There are also Skrulls in Hydra, and they must be high-level officials with extremely high authority - you can almost guess this with your toes.

Infiltration is a common tactic of the Skrulls. Terrorist organizations or official agencies will never let go of any large force on the target planet.

Their Snake Shield branch is not only powerful, but the leader of the branch is Ultraman Richard himself - although Hydra does not know this fact, Richard believes that the Skrulls must know it.

So no matter from which point of view, the Skrulls have absolutely no reason to let them go. There is a Skrull spy in their branch, and he must be in the highest authority cadre. Richard can guess it without proof.

So this is the part where he sets the trap.

Can't tell a Skrull spy apart? It doesn't matter, he can let the other party throw himself into the trap.

"Technology capable of distinguishing Skrull spies" is important information that cannot be ignored for the entire Skrull Empire. They have conquered the entire universe with their ability to mimic. For countless centuries, the Kree have been so troubled by their unpredictable mimicry that they have been unable to find an effective way to crack it. If this ability is really cracked and the technology flows out of the earth, this will undoubtedly be an even more devastating blow to the already precarious Skrull Empire.

If there were really Skrull spies among the nine cadres Richard told him, then they would definitely not be able to ignore such information even if it might be a trap.

As it turns out, he was right.

At ten o'clock that night, a transport team was indeed intercepted halfway by the Skrulls. A small warship descended from the sky and attacked the transport team. The Skrull soldiers quickly landed and went straight to the "medicine" in the transport vehicle.

Of course, there were no drugs in the transport vehicle at all. What this team escorted was nothing more than an empty box.

Just half a minute after the Skrulls landed, Ultraman appeared from a space vortex.

A small battleship and a squad of Skrull Marines didn't even have a chance to resist in front of Nexus. The battleship was shot down in just ten seconds, and all the Skrull warriors were captured alive on the spot.

At the same time, the spy was also found. The cadre who leaked the information was naturally the spy.

The spy seemed to be mentally prepared to be exposed when he revealed the news. When he sent someone to find him, he had already fled. Unfortunately, his whereabouts had been under the organization's surveillance long before he escaped, and he was captured alive by a team of Hydra agents not long after he ran away.

This operation was a great harvest. Their Hydra branch captured an entire team of Skrull soldiers in one go. These soldiers were also thrown into a one-stop service of brainwashing and slicing. Of course, Richard still didn't have much hope in getting any valuable information from them.

The purpose of the operation itself was to clear the portal and find the spies lurking inside, and this step has now been completed.

Now it's almost time to move on to the next step.

One day later, he received a notice that the Captain America mimic spy who was first detained in the base had escaped.

When Richard arrived, the person in charge of the base was so nervous that he broke into a cold sweat, as if he was afraid that the big boss would eat him alive if he was unhappy.

He said that he really didn't know what was going on, and the surveillance camera didn't capture anything. The spy had his fingers tied up and couldn't even move. But when he was doing the rounds this morning, he suddenly found that the spy was missing. The lock on the prison door was also broken.

The person in charge apologized repeatedly with a low eyebrow. He knew that this was a huge dereliction of duty. According to the usual rules of Hydra, it would be an act of mercy for the commander to kill him only for such a big trap.

But unexpectedly, Richard stood outside the destroyed cell but had no reaction.

"It doesn't matter, that's all." He said calmly.

Although he didn't know what the situation was, the person in charge felt like he was being pardoned and wanted to kneel down to thank his boss for not killing him.

But he didn't know that this development was also within Richard's expectation.

This means that their counterattack plan can officially enter the next stage.

At this moment, somewhere outside the earth, there is a moving super battleship.

"We need to reconsider this plan carefully, Her Majesty the Queen." A Skrull knelt on one knee, lowered his head and said to the person on the throne, "The plan is completely out of control. Our layout is far from complete. Completed, we are still more than two months away from when we expected to operate, but now the plan has been exposed.”

"I agree with this point of view." Another Skrull man next to him also knelt down and said, "That 'Ultraman' is not only powerful, but his vigilance is beyond imagination. The front line reported that there have been many compatriots It fell into his hands under such circumstances."

"It is precisely because of this situation that we should speed up the progress, right?" Someone raised an objection, "Now he already has our compatriots as experimental subjects. If he has any means to see through our mimicry ability, we Wouldn’t it be even more impossible?”

"So what do you think we should do? Attack head-on? Don't be stupid. You also know the battle on Xandar, right? I believe no one will question that it is a genuine god. And we - with all due respect - —We’re not sure we can fight a god.”

It's tragic to say that although they are called the "Skrull Empire", they are actually just one of the countless forces in the empire that have established themselves as kings.

The queen they support is named Vilank, and she is one of the more than 800 people in power in the Skrull Empire. They only have one super battleship in their hands now. According to the normal situation, it is obviously not enough for one battleship to challenge the gods of the universe.

But their ship is no ordinary battleship.

"We will win," Queen Veranque said quietly.

A Skrull quickly stepped through the door.

"Your Majesty!" he said, "Be-Seer came to contact me. He said that he managed to escape from that Ultraman and brought back very important information!"

Bay-Sell was referring to the spy who had previously impersonated Captain America. Everyone's eyes were focused upon hearing the news.

"Your Majesty the Queen." Then everyone looked at the throne, waiting for her to make a decision.

Queen Vilank was silent for a long time, and finally said: "We have been waiting for this moment for too long. If we back down here, I will not be able to explain to the subjects who believe in me. Make arrangements to take him to the battleship stationed on Earth. , I will ask about the situation personally when I arrive.”

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