Until the Predator landed on the Nova Corps' tarmac, all the pirates were in a nervous state. It's no wonder, after all, they are also interstellar robbers, and they are all on the Nova Legion's wanted list (although they may be ranked very low). This is like a wanted criminal arrogantly breaking into the police headquarters. It's a bit too arrogant.

But fortunately, the other party didn't make things difficult for them. Obviously, Du Jian had already explained it, and with the battle just around the corner, the new stars had no time to pay attention to a group of pirates who were just pirates.

The person who greeted them on the tarmac happened to be Roman Day, the golden Nova costar in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, the centurion of the Nova Corps.

The Nova Centurion must have received instructions from his superiors, and he behaved quite politely: "Thank you all for coming, the Nova Supreme is already waiting inside."

This Nova Centurion is also a good old man, and his official rank is considered high in the Nova Corps. Although there aren't many scenes for rising stars in the movie, Mr. Roman seems to have a role every time.

Coupled with the centurion's seemingly high hairline, Richard couldn't help but think of an old friend on Earth.

Roman was saying hello when he noticed that the person in front of him had his eyes drifting directly to his head. He couldn't help but subconsciously touched the top of his head, wondering if something fell on his head?

Richard took a deep breath: "Is this new star officer responsible for software programming?"

Brother, I’m not telling you, you look like a programmer with your hairstyle.

Roman: "???"

"No? As a new star, you must have a lot of work pressure." Richard nodded sympathetically, "I have a friend on Earth, and your job is also to maintain peace. He also works very hard. He is serious and can be called a model worker. More importantly, he has the same hairstyle as you."

Roman: "."

Can MD still talk properly?

Labor and management just like this kind of hairstyle with a bald section in the front, so it can be cool when the weather is hot, isn't it?

Nova Centurion's facial muscles twitched, and then he smiled reluctantly: "Everyone, follow me."

Roman Dai led the way and led a group of people towards the legion headquarters. Everyone was silent all the way, but Roman always felt uncomfortable, as if someone was staring at his forehead and sighing.

Arriving at the headquarters, the female rising star Supreme Adora and Dou Jian were waiting in the conference room. The Marauders, Silver Guard, the others, and Ganata all followed Roman to the waiting room to rest, while Richard himself entered the conference room.

When he saw Richard, sword fighting seemed to become much easier. He briefly introduced Richard and Xinxing Supreme to each other. Richard's official identity assigned by him was the "special tactical advisor" invited by Shia. After a brief greeting, the two parties went straight to the topic.

At this time, Ronan's Dark Star had finished its rest and had already arrived in the star field from Xandar Star. They ignored all the warnings issued by the Nova Corps, and at this speed they would arrive at the Nova headquarters in no time.

"So do you have a plan?" Richard asked.

Nova Supreme asked Dou Jian with his eyes, seemingly confirming whether he could disclose strategic information to Richard. After receiving a positive reply from Dou Jian, she said: "We plan to use the Nova fighter planes to form a defensive formation to trap Ronan's Dark Star, block the functions and actions of the battleship, and then send the Nova fighters to land inside the battleship to seize the charges. The person himself.”

Sounds like a good plan.

Richard also had an impression of the "defensive formation" she called, and it should be the formation that appeared in the final battle of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. A large number of Nova fighters are connected through energy to form a huge energy capture net. The strength of that net is extremely high, and even large battleships like the Dark Star can block it. It's a pity that Ronan had the Power Gem in his hand at the time, and as soon as the gem hit it with energy, the formation of the new stars was disintegrated.

Richard thought for a while: "Your defense formation is a defense system built with the energy of the Nova Power as the foundation, right?"

Xinxing Supreme nodded: "That's right."

Richard knew that the source of the Nova Corps' power came from a super life computer "Worldmind", which was the central computer of the Nova Corps. All the combat power of the entire legion comes from the "nova energy" generated by that computer. Each nova in the legion is only allocated a small part of the nova energy.

Richard vaguely remembered that the source of the Nova Corps' power actually came from some other dimension that had not yet been discovered by anyone. There was almost infinite energy in that dimension, and even the Nova Corps had only developed a part of it.

If all the nova energy of the entire legion were integrated, it would be a very powerful force. No, maybe it would be a force that even gods would be afraid of.

Richard continued: "So can these energies be connected to each other through specific large transmission towers to build a network?"

Xinxing Supreme was stunned for a moment: "Yes, yes, but what do you want to do?"

"By connecting the nova energy through the transmission towers scattered throughout the Xandar star, and then raising the released energy to a height outside the atmosphere, theoretically, a defense network large enough can be formed to cover the entire planet." Li Chad said, "The Nova Corps should have enough energy to do this. In this way, we can block the enemy from Xandar and avoid the collateral damage caused by the war on the ground."

Xinxing Supreme thought for a moment and seemed to be somewhat interested in this plan to avoid losses. After hesitating for a moment, she asked: "We have never made a similar attempt. This not only requires a huge amount of energy, but also to maintain a defense network as large as enough to cover the entire planet. The energy must be distributed very evenly, and the defense network must be able to respond to the impact of the attack." Adjusting the attack in real time will require extremely high-precision control of the energy. I'm afraid our technology is not enough."

"I can help with this issue." Richard smiled, "That's exactly my expertise."

Naturally, he had never been exposed to the technological system of the Nova Corps, but the science and technology of any civilization was essentially the exploration and utilization of the rules of the world. As long as you have a deep enough understanding of the principles and rules of how the universe operates, any technology is not difficult to master.

"Then it's up to you." Xinxing Supreme said solemnly, "If Xandar can successfully win this battle this time, all of us will not forget your help."

"We can talk about this later," Richard said. "If you decide to do it, it's best to start preparations now. The enemy should be here within three hours at the fastest."

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