Captain Marvel was blown away on his back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. But this woman's competitive spirit is indeed strong. In this round of confrontation, it was clear that she was no match for her, but she had no intention of retreating at all. She wiped off the blood and rose into the air, ready to continue charging.

"Okay, that's enough. Just leave the rest to me."

The voice rang directly in her head. Team Jing turned her head and saw a strong white light bursting out from the captured battleship at the rear, condensing into a tall silver-white giant beside her. He only paused briefly, lowered his head and looked at her, then rushed towards the battleship in front of him at full speed with golden light all over his body.

Although they only looked at each other for a moment, Captain Marvel clearly felt the endless power contained in that body.

Energy manipulation is her superpower, and her perception of energy is more accurate than ordinary people or even machines. The energy she sensed from this huge body was something she had never seen before. The light was as warm as the rising sun, as surging and endless as the stars.

In an instant, she understood that the other party was much, much stronger than her, and they were not in the same dimension at all.

Without saying anything else, Captain Marvel did not rush forward to fight to the death. Instead, he obeyed the request and returned to the cabin obediently.

Prior to this, Richard had informed Shia of the situation on Earth, and both Queen Lendra and Doujian were very concerned about this matter.

Shia contacted the Skrull Empire to question, and the Skrulls also responded to show their face, saying that they would immediately "condemn" Queen Veranque's behavior. As for whether the condemnation is useful or not, God knows whether it will be ignored or not.

Everyone in the universe recognizes that the solar system is included in the Shi'a territory, and it is natural for them to send troops to protect the earth. Dou Jian patted his chest and promised that if the two sides went to war, he would personally lead the team to help.

But Richard refused. It's not that he doesn't think it's worth owing Dou Jian and Xi'a a favor, but he thinks it's unnecessary. Anyway, if there's a head-on conflict, he's the only one on the battlefield here.

However, Doujian still helped him find out which of the more than 800 royal families of Skrull came to earth to cause trouble this time. From this, he also knew which battleship he was facing.

It is one of the top ten super battleships in the universe, and the Skrull Empire is among the top three. It is said that even Ganata and her father suffered losses on this ship.

That's what makes it interesting.

The two sides were still far apart when the battleship opened fire. Lasers and missiles swept in densely, and the barrage-like offensive occupied his entire field of vision.

Nexus' whole body flashed with silver light, and he flew into the hail of bullets. He flew to avoid several shots, shook off a series of explosions behind him, and slapped the two oncoming super-heavy beams back along the way, hitting the outer shield of the battleship hard.

The battleship's protective cover withstood the power of the two cannons, but at this time Nexus had also attracted the attention of everyone on the ship.

"It's that Ultraman!" A Skrull turned around and exclaimed, "Her Majesty the Queen!"

"I saw it." Queen Vilank said in a deep voice, "Don't panic, notify the whole ship to enter combat mode."

Although it was the worst case scenario, it was not that they had not expected this situation - a head-on confrontation with Ultraman.

According to ideal conditions, they should first infiltrate and replace the mainstay of mankind, and then launch a general attack after fully controlling human society. At that time, there was no suitable way to distinguish the true from the false, and even this Ultraman would be unable to save his life.

But now this plan is obviously ruined, and they are forced to face this ultimate enemy in advance.

But on the other hand, if they can defeat Ultraman now, then the rest will be easy. The worst case scenario is to simply drive the planetary battleship into the atmosphere and use absolute force to force the remaining people to surrender.

As for whether he can defeat Ultraman?

Queen Vilank also has a certain degree of confidence in this point.

A record like "defeating Planet Galactus" is not only worth bragging about, but it is also a booster for oneself. And after the tragic experience of being eaten by Uncle Tun, the Skrulls subsequently spent a lot of manpower and material resources to study the abilities of the cosmic gods, and specially developed a large number of weapons for use against the cosmic gods.

They are completely different now from when they first faced Galactus. Now even if they face Uncle Tun again, they are confident of defeating him!

Well, at least that's what Queen Veranque thinks.

"The opponent is moving very fast!" a Skrull shouted. "The main weapon missed! The particle penetrating cannon missed! The accelerating laser gun also missed."

"Calm down and activate Formation No. 45." Queen Vilank said, "Don't be nervous, even gods have weaknesses. We just need to find a suitable strategy."

Although Queen Veranque is a queen, her ability to command on the spot is not bad at all. The battleship's attack rhythm suddenly changed. Countless gun barrels were poked out in a specific order, and lines of fire lit up the sky.

Nexus lifted off along an arc while being chased by beams of light. His body was as flexible as a flying swallow, and the beams of light were constantly left behind him.

Suddenly, the opponent's offensive suddenly changed, and a collapse cannon containing ultra-high energy concentration exploded from the extremely concealed muzzle. It gathered momentum silently, and even the energy fluctuations that escaped were covered up by the previously deliberately adjusted attack rhythm. And the position it blasted out happened to be on the trajectory of Nexus' next movement, making it look as if he had taken the initiative to hit it.

Did the opponent aim accurately? Or is it an accurate prediction?

Not really.

It's induction. The previous intensive attacks were all induced, and the purpose was to lead Nexus' dodge trajectory onto the trajectory of the collapse cannon, ensuring that this most lethal attack would hit in one hit.

It was too late to dodge at this time, but Nexus didn't dodge at all. He held out his palms, turned his arms, and the dark void in front of him suddenly opened up, like a whirlpool containing lightning.

The powerful energy light cannon suddenly exploded, but was only swallowed up by the hole. After a moment, the vortex reversed, and the powerful light flow came back exactly as it came!

Space gem.

The heavy artillery hit the outer shield. Although the strong shield withstood the damage, the penetrating impact still shook the entire ship.

"Your Majesty! He. He bounced our attack back!" said the Skrull at the console.

"Yes, I saw it." Queen Vilank gritted her teeth. "Switch the shield generator to reflection mode and activate Plan 79. Isn't he very good at running? We make it impossible for him to run."

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