Godzilla didn't just come up with weird tricks like this on a whim. Just when King Kong, the only designated overlord of Skull Island, rushed forward and gave it ten seconds in vain, Ghidorah also blasted it away with a gravitational beam and applied several times the gravity to restrain it.

At that moment, it noticed that when King Kong landed, not only was his body bound by the extraordinary gravity, but the trees and plants around him that were not in direct contact were also affected accordingly.

This shows that it is very possible that Ghidorah's gravitational light affects not just the "hit target", but also affects the gravity of the entire "light burst area".

Of course, gravity, gravitation, etc. are still too technical for Godzilla, and he doesn’t understand that much. But it is very smart, with extremely high intelligence and fighting talent. It can at least deduce that as long as it leaves the area under its feet, the opponent's weird ability will not affect it.

That's why it released its breath of light energy beneath itself.

At such a close distance, the light energy ejected from Godzilla's mouth almost exploded against his own chest. The wave of energy boosted behind it, and Godzilla itself also released all its strength to take off at this moment, and the impact of the instant burst sent it forward!

Sure enough, Ghidorah's gravitational waves only affected the area covered by the explosion of light. After leaving this area through the explosion, it suddenly became lighter and its speed suddenly accelerated.

Ghidorah was startled and quickly raised his head to lock it again. The head on the left side of it quickly opened its mouth and spit out lightning-like rays first, while the other two heads were still accumulating power. Godzilla ignored the ray flying towards him, opened his mouth in mid-air, glowed, and blasted out with breath!

Under Richard's instruction, the staff on the island specially arranged some training programs for Godzilla, including "aim shooting".

Atomic breath is Godzilla's racial talent. It has no problem aiming at ordinary targets, but Richard hopes that it can go a step further and hit the target as accurately as possible from the farthest possible distance.

At first, little Godzilla was very resistant to this and did not cooperate with the training program, but after his father personally supervised it twice, he still accepted it. After long-term training, it has acquired more precise accuracy than its peers, and the breath it sprays can hit tiny targets more accurately.

For example, the open mouth on the middle head of Ghidorah.

At this time, a surging gravitational energy was brewing in Ghidorah's mouth, but it had not had time to turn into ray form. Godzilla's luminous energy breath blasted in accurately along its open mouth, and the torrent of energy surged into its mouth and poured into its throat domineeringly, colliding head-on with the golden energy, and in Ghidorah's throat There was a violent explosion!

In layman's terms, it's equivalent to it exploding.

Of course, Godzilla himself was knocked back by the gravitational ray, and fell back to the ground with a bang.

But Ghidorah is much worse than that. This glowing breath blew in and blew out its throat, and the middle head was burned and smoking from the mouth to the throat.

The three heads of Ghidorah raised their heads to the sky and screamed together. After roaring for a while, they flapped their wings and soared into the sky, flying straight into the clouds and disappearing.

Godzilla raised his head and roared in the direction where Ghidorah disappeared, like a demonstration of victory. But its strength itself was running low, and soon it lost all strength, fell to the ground, closed its eyelids, and fell asleep.

Aegis, Antarctica base.

"So since then, you have been staying in this base to study the data of 'Ghidora'?" Stark asked.

"Since the dragon broke out of the ice and flew away from this place, yes." Nick Fury said, "This base stores all AIM's research data on that dragon. Ghidorah was frozen During this time, AIM scientists conducted various experiments and obtained all the data they could. These should be somewhat helpful in defeating it."

"Then I believe you should already have a plan." Stark crossed his arms, "I'm all ears."

"First of all, we are locating the location of that thing." Fury said, "Its location is difficult to track, and it has only appeared briefly in a few places since it left. We speculate that it may usually move outside the atmosphere. , and my people said that there is an abnormality in the gravity field surrounding it, which also interferes with the radar's cognitive ability to a certain extent."

"Gravity field?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark."

The person who answered the call this time was Agent Gemma Simmons from Team Coulson. This beautiful agent had one of the best grades when she graduated from SHIELD Academy. After serving several times with the team, she was promoted rapidly. At this time, she was already considered a senior agent.

Agent Simmons was originally an expert in the biological field. In this mission against the three-headed dragon in the universe, the superiors naturally transferred her to help.

"Agent Simmons, long time no see. I've always admired your academic talent." Stark turned around, "So what's your opinion on this matter?"

"I participated in the study of those experimental data, and then we found that Ghidorah has a structure in its body that can convert energy into gravitational waves." She explained, "It can interfere with the gravitational field within a certain range, and can double the gravity of an object. The upper limit is unknown.”

Stark frowned and said nothing.

Falcon didn't quite understand: "So what will happen if it is disturbed by that gravity?"

Agent Simmons turned around. "You will be pushed into the ground so hard that you won't be able to move a finger - if you are strong enough. Otherwise you may be crushed on the spot."

"Okay," Falcon raised an eyebrow, "that sounds like it's best not to get hit."

"Our team is tracking its whereabouts through the gravitational field anomaly, which shouldn't take long," Agent Simmons continued, "but the question is what to do once we find it."

"Let my team take over," Stark said. "The Avengers can handle this."

Fury shook his head: "No, that is not the safest plan. This time the Avengers need to be on standby first, and the army will be responsible for fighting first. You will come back when the situation gets out of control."

He paused as he spoke and glanced at Stark: "I noticed that your main firepower has not appeared for a while. If you can contact him, it might be best to hurry up now."

Stark knew he was referring to Thor.

He took a deep breath: "He may not be able to join us. But that doesn't matter, the Avengers can still handle this."

"You'd better do it," Fury said meaningfully, "otherwise, we won't have anyone else to count on."

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