The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 541 The Eve of the War

The predators were a little nervous.

This is a given. The plunderers were essentially pirates, robbers who robbed people outside the establishment, while Shia was a regular official. Normally, Shia doesn't care about them because they are too weak and just a group of insignificant characters, but it must be said that the two sides should actually be considered opposing camps.

What could the Shi'ar do to them?

Could it be that he finally remembered something and decided to catch all the robbers in one go?

"Put it through," Richard said. "It's me."

The Marauder's correspondent complied. The long-distance communication was connected, and the sword-fighting faces soon appeared on the huge screen.

A group of plunderers couldn't help but gasped again - holy shit! Isn't this the Shi'ar's second-in-command swordfighter?

Although they are all small characters, they have heard of the reputation of sword fighting. After all, he is known as the number one expert in Shi'ar and is the number one person in the Shi'ar Empire under the Queen. It's hard not to recognize him.

Their plunderers were just low-ranking robbers. How could He De deserve the personal attention of a big shot like Dou Jian?

Dujian ignored the various soldiers who were acting as backdrops and said directly to Richard: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry to interrupt you so quickly, but the situation is changing. Our intelligence network shows that the Universal Truth Cult is planning some big moves recently. They A large number of warships and manpower were mobilized, and a large number of starry sky beasts were gathered. Judging from the feedback from the surroundings, their central target should be Xandar."

Richard narrowed his eyes.

It's unmistakable, Zaki is preparing to invade Xandar.

This is also a battle of great significance to the expansion of the power of the Truth Religion. The Nova Corps has an important position in the universe, and Xandar is also a strategic location. More importantly, they are also the ones fighting at the forefront in the war against the Universal Truth Cult.

Moreover, this battle also involves Shi'ar, the first empire in the universe, so this battle is a very important battle for both sides. If the Nova Corps is breached and Xandar is lost, the power of the Cosmic Truth Cult will rise to a new level, and may even become the biggest threat in the current universe.

This battle is also a new starting point for the Truth Religion. Perhaps Richard's taunting during the last meeting was so effective that Zaki decided to end it with him, so he issued a challenge to his old enemy in this way, and also used Xandar as a The final battleground between them.

But that’s fine too. In a confrontation on the frontal battlefield, with the support of the Shi'ar people and the power of the entire Nova Corps, it would at least be stronger than Richard rushing into the Shinrikyo headquarters to fight Zaki alone.

This was a fair fight for both sides, and he had no reason to refuse.

But it may be unfortunate for the Xandarians who were chosen as the battlefield.

"There is another thing," Doujian continued, "There are also reports that Ronan, the Supreme Accuser of the Kree, and his Dark Star seem to be moving in the direction of Xandar."

"Ronan?" Richard asked, "The Cult of Truth is getting involved with the Kree?"

Although the Kree are mostly negative characters when they appear in Marvel works, they are one of the three empires after all, and they are a serious official force. They are not on par with the Universal Truth Cult. It's only right to get mixed up with all kinds of terrorists.

Sure enough, Doujian replied immediately: "No, no. We asked the Kree Empire, and they made it clear that Ronan's behavior had nothing to do with the Kree Empire."

"Got it." Richard nodded, "We'll be there."

The communication with Dou Jian was hung up, and everyone on the ship focused their attention on Richard, waiting for him to make a decision.

Yondu asked tentatively: "Captain, are we going to go to Xandar to fight next?"

Richard glanced at him, then glanced at everyone on the boat.

"That's what I plan to do," he said, "but I won't force you. It's still too late for you to quit now."

The plunderers looked at each other.

Although they were determined to do something big, getting involved in such a large-scale war was still a bit too exciting.

After all, they were just a group of pirates who blocked the road and robbed them. The most glorious deed they had done before was to rob a large transport ship. This level of difficulty was still too great.

As a result, it was Gamora, a passerby, who spoke first: "I'll go with you."

When Star-Lord saw that even the girl had spoken, he naturally couldn't give in. He immediately stepped forward and said, "Then I will go too. To maintain peace, you know. I have the strongest sense of justice."

He said, winking at Gamora.

These two have taken a stand, and naturally the Guardians of the Galaxy, a temporarily formed ragtag army, cannot be left behind. Drax and Rocket Raccoon expressed their stance one after another, and even the tree man said "I am Groot" to express his determination.

Yongdu, who was still a little hesitant at first, saw that his own son had decided to go up and do it. He certainly couldn't just watch him go up and do it for nothing, so he couldn't help but sigh and expressed that the predator was willing to follow him all the way.

Ganata tugged at the corner of Richard's clothes again: "You said you would take mine with you."

Richard smiled: "I know, I know, I won't leave you behind."

Nonsense, Tunmei is his immediate confidence when facing Zaki next time, how could he not play with her?

"Then let's go and change course." Richard said, "Let's go directly to Xandar."

With Dou Jian communicating with Xandar Star, there was no pressure for them to enter the territory of the Nova Corps. Although they were driving a pirate warship, they were let through without encountering any resistance along the way.

With the space gem as a mobile prop, it only takes a moment to fly to any corner of the universe. The space gem was activated, and they flew directly to Xandar Star in an interstellar jump, which was much faster than the movements of the Truth Cult and Ronan.

Where have the pirates like the Marauders ever seen something as high-end as a space gem? Everyone was dumbfounded.

They knew about subspace travel, and they had not seen stargate jumping before. But taking the entire spacecraft across a large star field in an instant?

Whether it is star gate teleportation or teleportation super powers, there is a distance limit. Such an exaggerated distance is something that even gods cannot do, right?

On the other hand, Gamora has been with Thanos for a long time and has a slightly wider experience. After all, Thanos has been obsessed with infinite gems all his life and has done a lot of research in this area. She looked at Richard with surprise on her face and hesitated for a long time before she couldn't help but ask: "Did you just use infinite gems?"

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