"Height, 24,000 meters, coordinates 147, found the target, and are tracking and obtaining real-time information." The correspondent in front of the console at the combat headquarters reported loudly, "The other party is approaching. At this speed, it will arrive in a few minutes. Downtown!”

The poor and respectable veteran Tarbert was once again sent to command the operation on the grounds that he had "experience against unknown enemies." However, Tarbert was no longer a brigadier general at this time. After experiencing many foreign wars, he was now a major general.

The agents and Avengers sent by SHIELD to support are also on standby in this temporary headquarters. When the military fails and the situation is completely out of control, they will be the next line of defense.

"General, the target has been locked!"


The order was given, the fire button was pressed on the console, and the missile soared into the sky, dragging a long tail flame into the sky. It passed through countless clouds and rushed out of the atmosphere. Under the precise guidance of the system, it locked onto a giant shadow that covered the sky and the sun, and rushed straight away with a swirling tail flame!

At this time, the three-headed giant dragon Ghidorah was flying at an extremely high speed behind the clouds. When the missile shot through the clouds and flew towards it, it made no evasive action at all.

Maybe it's disdain, maybe it's because you have a high degree of confidence in yourself, or maybe you just don't notice it at all. The missile broke through the air and hit Ghidorah's abdomen, and a ball of golden energy exploded in the warhead.

Ghidorah let out a high-pitched and long roar, lightning radiated from his body, and his huge body fell from the sky crookedly.

"Target hit!" the correspondent shouted. "Repeat, target hit! Target's altitude is decreasing!"

That was no ordinary missile, it was an "anti-Ghidora warhead" developed by Stark and Dr. Banner, together with a group of SHIELD scientists, after conducting in-depth research on Ghidorah's physiological structure.

They cracked the principle of Ghidorah's gravity control ability and used it to develop a warhead carrying a special chemical composition. As long as it can hit, the power of the explosion will penetrate the substance under Ghidorah's skin and mix into its circulatory system, causing chaos in the energy operation in its body, causing its abilities to lose control and causing chaos in its own gravitational field. .

This trick really worked. The gravitational field around Ghidorah began to change continuously, and even it itself could not adapt to this change. The golden three-headed dragon screamed and fell from the sky, crashing to the ground with a shocking roar.

"Successful!" The correspondent's voice was slightly excited, "The target fell!"

Major General Tarbert glanced sideways at Stark and Banner behind him, seemingly approving of their development. Stark showed a matter-of-fact expression, as if "Stark's products must be high-quality" written all over his face.

The first step is successful and the operation enters the second phase.

But at this stage, there is not so much room for trickery.

No matter what tricks or traps are used, in the end defeating the enemy will always require stronger strength and stronger firepower. First of all, you have to be able to break through the opponent's defense, so that strategies and tactics can work.

Not long after Ghidorah fell, the army surrounded its landing point.

After experiencing so many monster confrontations and alien invasions, the army's weapons and equipment have also been slightly improved accordingly. The team brought by Major General Tarbot has been equipped with energy weapons and laser tanks, and initially has the capital to compete with mid- to low-end alien armies.

But unfortunately, what they faced this time was Ghidorah, an overlord from the universe.

A thing that ancient people fearfully called God.

Missiles and energy weapons are meaningless in front of Ghidorah. Heavy artillery surrounded its body, various beams of light and flames exploded on it one after another, and billowing black smoke covered half of the 100-meter-long dragon's body.

But it was completely ineffective. These attacks couldn't even scratch Ghidorah's skin.

Ghidorah roared angrily, spread his wings, and golden lightning exploded from his body! The lightning swept across the entire army, hitting tanks and fighter jets flying through the air. The gravity in space changed rapidly. The fighter jets crashed sadly under the increased gravity, and the tanks were thrown high into the sky, and then were violently thrown down after the gravity was lifted.

Just moments after contact, the army suffered heavy losses. Fireballs exploded on the ground one after another, fighter planes crashed, tanks were crushed, and metal parts and human limbs were blown everywhere.

Major General Tarbert's face turned green.

It's not that he hasn't thought about the possibility that his army can't defeat it. After all, he has fought so many battles. He is now more and more in awe of these supernatural things and has lost more and more confidence in modern thermal power.

But what he didn't expect was that the army would be so defeated that it would be unable to fight back!

Although it was difficult to face the Frost Giants and Chitauri in the past, at least their weapons were not ineffective. Even when facing alien beasts, as long as the firepower is strong enough, it can still hurt the enemy. (It’s just that the other party recovered quickly)

But this three-headed dragon is different now.

This guy really completely ignored their firepower, and his skin was not even scratched under such fierce firepower.

It's not even worthwhile for them to stay here and fight for their lives, because it's pointless. Maybe to Ghidorah, it was just an ant that he walked over and trampled to death, and it wasn't worth paying attention to at all.

Stark couldn't stand it anymore: "Let's go."

The Avengers did not speak, but they all prepared to turn around and leave the command room in tacit agreement.

If the military fails too, they are the last line of defense.

That time is now.

"Wait a minute." Major General Talbot called them. He looked at Stark and asked, "Do you have any countermeasures? Defeat that monster?"

The Avengers looked at each other.

"Do you want to listen to the truth or the good news?" Stark asked.

"I'm not kidding." Major General Talbot said expressionlessly.

"Okay." Stark sighed, "Then you should know the answer, General. Yes, we have no countermeasures, and to be honest, we have no chance of winning."

"Then your actions are meaningless," Major General Talbot said. "You are risking your own death."

"We all know that," Captain America said, "but we're just doing our jobs. Your team just did its job, and now it's our turn."

After speaking, he made a gesture, and the Avengers turned back and continued walking outside.

Major General Tarbert looked complicated.

He didn't like these weirdos in weird clothes in the past. He felt that they were a provocation to the state power and the existence of superheroes was completely unnecessary.

But after experiencing all this, he now has a slightly changed mind.

He seemed to understand a little bit the meaning of the name "Avenger".

Before everyone left the command post, a correspondent's shout made them stop again.

"Sir! Something else is approaching!" he shouted.

"What?" Major General Tarbert suddenly became nervous, "What is it? That guy's companion?"

They are already helpless with just one Ghidorah, why should it be called a helper?

Are you going to give people a way to survive?

"I don't know, but that thing is also very large! And it is constantly radiating quite powerful energy!"

When Stark heard this, he paused involuntarily, as if he had guessed something.

He seemed to know what was coming.

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