The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 579 The old man’s invitation

During this dinner, Ganata showed off her appetite to everyone. Everyone looked at her with wide eyes in surprise as she ate enough food for at least three people by herself, and she seemed to be still unfinished and not full at all.

Everyone was shocked.

This girl looks quite small and exquisite. How can she have such a large capacity?

Could it be that her stomach is really a bottomless pit?

However, only Richard knew that Ganata was actually quite reserved today, probably because she was not very open-minded on the first day.

They had never seen what Ganata looked like when she was in Shia. It was normal for one person to eat as much as dozens of people.

After dinner it is time for group activities. In order to get closer to each other and help Ganata integrate as quickly as possible, Gwen suggested that maybe they could watch a movie together.

Richard considered almost everything when renovating the manor. This house has a home theater, screening room, game room and KTV private room, which can basically be said to have everything.

As for what movie to watch, it’s hard to say, but of course it has to be the most classic Ultraman trilogy supervised by Mr. Li himself.

Although everyone present has watched these three movies over and over countless times, they never get tired of watching them and don't mind watching them again with their new friends.

In fact, by this time, Richard's first three-part series has now been hailed as a masterpiece by the industry. Especially after the battle between the fused Mephistopheles and Nexus, the light given by people was sublimated. Within a week, the ratings of the three movies soared to more than nine points.

This is a rare situation in movies. Most movies will reach their peak ratings during the release period, and generally the ratings will gradually decline as time goes by. Although it cannot be said that this kind of thing is completely unheard of, it is certainly rare for a movie that has been off the shelves for several years to still have a sharp increase in ratings.

Richard heard that during his absence, the final film in the series, "To the Man Who Glorifies," seemed to have won several world-renowned awards, but he paid no attention to those.

Recalling that in the spaceship, Richard just opened his mouth and told some plot points, which moved Ganata to tears. It can be imagined that watching the movie directly would undoubtedly have a greater impact on her.

Sure enough, after watching the three movies, Ganata's emotions were really ups and downs.

When she saw people handing light to Ultraman in "Devil's Trial", she was so moved that she could not be more moved, with fascination written all over her little face. If Richard hadn't stopped him, he probably would have had Ganata shine at the screen to "replenish energy" for Ultraman on the screen.

In the last film, when she saw Ultraman being defeated for the first time and turned into a stone statue at the hands of Gatanjie, the ruler of darkness, she couldn't help but be so frightened that she covered her mouth.

"Oh my god, isn't this monster too powerful?" she said worriedly, "Can such an enemy really win?"

Richard thought to himself, of course it can, what’s not possible?

If it were you who was present at the scene instead of Senior Tiga, I guess you could have eaten Gatanjie alive with just one face-to-face meeting.

After watching the three movies, Ganata burst into tears. It seems that her dream of "wanting to be a patron saint" is more determined than before.

While the movie was playing here, Richard suddenly had a thought in his mind and seemed to feel a slight fluctuation in space.

After Ganata taught him the use of the space gem, Richard's understanding of the laws of space has also reached a higher level. No space teleportation device or ability use nearby now escapes his keen senses.

It was close, right outside his house.

Something is breaking through the space barrier from the other end and approaching quickly.

Richard stood up.

Wanda noticed his movements: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I suddenly remembered something, let's go out for a while." Richard smiled and opened the door of the screening room, "You continue."

He left the screening room alone, walked through the corridor, left the house through the back door and walked into the backyard of the manor, waiting quietly with his hands in his trouser pockets.

White beams of light fell from the sky, falling like a waterfall on the carefully maintained lawn of the manor. I saw Thor, the god of thunder, with his red cloak waving behind him, wearing black armor and holding Mjolnir in his hand, making his appearance as domineering and grand as ever.

However, this is not Richard's focus.

His focus was on the pitiful patch of grass scorched by the Bifrost beneath Thor's feet.

"Ha! Heimdall said you are back!" Thor stepped forward very enthusiastically, "Long time no see, my friend!"

Richard looked at the soles of his feet expressionlessly: "You know, I spent a lot of money on this lawn. It's not cheap."

Only then did Brother Zhui realize that there was a large, dark mass on the sole of his foot. He stopped awkwardly: "Uh, well, I'll ask Tony to help compensate."

Brother Hammer is quite upright, and he doesn’t have any US dollars. As far as he knows, among the friends he knows, Stark is the only one who lacks this thing the most, so it’s natural that he would think of Stark at this time.

Richard waved his hand magnanimously: "Let's talk about it. What, why is the prince of Asgard here so late? Could it be that he is also here to watch a movie?"

"No, no." Thor waved his hand, "Because you have been absent before, my father told Heimdall to ask me to come to you when he sees you return to Midgard. He seems to have something to talk to you about. .”

"Oh? Odin is looking for me?" Richard raised his eyebrows.

What could the old man do to him?

Although his strength has surpassed Odin in all aspects now, after all, he had received a lot of care from the old man and received a lot of benefits from him, so the friendship is still there. Even if the old man had nothing to do and just wanted to chat with him, he should go and sit down.

"Okay, let's go then."

Richard turned around and said hello to several people in the room, saying that he would go out for a while, and then followed Thor on the road to Asgard again.

Thor seemed to be in a high mood when meeting him again, chattering endlessly about what happened in the Nine Realms these days. From his words, Richard learned that the Nine Realms have not been peaceful recently. The giants seem to have been causing trouble again. Thor has been busy leading the team to fight with the giants all day long, and has not had time to return to Earth for a long time. .

Thor also mentioned that Mr. Odin's temper has been a bit weird and moody recently. I heard that sometimes I could hear the old man getting angry alone in his room, and in severe cases he would even throw things. But no one ever dared to go up and ask him what he was angry about.

Richard frowned as he listened.

Why do the old man's symptoms sound a bit like those of a menopausal woman?

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