and a dazzling curtain of light formed. The earth continued to shake under Nexus, and the high-temperature shocks piled up like waves.

It felt like a madman was holding dozens or hundreds of nuclear bombs and bombing the ground continuously. The ground was riddled with holes and pits, and the whole planet was shaking.

Fortunately, this planet has not yet given birth to life and will not affect innocent passers-by. However, after such a round of bombing by Zaki, it is unlikely that life will be born in the next few decades or hundreds of years.

Lannai's speed was extremely fast, but it was still insufficient under Zaki's increasingly intensive firepower. Countless balls of dark light fell, and flames exploded one after another until the explosion areas almost overlapped. Until Nexus's dodge space was completely compressed, the fire engulfed the blue body.

The next moment, countless light particles gathered, re-condensed and transformed into Ultraman's entity.

The blue Nexus flashed out of thin air behind Dark Zaki, and when he appeared, the next attack had been fully charged. The blue fist carried golden flames. The moment it was struck, it stirred the airflow on the planet. Even the air was stirred up and turned into a red-hot spiral impact that was stimulated by the power of the fist!

But at this moment, Richard seemed to hear laughter again.

Just before the super punch touched Zaki's body, he saw the same change happening to Zaki's body.

The dark particles began to stir uneasily, and the dark particles that made up the dark giant's body began to disintegrate and change.

The next moment, Zaki's body also disappeared. The super punch full of divine power was empty, and the golden light stirred up the dark particles to move violently and irregularly, but in the end nothing hit.

Quantization, Zaki also used quantization.

This should be expected. Dark Zaki has copied most of Noah's skills and abilities, so there is no reason why they can't be quantized.

Quantization appears to be no different from teleportation, but Richard, who is familiar with the principles of this trick, knows that it is not teleportation in the true sense. Quantization achieves the same effect as teleportation by dispersing the body back into particle form and shifting through subspace, but this process can be tracked and predicted.

Richard, who now has god-level senses and realm, is completely able to do it.

Darkness gathered from the rear left, and he could feel both the cold dark fluctuations and the slight subspace reaction.

Without hesitation, Nexus turned around and punched with all his strength!

Zhaji emerged from a cloud of darkness, countless particles condensed into a dark arm, and a dark steel-like punch also came with a dark cyclone!

Bang! ! !

The two extremely domineering forces clashed, and the energy of light and darkness exploded in the air. The impact caused the already shaky earth to sink.

There is no obvious strength or weakness. Neither party paused, and then came the next move——

——Quantization x2!

Golden and black lights flashed at the same time, and the bodies of the two giants disappeared in place at the same time. The light and dark particles each escape into the subspace, rapidly displacing at a speed that exceeds physical rules.

Both sides flashed without CD while maintaining ultra-high speed movement. While exchanging offense and defense, they observed each other's direction, predicted the location of the next flash, and quickly calculated and planned the next move in their minds.

I saw two afterimages, one blue and one black, flashing all over the sky, from the sky to the ground, from the south pole of the planet to the north pole. Everything the two sides passed was nothing but flying sand and rocks, landslides and cracks. In the blink of an eye, they had circled more than half of the unmanned planet, and the entire planet was completely transformed.

Every punch and every blow made Richard feel extremely burdened. Even with his current body, he couldn't help but feel that such intensive blows were a bit too much.

Physical strength is being consumed rapidly, and damage is also accumulating. His body became more and more sore and numb, and fatigue came over him like a tide. Every move he made required more willpower than the previous one.

But Zaki seems tireless. He is like a humanoid machine. Not only is he not tired now, but he is getting more energetic.

Wasn't he injured?

Richard felt that Zacky should have been equally hurt, but he didn't care.

The most terrifying enemy in the world is the madman. They are not afraid of pain or death, and they don't care about being injured. Even if they are disembowelled, hands and feet are cut off, they can continue to fight.

His body became heavier and heavier, and Nexus' movements slowed down involuntarily. A powerful punch accidentally landed on his cheek, followed by an elbow.

The armor on his chest offset part of the impact, but the force still hit Richard's chest. A circle of dark ripples exploded along his chest. Nexus was shocked and flew back dozens or hundreds of meters.

Zaki did not continue to pursue, but just kept the distance and floated in place, looking at him with a strange look.

Nexus maintained his distance and rose to the same height as him to confront him in the air.

"You know, I was worried that after gaining so much power and becoming as powerful as now, as a light, you would not be able to keep up with my progress and make things too boring." Zaki said sadly. He smiled and said, "It seems that I worried too much. Such a long wait and so many preparations now seem to be worth it."

Richard breathed lightly for a moment, adjusting the chaotic light energy in his body and accelerating the healing of his injuries, and at the same time replied aloud.

"So all this is for me?" he asked, "the alien beasts on the earth, the dark giants, the planet I met on the way here that you turned into hell, and the crazy people like the Universal Truth Cult... Is this all for me?"

Zaki laughed.

"No, those have nothing to do with you." He said, "Although I can tell you that it's all your responsibility, but I still want to tell the truth... So yes, that has nothing to do with you. Those are all my very I had a plan for a long time, it’s better to say that your presence forced me to make adjustments to the plan.”

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