The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 580 The Warrior’s Wish

Speaking of which, Richard also had privileges in Asgard, and he almost forgot about them after not coming back for so long.

At the beginning, Odin gave him a part of the cosmic energy stored in the World Tree, and also gave him the authority to draw energy from the dimension only owned by the Asgardian royal family. In this way, his energy consumption problem in Asgard can be effectively alleviated, and if he helps Asgard fight against powerful enemies, he can also be active for a longer period of time.

But now this discount is no longer available. Now that Richard has been promoted to the cosmic god level, he can absorb and transform various forms of energy radiation in the entire universe to replenish his physical strength. As long as he does not continuously use huge moves that consume huge amounts of energy, there will basically be no energy consumption problems.

In addition, as the Earth God now, he also has the authority to mobilize planetary energy on the Earth. Not only can he absorb the energy of the earth to replenish himself, he can even distribute this energy to transform the terrain, allowing green forests to grow in deserts where no grass has grown for thousands of years. The effect is somewhat similar to the distribution of spiritual energy in the spiritual energy recovery routine.

In comparison, the authority given by Asgard seems dispensable.

Not seen for many days, the Asgard Palace is still magnificent, and the whole city is shrouded in the sacred and brilliant golden light. Richard followed Thor and flew over the city, passing over the heads of passers-by and straight into the palace, landing in the open space outside the palace.

Although you can fly in directly, this would seem to be a lack of respect for the God King. Guests and hosts followed suit, and Richard landed behind Thor and walked slowly inside.

According to Thor, Odin seemed to be waiting for him in the martial arts arena. Richard felt strange at that time. Could it be that Mr. Odin was personally supervising the training of the soldiers? Or is receiving guests in the martial arts arena another strange Asgardian tradition?

The entrance and sides of the martial arts arena were filled with majestic Asgardian soldiers. When Richard came over, the four friends who had gone to Earth to find Thor were already waiting inside. Mr. Odin stood in the center, covered in brilliant golden armor, with a domineering dark blue cloak behind him, a steel helmet on his head, and his back to the entrance. He looked like a god-king.

"Father." Thor stepped forward and said, "He is here."

Odin didn't reply. After a long moment of silence, the old man suddenly turned around, raised his right hand, and the eternal spear appeared in the palm of his hand with a flash of golden light, and it flew out unexpectedly!

No one in the audience expected this. Before Thor even had time to shout, the golden light flew past him and went straight to Richard behind him!

But Richard still had his hands in his pockets, his face expressionless and motionless, as if he didn't take the gun seriously at all.

The spear of eternity flew past the side of his cheek with swirling golden air waves, and hammered into the stone pillar behind him. The golden hurricane rolled up the dark corners of his windbreaker, undulating behind him like a cloak.

Odin wasn't targeting him from the start, so there was no need to dodge.

"Father!" Thor was even more nervous than Richard, "What do you mean?"

"Back off, Thor."

Odin said calmly, raised his hand, and the spear flew back into his hand.

"Young god, I have seen your growth, and I also feel how powerful you are now." Odin looked directly at Richard and said lightly, "Watching every battle and every growth of yours makes me sad. I couldn’t help but think back to when I was young and the years of fighting in all directions.”

He paused and suddenly raised his spear.

"Fight me, young god!"

It was obvious that the old man had not told anyone about this decision, and the four Asgardian warriors and Thor present looked surprised. Thor really thought that his father just wanted to catch up with Richard, but he didn't expect that he would take action without saying a word when they met.

"Oh?" Richard still stood there without moving, "Can I ask the reason?"

"I haven't had any contact with the gods of the universe for many years." Odin said lightly, "If I continue to maintain this state, my old bones may get rusty. Besides..."

He paused and his voice dropped.

".I don't have much time."

Richard: "."

I don’t know if others noticed it, but Richard knew it.

As a planet god, Odin has lived long enough, and he is almost at the end of his life.

The old man who has been fighting all his life has been smoothed out by time in his later years, and he will no longer be as brave as he was in the past. He began to worry, began to shrink, and no longer dared to challenge authority and the system, because this is mature wisdom.

But does Odin really accept it so calmly?

Has the conqueror who was fearless and fought everywhere really disappeared?

Of course it's impossible.

The beast was not destroyed, but merely imprisoned, carefully imprisoned by Odin in his heart. Therefore, deep down in his heart, he still longs to fight, to challenge the strong and prove his strength, even if he loses his life.

Asgard is a fighting nation, and this honor is deeply imprinted in its genes. As the god-king who rules the nine realms, Odin has a stronger desire than anyone else. But sitting in the position of God King, he has not really fought with anyone for nearly a thousand years, and he has not even had the opportunity to spar.

Now that he is in his old age and clearly feels that there is not much vitality left in his body, Odin finally decides to fight such a battle, at least without leaving any regrets in his later years.

Richard caught on quickly.

This is not just a challenge to Richard, the god of the universe, as a planet god, but also a request, the last wish of a dying old warrior.

Thinking about it this way, it seems true that Mr. Odin really can't choose a suitable opponent besides himself. There are no big men of the same generation as the old man left on the earth. Even the former great master Gu is strictly speaking a descendant of the old man. (Although she has already given up and ran away)

He couldn't just grab his son Thor and beat him up, could he?

Richard sighed softly, gestured to Thor beside him to be okay, and at the same time took a step forward, and the Evolutionary Truster appeared in his hand with a burst of white light.

"I understand, Your Majesty Odin."

He said calmly, and the Evolution Truster was already unsheathed.

Dazzling white light bloomed from it, instantly engulfing his body. In the blink of an eye, Richard's body had turned into countless particles, and was reorganized into Ultraman's silver body in the bright light, standing there.

"Come here." He looked directly at Odin and said calmly, "I will do my best."

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