The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 592 Skrull Battleship

"What!?" A boatload of Skrulls almost dropped their jaws in shock, "What did you just say?"

"It's that Ultraman. That Ultraman is moving towards our ship at super high speed! He's now engaged in a firefight with the convoy!"

As the Skrull spoke, he turned on the big screen, showing a dark space in the universe. Everyone took a closer look, and sure enough they saw the afterimage of the silver giant shuttling back and forth between the intertwined laser networks. The golden light flashed and the Skrull spaceships were constantly hit and crashed.

The person in charge on the bridge glared viciously at the spy colleague next to him, with a face that read "Did you attract the devil?"

"Didn't you just swear that you would never be followed?" he asked in a deep voice.

"It really shouldn't be." "Captain America" ​​was sweating profusely. "He really shouldn't have noticed anything at the time. My disguise was perfect."

This is no joke. Luring the enemy to his headquarters, if it directly led to the failure of this battle, it would be a serious crime that would directly lead to the confiscation of his home. He had never made such a mistake in countless missions in his life. If Queen Skrull found out, she would have to drag him back and behead him in public. Maybe he would be nailed to the wall of shame after his head fell off.

Of course, this is if he has a chance to come back alive.

There is no time to dwell on the reasons for the time being, the top priority now is to deal with the enemy in front of him.

"Attention all ships, enter level one combat status! This is not a drill!"

The general had a sullen face and coldly dispatched troops to counterattack. At the same time, he also ordered the correspondent next to him: "Contact the Queen and tell her about our situation here. She must know that the operation has been exposed!"

The general also has a big head now.

According to the plan, they were just the advance troops, here to lay a solid foundation for their development. It was still early for a full-scale war to officially begin.

If the plan goes well, the Ultraman in front of me should be the final boss, the guardian boss of this copy called Earth. If the original difficulty rating of the Earth copy was E, then with the addition of this defensive BOSS, the difficulty rating instantly soared to SSS. Note that the evaluation is "almost impossible to conquer."

The Skrulls wouldn't want to hit Earth if possible. Although it is an insignificant peripheral planet, after all, the earth is still within the territory of Xi'ar. Although they estimate that if the earth is taken down at lightning speed, Shi'a will not completely break up with them, but it will definitely escalate the conflict between the two sides.

Furthermore, there is still a cosmic guardian deity on the earth. In principle, any big empire will try to avoid provoking these cosmic gods unless there is no other choice.

The Skrulls are now a bit close to having no choice.

After all, I should still take the blame for this pot. If Uncle Tun hadn't eaten the Skrulls' main star, they wouldn't have been in such a miserable state.

Prophecies within the empire indicate that the Skrulls' popularity has been exhausted. If they continue to be in such chaos, they will have no way out and will be doomed within a century.

But the prophecy did not seal all the ways out. This prophecy also mentioned that there is still one last hope, and that is the earth.

If anyone can take over the Earth and transform this third planet in the solar system into the new home star of the Skrulls, then their empire will rise again from this brand new planet and once again usher in the glory of the next century.

Before this prophecy had never been wrong. Many centuries ago, the Skrulls received a prophecy of destruction when they were at their most prosperous and invincible. At first, many people did not take it seriously, but then Galactus came and nothing happened.

From then on, no one dared to question the authenticity of the prophecy, even if it led them to fight against another god.

People within the empire are actually quite optimistic about the chances of winning this invasion. After all, in their eyes, except for the level 999 guardian BOSS in the Earth dungeon, the rest were all trash fish that were no more than level 9, and they didn't take them seriously at all.

Although Ultraman is terrifyingly powerful, he is only a single person after all. I wonder if the famous Galactus was finally blown away by their planetary battleship?

Just like Earth's leaders have inexplicable confidence in nuclear weapons, aliens also have considerable confidence in their own interstellar battleships. Everyone did not flinch in the face of God's approach. The giant battleship lost its stealth and heavy artillery blasted away.

Richard studied the battleship from afar. This seems to be a large battleship. It is not small but not planet-level. It is not too difficult to deal with.

Within half a minute, Nexus had wiped out all the surrounding escort fleets, and not even a single scrap of the large number of Skrull spaceships was left.

The next thing to be warmly welcomed was the ship-borne light cannon. Nexus flexibly shuttled between the beams, flying up and down while quickly closing the distance, his eyes carefully scanning the composition and weak points of the ship's protective cover.

With his previous experience against large battleships, Richard is now quite comfortable handling this kind of toy. Soon he found several energy convergence points generated by the protective shield, which were the weak points.

Two golden laser cannons blasted towards him. Nexus volleyed, his arms crossed in front of him to protect him. The weapons at his wrists emitted a fluorescent blue light. While he absorbed all the impact from the front, he also absorbed the energy and converted it into energy at an astonishing speed. His own light energy.

Nexus funneled the absorbed energy into his arms, crossed his palms at his waist to draw out the blue current, and then formed a cross——

——Cross Storm!

The cross storm containing the energy of the ship's light cannon roared out, accurately hitting the weak point on the outer layer of the protective shield, lifting the ship's shield in one fell swoop.

For a moment, the entire ship shook violently, and the commander on the bridge was almost shaken from his position.

"The shield failed!" A Skrull soldier shouted, his wrinkled face turned green with fright, "The opponent. The opponent broke the shield with one blow!"

"That's impossible!" "Captain America" ​​said.

But no one paid attention to him as a spy at this time. The general narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Have you not contacted Her Majesty the Queen yet?"

"No," another Skrull soldier replied, "Communication messages cannot be sent, the signal is severely interfered, and all channels are blocked! We. We are isolated!"

The general's eyes narrowed even more.

He was careless. He didn't expect Ultraman to have such means. The situation was more urgent than he imagined.

He gritted his teeth: "Then prepare anti-matter bombs for me!"

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