The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 598 Warning (Additional update for Elder Cucumber!)

Although he didn't think that the small "Illuminati" group that Stark organized was of any use at first, Richard didn't think that they could cause any trouble and make things worse.

After all, the Illuminati in the original work sneaked into the Skrull battleship on the earth, and then rushed into the enemy's base camp to kill people angrily. However, now they can't even touch the shadow of the Skrull battleship, and they probably can't send it away even if they want to.

Well. At least that's what Richard thinks.

But he never expected that this group of "high IQ talents" would actually discover something when they got together.

Although there has been no progress in the experiments on the Skrulls for the time being, when Stark mounted the black-tech detector developed by Shengun De on the satellite, they actually found a Skrull hidden near the moon. Er battleship.

The warship used the moon as a bunker to protect itself, ensuring that it was always in the blind spot in the direction of the earth. Moreover, the warship itself is equipped with various shielding equipment and stealth devices, which should theoretically be impossible to detect. Let alone the earth, such a configuration may not be detectable even by the technological means of the other two empires.

However, it is obvious that Shengun De's technology will not be limited by the level of civilization and science. The devices developed by Shengun De in a flash of inspiration are often unreasonable and unprecedented. In short, they are very good.

Several scheduled members of the "Illuminati" considered each other and felt that no one could be trusted at this juncture, and the fewer people involved in the operation, the better.

It just so happened that not long ago, Richard gave Stark a spaceship, which made their space navigation possible. So after voting, several generals unanimously came to the conclusion that we should take a spaceship and go straight to Huanglong, knock over the ship of aliens, let them know how powerful we are, and let them know that the people on earth are not easy to mess with. of!

On the far side of the moon, the Skrull battleship.

"Is there any news from Her Majesty the Queen?" the Skrull who looked like an officer asked.

"His Majesty replied that we should wait where we are, sir." A Skrull said, "We will decide the next step when she arrives."

"Really?" The officer frowned.

This is also an expected decision. Recently I heard that the plan has encountered many problems. The guardian angel on the earth seems to have been unexpectedly alert and noticed their intentions one step ahead. I heard that their spy who infiltrated the Avengers was caught, and the spy who was placed next to the enemy was also captured, along with the entire Skrull team.

The situation is very bad, and many people are even doubting whether their invasion can continue as planned. No one would be surprised if Her Majesty the Queen immediately ordered to abandon the plan and retreat directly.

"Wait a minute. Sir, something is wrong," a Skrull said in surprise. "An unknown life reaction has been detected. Aren't the Skrulls on our ship?"


Officer Skrull was shocked.

Who would appear on their spaceship at such a critical moment? Could it be that Ultraman?

Has their secret been exposed?

If that's the case, there's no point even trying to hide.

As if he knew what his parents were thinking, the Skrull added: "No, it shouldn't be Ultraman. The vital signs show that the enemies are all humans. And they are here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a harsh explosion came from the bridge. Countless sparks splashed into the air, and the space emitted a dark red light like a flame. Four guys in strange clothes appeared out of thin air in the center of the command room.

The Skrull sitting closest reflexively stood up and took out his gun, but before he could take out his holster, Iron Man raised his hand and fired a recoil light cannon, knocking him to the ground.

The entire command room was immediately in chaos. Every Skrull jumped from their seats, and the Commander left his seat. Intense lasers and bombs swept towards several people from all directions, and the fire net engulfed them instantly.

Although several people present are prone to arrogance, at least on earth they are indeed the best. They had already thought of a plan before coming here.

Iron Man opened his recoil force field to block most of the attacks, and at the same time counterattacked with the recoil beam in his palm. Mr. Fantastic picked up a cannon he had prepared in advance and blew up a large number of Skrulls with one blast, leaving a huge hole in the floor.

The Black Panther relied on the protection of the vibranium suit and rushed to the console, disarming him with neat movements and killing all the soldiers standing there instantly. Doctor Strange cast a spell to seal the entire room.

Yes, they don't understand Skrull technology. Even if they take over the console, no one will operate it. But it doesn't matter, there is a strange thing that can seal the command room tightly with just one spell. The golden magic circle surrounded the entire room, and reinforcements coming from outside were blocked in the corridor and unable to enter.

In just a few minutes, the bridge had been captured by the "Illuminati". All the Skrull soldiers in the room fell to the ground, and only the commander was still standing, pitifully holding a small broken gun in his hand and not knowing who to point at.

"I'm sorry we didn't knock on the door," Stark said loudly through the speaker, raising his arms, "but I believe you are trying to invade Earth territory, so I guess we are acting in reasonable self-defense right now."

After a pause, he said: "Let me introduce myself. I am here to clarify some conditions on behalf of the earth. I am Tony Stark, Iron Man, the leader of the Avengers, but I believe you should already know this. "

"Mr. Fantastic, from the Fantastic Four." Reed also briefly introduced himself.

"Doctor Strange, the Supreme Mage who protects reality." Doctor Strange also said.

"Black Panther, Prince of Wakanda."

"We are negotiating terms on behalf of the Earth." Stark said, "My friends and I, we are the Illuminati. Your current behavior is malicious aggression, so I think we need this conversation."

"Our conditions are simple, aliens - get out of our world." Doctor Strange said, "This is just a warning. You can go back alive to convey this news to your leader. If you choose to ignore this news, you can It won’t just be as easy as today.”

"Okay, I think our message has been delivered." Stark turned his head, "Richards, detonate the bomb."

boom! ! !

Earth-shattering vibrations swept through the entire battleship, and the shock wave rolled down the corridor toward the command room. The entire ship trembled, and the flames spread across several areas at an alarming speed. Countless Skrulls were blown into charred wrecks in the fire.

Thanks to Elder Cucumber for the two thousand rewards!

There is one more update, I will make it up tomorrow (`ω)

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