After destroying the "Turtle Shell" battleship of the Truth Cult (at least that's how Richard named it), he already had considerable knowledge on how to destroy the outer protective shield as quickly and efficiently as possible. With experience, the difficulty level of a large battleship that is not even ranked is almost zero for him.

After the protective shield is lifted, the rest will be much simpler. Nexus quickly flew between the gunfire at super high speed to close the distance, and at the same time adjusted to a suitable angle above. He blocked an incoming cannonball with his left palm, and at the same time he waved his right palm in the air, and the crescent-shaped light blade flew out of his hand, cutting off the most powerful main ship cannon in half.

Next in order are laser cannons, electromagnetic pulse cannons and particle collision cannons. The battleship's main weapons are being smashed one after another. The flames spread rapidly. The entire battleship is blasting forward and backward. It seems that it is only a matter of time before the hull is shattered.

Another cosmic ray blasted away a naval gun that was chasing him with wild firepower. Nexus' body circled out from the bottom of the ship and quickly approached along an "S" shaped curve.

Several interstellar missiles were released from the hidden launch port at the bottom of the cabin at this moment. The propulsion engine released strange blue flames, giving several missiles an astonishing rate of fire. They locked onto the enemy's position as if they had their own eyes, and drew an arc to pursue Nexus. Come!

Compared with missiles on Earth, the speed is naturally incredibly fast, but there is nothing difficult to deal with.

Nexus raised his altitude and turned several corners, with several missiles in hot pursuit. While dodging, he threw out the light blade with his backhand. The warheads were detonated by the light blade midway, exploding into huge fireballs one after another, but failed to hit the target directly.

The last missile was also detonated. Nexus slowed down slightly and was about to turn and adjust the angle, but suddenly another missile shot through the smoke screen and flew out. It was close at hand when it approached!

This is a common technique among the Skrulls. Several other missiles were decoys, cover designed to hide the real attack. The surface of the missile actually used for attack is covered with an electromagnetic energy layer. The energy layer will react to light waves of any frequency and dynamically transform according to the received wavelength.

There are several decoy warheads under cover. If you don't get close enough, you won't be able to detect them with scanning equipment or super vision.

This missile is equipped with an anti-matter warhead.

Antimatter energy was released, and a violent explosion occurred the moment it came into contact with positive matter. The powerful energy is like a violent current, and the center of the energy impact is like a black hole that swallows everything, with only a piece of nothingness in it.

Antimatter bombs are currently recognized as terrorist weapons by many civilizations, and their status is close to nuclear weapons on the earth. If the energy in the warhead is enough and the opponent is unprepared to hit directly, it is not impossible to kill a god.

Even Nexus, who has now reached this level, may not be able to withstand the power of the next anti-matter bomb without being injured.

Of course, the premise is that it hits.

The antimatter energy dissipated, the light effect of the explosion ended, and the space was empty.

A boatload of Skrulls were stunned.

Where are people?

After a while, someone on the bridge smiled dryly: "Ha, I have already said that it is impossible to be as awesome as the rumors say. No matter how powerful it is, it is still a living thing, and it was blown to ashes by an anti-matter bomb."

Some people began to echo, even cheer, celebrating the victory of this battle.

This is more than just a battle victory. If we really defeat this Ultraman, it will also mean victory in the entire invasion of the earth. The Earth without the protection of Ultraman is just a baby in its infancy to the Skrull Empire, and they can do whatever they want with it?

But some people are not as blindly optimistic, such as General Skrull, who commands the ship.

Is it really that easy to win?

That being who was called a god was completely wiped out by an antimatter bomb?

"Sir!" A Skrull soldier who was smiling before now changed his expression again. "He's not dead! He's on our battleship!"


Now everyone was shocked.

"The opponent has shrunk back to the same size as us," another soldier also shouted. "He is now in the 49th area. The teams in the area are working hard to fight back, but..."

"Seal the area immediately!" the general shouted hurriedly.

"Area 49 has been breached!" The Skrull soldier cried sadly, "The target has entered Area 48!"

"Then seal off District 48! At the same time, mobilize the special service team to intercept, and concentrate all the forces in nearby areas into District 47. No, District 46 will defend with all our strength!"

"But sir, as we speak, all areas 46 and 47 have been breached!"

The officer froze completely.

He looked at the screen stiffly, watching as the entire battleship's areas turned red one after another. The red dot representing the enemy was rushing in at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was unstoppable along the way.

The antimatter bombs failed to hit the opponent from the start.

They thought they had deceived the other side by using those missiles as cover, but in fact they had not. That Ultraman had seen through their thoughts from the beginning and had already prepared a response.

What they hit might just be a clone, or it might be that the clone wasn't just a projection, but that doesn't matter anymore.

It's over. Their defense line has been breached, the most terrifying enemy has boarded the battleship, and now there is nothing that can stop the opponent's progress.

Ten seconds later, there was a muffled sound in the corridor outside the door, shouts of death, followed by silence.

The bridge door screamed dullly, and a strange force from the outside slammed the door in, half-inserted into the screen like a piece of iron. Ultraman's silver body hung off the ground and slowly floated in. His golden eyes majestically scanned everyone in the bridge, but no one drew a gun to fight back.

What's the use of taking out a gun?

The interstellar heavy artillery on the ship is useless, so what difference does the gun on them make?

Nexus glanced around and quickly understood the situation. He saw the guy wearing a Captain America uniform and quickly determined who was in charge here.

In an instant, his figure disappeared from the doorway. Half a second later, all the Skrulls on the bridge except those two fell down. Only the spies and the commander were still standing.

Richard released his transformation and appeared in front of the two of them, straightening his clothes calmly.

"Okay," he put his hands into his pockets and sat down on the console, "Now, let's talk."

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