The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 574 Death Battle (Additional update for the Hall Master’s ten thousand cucumber reward!)

It's Godzilla.

Coming over there is Godzilla.

It has not recovered from its injuries, and its physical condition is not the best. It was still panting when it arrived at the scene. Even so, it still came, standing without fear in front of the three-headed dragon that was much taller than it, raising its head and roaring at Ghidorah.

Why go to this point?

It doesn't know it, it just feels like it has to do it.

Maybe because it's a Godzilla, it can't tolerate an alien dragon dominating its own ecosystem. Maybe it's because the other party knocked it down on its territory, destroyed its home and hurt its friends, making it feel unforgivable.

Or maybe it's because it thinks its dad would want it to do this.

Godzilla is smart, he's been that way since he was a kid. It knew that there was a human city not far behind it, and it also knew that its father had stood up and fought to protect the human city more than once.

If my father knew that he had the ability to stand up but was hiding in his den and not paying attention, he would probably be very disappointed in himself, right?

So even if it's just to not be disappointed when dad comes back, it can't back down here.

Ghidorah's three heads roared in unison and charged forward. Godzilla trotted in its direction, gradually accelerating, and then slammed into it!

The collision between the two giant beasts caused the space to tremble, and the storm blew away the surrounding flames and metal debris.

They fought fiercely together, attacking with their sharp claws and biting each other with their mouths. The giant black shadow was surrounded by three golden necks, and its shoulders and arms were soon scratched and bleeding.

Ghidorah hit it hard again and again, clawing away its thick flesh, but no matter what he did, it stubbornly refused to take a step back.

Godzilla has already noticed through the last battle that "gravity control" affects the surroundings of the designated target. Ghidorah's gravitational ray will explode when it hits the target, and the area covered by the explosion is the area affected by the gravitational wave.

This shows that its gravity control is not so precise, and maybe it cannot designate an accurate target for control.

Hand-to-hand combat is the response Godzilla came up with. As long as it's close enough to the opponent, Ghidorah may not be able to control it with that weird gravitational field. If it's too close, it itself will be sucked in.

The problem now is that even at this distance, Godzilla is still no match for the three-headed dragon in close combat, and it can even be said to be far behind.

It can't win. This is an obvious fact, both in terms of strength and speed, it is far behind. These three-headed bastards are not ordinary strong, and they are not opponents that can be defeated by fighting hard.

The abdomen was scratched open, and blood overflowed from the wound. Godzilla felt as if his body was entangled, and Ghidorah's neck was like a long rope, binding it up and dragging it up into the air.

The injuries all over his body were in severe pain, and his body was so strangled that he could hardly breathe. Ghidorah flapped its wings and flew into the air, dragging its body up to an altitude of thousands of meters, and then let go of its hand, letting it fall from the sky of tens of thousands of meters.

The air became thin, and the strong wind hitting his face made it almost impossible for Godzilla to breathe. It continued to fall, and fell, until its body touched the earth, hitting the earth like a thunder, exploding dust into the sky.

This time, it really has no strength anymore.

Ghidorah descended slowly and landed next to it lightly, with three heads and six eyes looking at it coldly.

The wound in Ghidorah's middle throat has not yet recovered, making it particularly angry at Godzilla. The guy in front of him is the only creature on earth that dares to hurt it, and it is also the only thing that it feels threatened so far.

It has to kill this guy!

The two mouths on the left and right opened at the same time, the golden electric light began to brew, and the gravity beam was ready to go.

Several laser beams hit the back of its head on the left side precisely at this moment, exploding with violent sparks.

Ghidorah stopped accumulating power, turned his head and roared, as if he wanted to see who had the courage.

At the same time, a giant green shadow fell from the sky. The Hulk suddenly jumped onto the other side of Ghidorah's head, raised his fist and began to punch its head wildly. The Avengers descended from the sky, with Iron Man and War Machine following on both sides, constantly bombarding it with recoil light cannons mixed with light fragments.

Godzilla gasped and raised his eyelids, looking at the Avengers who came to support him.

"Take it easy, little guy." Hawkeye said through the loudspeaker on the Avengers, "We can't let you go up there to be a hero, right? If you die in front of us, we will have no shame in meeting your master again. .”

After saying that, the Avenger had changed its direction again, and the pulse laser cannon fired continuously. Iron Man and War Machine also formed a crossfire, targeting parts of the three-headed dragon that looked weak or possibly critical, providing cover fire for the Hulk who was smashing it in the head.

Godzilla gasped heavily from his nose as he looked at the unremitting efforts of these tiny humans.

After a while, it rose again.

Although it was still swaying and bruised, it still forced itself to stand up.

The left side of Ghidorah's head took a moment to glance at it, as if he was angry.

They are obviously a group of extremely weak guys, but one by one they just refuse to give up the useless attempt.

Are all the creatures on this planet so stupid that they still can't see the absolute strength gap between them?

Ghidorah was angry, very angry.

"Be careful!" Stark reminded his teammates loudly, "The energy in this guy's body has skyrocketed in one breath!"

He reminded me promptly, but to no avail.

Ghidorah's gravitational rays erupted from his body. From its mouth, wings, and even its claws and arms, golden lightning suddenly radiated out.

Hulk took the brunt of the blow and was thrown away, falling downwards from Ghidorah. The Avenger avoided most of the impacts thanks to Falcon's superb driving skills, but the left wing was still scratched and suffered moderate damage. Iron Man used his recoil shield to deflect a bolt of lightning that hit him, but War Machine was knocked down.

Finally, the energy in Ghidorah's mouth condensed, brewing the strongest blow, and the target was clearly Godzilla not far away.

The final blow, gravitational ray!

Lightning blasted out, like a roaring spear piercing through!

But the light ultimately failed to hit the opponent.

Ripples appeared in the space, and white light suddenly appeared in front of the staggering Godzilla, as if an invisible barrier blocked the impact of the golden light.

Godzilla's pupils shrank, as if he suddenly sensed something.

The sky-high white light pillar fell from the sky, crashing to the ground like a waterfall falling from the sky!

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