The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 589 Fake Captain America

The battle-hardened Skrull warriors suddenly panicked.

How could you not panic? What a god waiting for him in this building! A real god!

As one of the three great empires in the universe, the Skrulls are certainly well-informed. They had all heard about the previous battle with the Cosmic Truth Cult on Xandar, and they all knew that the god named "Ultraman" from the Earth had a battle with the dark god of the Cosmic Truth Cult.

Although the video data of the actual situation at that time were blocked in the hands of the Shi'ar and Xandar people, the general situation of the war was still spread like wildfire.

Now it has been widely spread in the universe that Ultraman and the dark God of Destruction broke out in a terrifying battle that destroyed the world. The giant from the earth never retreated even a step to protect Xandar, and finally won the victory with his amazing perseverance and unyielding will.

Since Ganata herself didn't like to appear in public, Richard asked Shia and the Nova Corps to hide the fact that Ganata participated in this war. Under the intelligence control of the two major forces, Ganata's story was not leaked, but the story about Ultraman was blown up to great proportions among the people.

Some people say that in the final battle between Ultraman and Dark Destruction, every single blow was enough to destroy the world, and every punch and kick could shake the planet. Their energy rays are at least at the level of Star Destroyer Cannons, and the heat produced when released at full strength cannot even be compared to stars.

Of course, many people question the authenticity of these details, but both warring parties are incredibly powerful, and there is no doubt that the final result of the battle was that the Dark God of Destruction was destroyed by light.

So now this poor Skrull who just pretended to be Captain America is about to face such a terrifying existence.

He decided to ask his superiors about the situation before going out.

The superior he was communicating with was silent for a while after receiving this information, and then asked him not to hang up and go ask his superior for instructions. After asking for instructions at all levels, the superiors finally made the decision——

——The organization trusts your espionage and resilience. It’s up to you to figure out how to deal with it.

Deal with a big-headed ghost!

God's vision is unimaginable with their knowledge and technology. Although they are very confident in their ability to mimic, what if someone sees through it through some method they don't know?

Calm down, calm down.

This fake Captain America is also an extremely experienced warrior in the empire, otherwise the superiors would not have arranged for him to carry out such an important mission.

Judging from the current situation, the other party should be talking to the Avengers as a friend, so there should be no reason to scan him for no reason.

Even if the other party did accidentally glance at him with super vision, his disguise should be enough to deal with it. As long as you don't deliberately stare at him and study deeply, you won't be exposed.

After thinking about this, the fake Captain America took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

He threw the unconscious real Captain America where he was. According to the plan, the empire's ninjas will sneak in and take the original version back, without him having to think about it himself.

The Avengers Tower is very technologically advanced from the perspective of the earth, and the defense system is almost watertight, but in the eyes of the Skrulls, it is too childish. Any Skrull warrior can come and go at will without disturbing any system in the building.

When the fake Captain America arrives in the living room, Stark is breaking the pot and questioning Richard about interstellar travel.

Hearing that Richard had traveled around the universe, Stark showed a deep interest in alien civilization and interstellar technology. He asked a lot of questions about interstellar engines and outer space spacecraft protection. Richard answered casually based on his memory. Stark seemed to have continuous epiphanies and figured out the key issues that have troubled countless generations of engineers in modern times.

Seeing that he was so interested, Richard thought for a while and said that next time he could simply bring him a genuine alien spacecraft for him to study. Stark rubbed his hands together excitedly and repeatedly stressed that he would never go back on his word.

Richard agreed nonchalantly.

At the beginning, starships were still a rare item, but now after going out for a while, he didn't find it strange at all. Now he has a Shia super battleship and a dozen carrier-based spaceships, a ship given to him by Ganata, a spaceship handmade by Ganata herself, and a spaceship driven by space pirates. Predator

All of these ships are now temporarily stored in the secret stronghold of his Hydra, including Brother Yondu and his gang of looters who have also been temporarily integrated into Hydra.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he had the leisure now, relying on just a dozen spaceships would be enough to realize Hydra's grand dream from ancient times and conquer the world. The modern army has no power to fight back in front of the planetary battleship "Ares". .

With so many spaceships, just giving Stark an ordinary spaceship would be enough for him to study for a while.

Bringing one to others may not necessarily speed up the development of human civilization, but telling Stark might be really useful. After all, this product's technology is so imaginative that it cannot be judged with ordinary people's eyes. Richard wouldn't be surprised if he designed a new set of Iron Man armor for interstellar use next week.

"Captain America" ​​took a deep breath behind the door, tried his best to adjust his condition, then walked into the living room, sat on the sofa far away from Richard at the table, and asked with a smile: "I heard that Mr. Li wants to see me?"

"Captain." Richard nodded, "Long time no see. Nothing special, just saying hello and asking if you are free recently."


"It's about our cooperation." Richard intertwined his fingers. "It turns out that our cooperation was very successful. Our movies have won many awards and received good reviews at the box office. Many people are willing to believe that 'Ultraman' is It should be something like Captain America.”

"Captain America" ​​smiled and said nothing.

"So this time I came with a new invitation, about the sequel of the movie." Richard said, "I recently plan to start a new project called "The Final Crusade", which is a story after the trilogy. "Fans want to see familiar faces, so I'm trying to bring back the original cast as much as possible."

"Captain America" ​​was silent, thinking for a moment and then shook his head.

"I'd better forget it," he said, "I've been busy recently and it's not very convenient."


"Oh, the captain is looking for someone recently and has been feeling restless all day." Stark explained beside him.

"James is my friend, best friend," he said. "We've known each other since we were kids."

So Cap is now looking for the Winter Soldier?

Richard narrowed his eyes slightly.

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