The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 539 You have no choice

"Want to talk?" Zaki said in a dark voice.

But it wasn't actually "speaking" in the true sense, because he actually just stood there without making any sound. What really spoke was his mental power. Through his mental power, he directly projected what he wanted to say into the minds of every Kree on the bridge, followed by a cold and deep oppression.

Of course Ronan felt this pressure too. As the best among the Kree people, his willpower and mental resistance are extremely high, much stronger than other compatriots. But even so, he felt a little hard to resist.

Ronan ordered in a deep voice: "Get him for me."

The accuser obviously didn't recognize Zaki, but that didn't stop him from giving the order.

Although I don’t know what method the other party used, breaking into a warship without permission is an act that should be shot on the spot. This is the same in any civilization. The reason why the order was "capture" instead of "execute" was because Ronan still had questions to ask.

But he was apparently a little too optimistic.

To be honest, he actually didn't see what happened at all. He only felt that in a dazed moment, a dark storm from hell swept across the entire bridge.

Every Kree was involved, something beyond conventional understanding and impossible to resist.

The defensive force fields on the Kree officers were pierced like paper, their armor was lifted, and their weapons exploded on the spot. Then the whole person fell down as if possessed by a demon, their eyes were hollow and lost their sparkle.

In one second, the entire bridge was disarmed. But the black weirdo who was the intruder only stood there with his hands behind his back, without even turning his head from beginning to end.

Ronan roared, stepped forward to meet him, and struck head-on with the black warhammer with domineering wind!

Zhaji still stood there, showing no intention of moving until the war hammer hit his chest.

The next moment, he moved.

It was really in that literal moment that the situation suddenly changed.

Accuser Ronan's pupils shrank. His enhanced brain was completely unable to process the previous process, and his eyes seemed to see nothing. He only knew that at this moment, the warhammer in his hand had somehow flown out of his hand, and his left arm was being restrained, as if tens of millions of tons of pressure had been exerted on his arm. His throat and neck were pressed, and a breath like death itself penetrated his throat and eroded his internal organs.

He saw the strange black man so close, his face almost touching the tip of his nose.

He couldn't breathe.

Although it sounded ridiculous, he felt that if he stayed like this for more than a minute, he might die here.

But the other party let him go the next moment.

Zaki watched Ronan kneel on one knee as if his bones had been taken away, and took a step back.

"Look, I said we could talk, things could have been a lot easier." He rubbed his wrist lightly and said calmly.

Ronan was breathing heavily, trying his best to suck the air in the cabin into his lungs.

Ronan tried his best to raise his head and looked at him with difficulty: "You are from the Truth Religion"

Zaki slowly walked along the bridge's control station.

"You realize that, good, then we can save the opening remarks."

Zaki turned to look at him. Ronan was now standing up reluctantly, banging the table.

"Your reputation is not small, Kree. I know that you hate the Xandar people, and I also know that you want to conquer them, but it is inconsistent with the current policy of the Kree Empire."

Ronan narrowed his eyes.

This is not a secret. All the forces in the universe who are slightly better informed know about it. The Kree Empire and the Nova Corps of Xandar are mortal enemies. The two sides have been at war for countless centuries, and countless people have died between them. It is an irresolvable feud.

However, as the war lasted for a long time, the consumption on both sides was too great, and the people on both sides were tired of the days of constant artillery fire. Therefore, the Xandar and the Kree recently signed an armistice agreement and decided to temporarily cease fire. Everyone will close the door and take a good rest for a while.

The Kree Empire seems to be a large territory, but in fact the empire is in chaos. The Cree people are very militaristic and are good at fighting but not very good at governance. In addition, the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and they can't manage it by themselves.

But Ronan didn't care about that much. Ronan was raised as a war weapon since he was a child, and he was instilled with hatred for the Xandarians since he was a child. That hatred was engraved in his bones. He doesn't care about any cease-fire agreement, he just wants to drive out the Xandar people.

The reason why he cooperated with Thanos was for this purpose, and the reason why he snatched the cosmic spirit ball was also for this purpose. Because he also understood that if the Kree Empire decided to cease the war, he would have no hope of winning the war on his own.

He needs to find foreign aid.

After a moment of silence, Ronan asked: "What do you want?"

"Do what you want to do most." Zaki replied, "attack Xandar and destroy the Nova Corps. The Church of Truth will give you all its help."

Ronan frowned: "Why?"

"Because they are gradually becoming a trouble recently." Zaki replied calmly, "It is a small trouble, but it will still be difficult to deal with if left alone. This makes us have a common enemy."

Ronan said nothing and began to think about the feasibility of this matter.

If the Cosmic Truth Religion is really willing to take action, the situation may indeed change dramatically. The current strength of the Truth Cult is obvious to all in the universe. Their conflict with the Nova Corps and even the Shi'ar Empire is also a fact. Everyone knows this now.

As a military general, it was naturally impossible for Ronan not to pay attention to these news related to the changes in the situation. He clearly knew that it was a trend that the Truth Cult and the Nova Corps were about to go into full-scale war, and he also knew that the Shi'ar, who were allies of the Xandarians, would also be involved.

It's risky, but it's a pretty good opportunity. He can take advantage of the opportunity of all-out war to realize his long-cherished wish that has not been achieved for many years - to defeat the Nova Legion and bloodbath Xandar.

However, doing so may provoke the Shi'ar Empire, and may even lead to a war between Kree and Shi'ar.

But what the heck!

What Ronan was not afraid of the most was war, he wished that the whole world would start a war.

The only problem left now is that there is no basis for trust between them if they want to cooperate.

"How can I trust you?" he asked in a deep voice.

Zaki burst out laughing, and the laughter echoed in Ronan's mind like rolling thunder, making his scalp numb.

"Actually, you can't." Zaki said and took two steps back, and the dark body began to decompose into countless black and red particles.

"But you have no choice."

Countless particles flew away, and the dark body disappeared into thin air.

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