The gains from this raid were considerable. Richard defeated an entire battleship of Skrulls, captured a large battleship, and captured alive the opponent's commander and the Skrull pretending to be Captain America.

It is a pity that this "Captain America" ​​spy comrade did not directly lead him to Queen Skrull. Richard originally expected to take this opportunity to directly catch the biggest fish, but obviously he was not so lucky. Well, this matter may need to be discussed in the long run.

But a high-ranking general and a mimic spy are also good, and he also rescued Captain America from the ship. However, there is only Captain America as a prisoner on the ship, and there is no one else.

Of course, Richard was not optimistic that the Skrulls had only replaced the captain. He speculated that Captain America should only be left on the ship temporarily, and the other prisoners might be held in other secret locations.

After waking up, Captain America was confused, confused and couldn't remember anything. He couldn't even remember who he was attacked by and how he fainted. After thinking about it, Richard decided not to tell him about the Skrulls for the time being, and just let him go back to Avengers Tower to rest.

Naturally, the two Skrull prisoners must be put to good use. Richard turned back and took them both back to the Hydra base.

He found a group of "mad scientists" to study the body of the guy who mimicked Captain America to see if they could find a way to crack the Skrulls' mimicry abilities. His order is very simple. You can do whatever you like with the anatomy and slices. Anyway, just find me the answer you want.

Then he hired a bunch of Hydra brainwashing experts to deal with the senior general. Richard said that you can use any method you want, and the restriction is that there are no restrictions. Just pry open his mouth and ask for all the information he can reveal.

But he actually didn't have much hope for the outcome.

The Kree have been at war with the Skrulls for countless centuries, and they have yet to find a solution to crack their mimicry abilities. Richard doesn't think his group of mad scientists can make any difference.

The Skrulls are the most professional spy race in the universe. They are always undercover and have to face various situations that may expose them. They have their own set of plans for interrogation, brainwashing and even telepathy. If you want to get out of their mouths, It's not practical to pry out any information.

It seems that we still have to find a way to approach this matter from another angle.

It was at this moment that he received a call from Stark.

Gou Dahu’s phone call was very mysterious this time. Not only did the caller ID read “Unknown”, the line was also encrypted, and even what he said was as incomprehensible as a suspicious spy in a movie. Asked him anything, he said he had no comment at the moment, and only gave him coordinates to come to the meeting at the designated time.

Although he found it baffling, considering that Stark was relatively reliable in major matters most of the time, Richard decided to go take a look.

The "designated place" that Stark refers to turns out to be his abandoned mansion in the center of the city. According to him, this mansion was originally a heirloom of the Stark family, but his family has not lived here since he was very young, and the place has been abandoned.

It is indeed obvious from the condition inside that this place has been abandoned for a long time. The room was filled with thick dust from the moment I entered. The ceiling and corners were covered with spider webs, and the air was filled with mist-like dust.

Richard discovers that he's not the only one invited by Stark. Also invited were Black Panther, the crown prince of Wakanda, Doctor Strange, who inherited the title of Sorcerer Supreme, and Mr. Fantastic, the leader of the Fantastic Four. Including him and Stark himself, there were a total of five people present.

Looking at the people present, Richard suddenly had an ominous premonition. He always felt that he had seen this lineup before.

"Everyone is here." Stark glanced around, his expression unprecedentedly serious, "Then let's get started."

Mr. Fantastic asked, "Why did you call us here this time, Mr. Stark? You look nervous."

"Because I am." Stark paused and said, "Everyone I called this time is an authority in their respective fields, a representative of a certain team or a certain force, and someone who is powerful enough."

He glanced at Richard intentionally or unintentionally as he spoke.

"We're bringing everyone together to solve an important problem because, well, I don't really know how to do it anymore."

"Getting to the point, Iron Man," Black Panther said, "What are we facing?"

Stark took a deep breath, stretched out his hand and showed an exquisitely designed projection device.

"A few days ago, the Avengers cooperated with SHIELD to take down a hidden Hydra base. During the melee, a stray bullet hit a Hydra leader in the base. Her name was Viper, known as 'Hydra'. Snake Lady'. Then...see for yourselves."

He turned on the projector, and soon the holographic image was projected.

What he saw suspended in the picture in his palm was an individual with a female figure, wearing Viper's ventilated dark green dress, lying on a hard iron bed with his eyes closed.

The reason for this description is that she is not Viper herself, or even human. She has wrinkled green skin, long pointed ears, and the knuckles of her hands and feet are thinner and longer than those of humans.

A Skrull.

Richard already knew about the Skrulls, so he wasn't too surprised, but he didn't expect Stark to be aware of it. It seemed that the Skrulls' latent plan was not that successful.

Over the years, Lu Dan led SHIELD and Strucker's Hydra forces to fight all the time. There have been many major and minor conflicts, but I don't know how this spy pretending to be Viper got involved. Could it be that he was sold as a pawn by Straker?

Stark briefly explained the situation. He said that this is an alien species that can transform and pretend to be anyone, and he has reason to believe that the earth has been infiltrated by this kind of guy, and everyone around us may be an alien.

These words are no small matter. A group of people immediately exploded into a heated discussion.

Until Black Panther finally asked the question: "So why did you come after us? Why not SHIELD? Or Nick Fury?"

"Because SHIELD cannot be trusted, there is conclusive evidence that SHIELD has been penetrated." Stark said word by word, "As for Nick Fury, this news itself was told to me by Fury. And he has now disappeared."

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