The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 588 He wants to see you

New York, Avengers Tower.

In the training room, the chug of machine guns and the sound of laser firing continued, as well as the muffled sounds of metal collisions and blunt objects.

Captain America was holding his shield and was nimbly weaving through the rain of bullets. The vibranium shield blocked the dense attack.

Two heat-sensing self-aiming Gatling guns and three Iron Man-style unmanned robot warriors. Captain America has been fighting them for half an afternoon.

Tony Stark installed a screening room, swimming pool, and gymnasium in Avengers Tower, but Captain's favorite is the training room. For an old guy, practicing with robots and turrets is much more interesting than hitting sandbags, and it's easier to kill his unnecessary time, especially when he's depressed.

For example, now.

James Barnes, Captain America's former best friend, the two were inseparable before he became Captain America. Sergeant Barnes joined the "Howling Commandos" established by the US Army during the war years, but he also fell off a speeding train on a cliff during a mission of that team and was never heard from again.

Everyone, including the captain, thought he was dead. No one could survive a fall from that height and that speed. Decades later, it was written in the museum that Sergeant Barnes was a martyr who gave his life for the war.

But just one day ago, Black Widow told him that his best friend might still be alive.

The widowed sister told him that this was new information discovered by SHIELD, about the super killer called "Winter Soldier", a person who has been active around the world for decades. There have been reports of recent sightings of him, and based on intel from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s informants, it's possible that the Winter Soldier is none other than Sergeant Barnes himself.

The widowed sister rarely mentioned her past to her teammates, but this time she told the captain that this was actually not the first time she had dealt with the Winter Soldier. She vaguely mentioned that she had been trained in a top-secret program before joining S.H.I.E.L.D., and that the Winter Soldier had been sent to serve as their instructors.

Although it is unbelievable, Captain America is willing to believe it. No, it should be said that he just knows this is a fact.

Bucky is still alive, but has become something he doesn't want to be.

He really wanted to go out and find the whereabouts of his best friend right now, and his intuition told him that the other party needed his help right now. But the earth is so big, how do you find a super killer who can disappear anytime and anywhere?

Distraught, Captain America unconsciously struck a little harder and smashed the head of one of the unmanned robot warriors with a shield. The robot's skull cracked, and a large string of electric sparks popped out from between the exposed wires, and then it fell down.

Well, I hope Tony won't mind the loss.


There was a muffled sound, and the whole room suddenly dimmed. All the lights went out at the same time, and the robots and machine guns went off one after another, as if someone had cut off the power.

Captain America raised his eyebrows: "Jarvis? What's going on?"

It stands to reason that as long as he is inside the Avengers Tower, Jarvis can respond immediately no matter where he is, but now there is no movement.

"That's why I said computers are unreliable."

Captain America muttered, put his shield on his back and turned around to walk towards the door, but after taking only two steps, he stumbled and almost fell.

Something is wrong.

Captain America realized that his sense of balance seemed to have become extremely bad unknowingly, and at the same time, his legs and feet seemed to be a little weak. All the muscles in his body were sore and numb, as if his strength had been drained.

He began to pant, and double images began to appear in the scene before his eyes. He shook twice and suddenly felt something instinctively. Without thinking, he shrank his head and squatted down, narrowly avoiding a fist hitting the back of his head.

Captain America rolled to distance himself, turned to look at the attacker behind him, and was suddenly stunned.

The one he saw seemed to be himself?

It was like looking at the image in the mirror, the exact same blue uniform, the stars and stripes like the national flag, and the face was clearly his own.

"As expected of Captain America." The other party said, "This vigilance is worthy of praise. But how long can you sustain it in this state?"

Captain America gritted his teeth.

My vision is blurred and my strength is getting weaker and weaker. Is it a toxin? Is it toxins mixed into the building's ventilation system?

So the Avengers were attacked?

We must find a way to notify Stark quickly.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Captain America."

As he spoke, the man flashed forward and rushed in front of him.

The captain saw clearly the direction of the opponent's punch, and raised his hand to block it, but his arm was so weak that his body refused to obey him at all. The punch hit him right in the face, causing him to vomit blood, and the right half of his face seemed to be swollen.

The opponent's punches kept coming, one punch after another. Captain America received several heavy punches on his face, chest, and abdomen, and one or two of his ribs seemed to be broken.

The other party is very strong, probably not at the level of ordinary people, but it is not impossible to cope with it. In fact, he should have been able to defend and counterattack each punch, but the influence of the toxin made him unable to perform at all. Even if his brain ordered to receive the punch and counterattack, his body could not keep up.

Nothing can be done. After two more punches, Captain America finally fell down and fainted completely.

Another Captain America leaned over to check on his condition, and after confirming his coma, he silently took away his vibranium shield and put it on his back. Then he stood up, and his white skin quickly turned green, wrinkled as if he had been soaked in water. His chin elongated and his ears became as sharp as an elf's.

The Skrulls, from the Skrull Empire, one of the three great empires in the universe, are famous among the stars for their ability to transform into any creature in any posture.

He stood up and pressed the headset in his helmet: "Report, I have infiltrated. Captain Steve Rogers is now unconscious, and everything is going according to plan."

"Very good, prepare to recycle Captain America." The person on the other side of the headset replied, "If it succeeds, you will be a major contributor to this plan. The empire will not forget your contribution."

The communication ended and the Skrulls were about to take the next step when they suddenly heard a beeping sound.

It's an Avengers communication card, from Captain America.

The Skrull thought for a moment, changed back to Captain America, picked up the communication card and connected the communication: "It's me. What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's not a big deal." Stark's appearance came from the other end of the communication, "It's just that Mr. Li is here again. He said he has something to discuss with you and is waiting for you in the living room."

Mr. Li? Which Mr. Li?

Could it be.

The Skrull's pupils shrank, and his breathing became disordered unconsciously.

Is that guy looking for me? ? ?

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