After finally appeasing the enthusiastic pirates, Richard had the opportunity to ask about the specific ins and outs of the matter.

After asking, I found out that the Truth Sect had already run away with the cosmic spirit ball. This is not good news, it means that the spirit ball should be in Zaki's hands by now.

Forget it if it's other Infinity Stones. Using any of the other five Infinity Stones would be troublesome. You either need to have a special artifact like the Infinity Gauntlet, or you need to know the corresponding knowledge about gems, which are all very complicated.

But only the Power Stone is plug-and-play. You can squeeze most of its power into your fist and hit someone. As long as your physical body can withstand the backlash of the power of the gem, then there is no pressure at all to directly explode the star with one fist.

But now that the matter has come to this, there is nothing we can do. The good news is that with their current state, the impact of an Infinity Stone is not too great. Besides, he also has the Space Stone in his hand, so he should be able to find a way to deal with it.

Now that the gem is no longer in Star-Lord's hands, Richard has nothing to do with these predators.

As he was about to leave, a group of pirates quickly surrounded him, each one asking the boss where are you going and what are you going to do? Can we help?

Richard shrugged, saying that you are free, I will no longer hold you hostage, you can continue to be pirates.

As a result, I didn't expect that all the pirates stopped working. They all expressed their loyalty and swore an oath, saying, "Boss, we have made up our minds to follow you. Please take us with you!"

Richard: "?"

He suddenly wondered if there was something wrong with his memory... Weren't these predators kidnapped by him before?

Why aren't they happy to let them go now? Could it be that he has awakened some special attribute?

So Richard explained patiently, saying that I might be preparing to start a war with the Universal Truth Cult. The process would be very dangerous and you might not be able to help, so you might as well go back and continue having fun...

Unexpectedly, the plunderers were extremely resolute and their voices were very consistent. A group of pirates said that we who are born to be the boss will be the boss's ghosts and die, and we will definitely follow you!

Richard: "???"

Don't lie to me, when did we have such a good friendship?

These predators come from all races across the universe. What is the purpose of such a large group of people gathering together? Is it because you are unwilling to be mediocre and want to pursue the romance of a man?

However, it turns out that even being a pirate is not that easy. Although they, the predators, seem to have a great reputation and are doing well among the space pirates, to put it bluntly, they are just a small organization in the 18th and 18th tiers, and they have no chance of participating in anything really big in this life.

That's how it should be.

But it’s different now!

Now they encounter the greatest opportunity the Predators have ever had, a man who truly has the power of one man to rival the power of the Interstellar Empire!

If they can hug this big thick leg tightly and follow the boss to do something big, then their lives as pirates will not be in vain!

Although he was speechless, Richard thought about it and finally accepted the "good intentions" of these predators.

Since they no longer care about the danger, Richard naturally has nothing to say. Although he felt that a group of interstellar gangsters would certainly not be able to help in a war with the Truth Cult, but there was no problem in doing odd jobs, running errands, etc. They should still be able to play some role, right?

So he changed his mind and directly contacted Ganata who was waiting for him on the spaceship not far away, and asked her to drive the small spacecraft directly to the Predator. He wanted to stop for a while before deciding where to go next.

After obtaining the consent of the "new captain", Star-Lord immediately contacted his friends who he had just met for a short time, and asked Rocket Raccoon, Groot the Tree Man, and Drax, who was missing a string in his head, to rush forward and give it to him for free. They all took the battleship with them.

The Marauder restarted and quickly left the void with a boatload of passengers.

At this moment, somewhere else in the universe.

Ronan's Dark Star slipped away the fastest, and basically from the moment Nexus appeared, the Kree accuser wisely gave up his intention to resist. He took advantage of Dark Mephistopheles and Thanos' Temple to attract fire and quickly turned around and ran away. He barely managed to escape into the subspace tunnel before the Temple was blown up. In such a short time, Kung Fu had already flown out. A galaxy away.

Even the condition of such a dark star is definitely not good. The previous battle with the Cosmic Shinrikyo and Thanos' Temple was somewhat depleted. Later, the battleship's main cannon was reversed by Nexus, and all the power was directed towards them. Although the protective shield was basically put down, the battleship itself still suffered a considerable impact.

What's worse is that after spending so much time and resources, they still haven't gotten the cosmic spirit ball, and the short-term agreement with Thanos has also fallen through. It's a complete loss.

Ronan was sitting on the commander's chair, listening to his subordinates' reports on battle damage and ammunition consumption with a gloomy expression, but suddenly he seemed to sense something.

Ronan's closed eyes suddenly opened.

He stood up and picked up the war hammer in his hand - that was the "Universal Weapon", a top-notch personal artifact built for him by the Kree Empire. Not only did it have super high strength, but it also had the ability to create a force field and release an impact. , oscillating atoms and a series of powerful functions, it can be called the best individual weapon in the universe.

The universal weapon is activated, a dim blue light lights up from the hammer head, and a ray of light flies straight towards somewhere in the darkness!

No reply.

The powerful impact released by Ronan's war hammer seemed to be lost in the sea, as if it was swallowed by the darkness and failed to make any waves.

All the Kree on the bridge were alert. Everyone jumped up and aimed their guns at the location where Ronan was attacking.

Ronan held the hammer and fixed his eyes on a certain target in the darkness: "Who dares to break into the accuser's battleship?"

There was a chuckle in the darkness.

What emerged from that place was a body of darkness that looked like a scarlet demon. He walked out step by step, with a black head, dark red eyes, a dark body wrapped with red stripes, and a "V" shaped dark red core on his chest.

Dark Zaki, but at this time his body remains at the size of a normal human.


He made a gloomy sound, and at the same time took steps slowly and slowly. Every time the black footsteps fell, the whole ship seemed to sink with it.

He stopped about ten steps in front of Ronan.

"We can talk," he said.

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