The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 611 Targeting the Gods

The labor pain came suddenly, and Nexus, who was moving at high speed, was unprepared. A series of explosions suddenly occurred from his left shoulder to his left arm, and a bright flame exploded on his shoulder.

Richard was pretty sure he didn't see any ballistic attack. All the beams and attacks launched by the enemy ships were perfectly avoided by him, and the collapse cannon that induced fire was also bounced back by him using the space gem. It should be that no attack could hit him.

At least that's what he saw.

Richard moved his mind slightly, switched the frequency of visual perception, and scanned the surrounding space with super vision in various frequency bands.

After switching between several different frequency bands, he realized where the attack was coming from.

Those are transparent bubbles that are not visible at all by conventional means. Some bubble-like shells were fired from the launch tube at the bottom of the battleship and approached Nexus.

These bubbles are not fast and their accuracy is not high, but they are invisible and difficult to detect. And he quickly noticed that all the bubbles were under the protection of different frequency bands, and they were still changing. He has to constantly switch between super visions to see them all.

And when he noticed this, there were already such bubbles all over his front, back, left and right. Countless bubbles floating in the universe have surrounded him, completely blocking his movement space. As long as he moves a little more than ten meters, he will immediately touch a large bubble.

Compared with the various interstellar heavy artillery before, although this weapon is not fatal, its power is more than tickling. It would be quite choking if such a huge number were detonated at the same time.

"Your Majesty, he has stepped into a trap!"

Queen Veranque sneered triumphantly. This tactic is specially prepared for those gods who are extremely fast and good at movement. It can block the opponent's movement space silently.

"Very good. Where's the main gun charging?"


"Then what are you waiting for? Fire!" Queen Vilank shouted.

In this way, the opponent will either have to endure this main gun bombardment, or they will have to retreat into the bubble formation and accept continuous bombardment.

But that's for other people.

For Nexus, he had other options.


The moment the Skrull battleship's main gun blasted out arrogantly, Nexus' whole body transformed into light particles and floated away out of thin air. The photon stream avoided the main gun and penetrated directly into the subspace without disturbing any bubble bombs. It flashed directly above the battleship almost at the same moment.

The main cannon blasted mightily, and a powerful stream of light shot through the bubble array, detonating a series of bubbles along the way. A violent explosion occurred in the space, and the fireballs formed into a continuous sheet, like a huge fire curtain extending into the sky.

On the Skrull battleship on the moon, everyone on Earth looked at the golden light that seemed to penetrate the starry sky, and their expressions became complicated.

Colonel Rhodes moved to Stark's side in small steps: "The shot just now hit the earth."

"I don't know," Stark said distractedly.

But I guess at least Earth Lord should have died. He said in his heart.

Colonel Rhodes gasped: "Oh my god, is that the power of aliens? Is this a ship that everyone in the universe has?"

"I told you I don't know." Stark felt like he was about to have an anxiety attack. "Do you think I look like a space battleship engineer?"

Captain Marvel was still surrounded by an energy field. She was floating in the outer space outside the battleship, looking at the battlefield not far away with a complex expression without saying a word.

In a quantum flash, Nexus appeared directly above the core shield generator of the Skrull battleship.

He is already familiar with dealing with interstellar shields. It's not impossible to blast away the shield with brute force, but it's time-consuming and laborious, and it wastes unnecessary energy. The correct approach should be to scan the shield structure, find several weak points of energy diffusion, and start with the most vulnerable parts to destroy the balance structure of the entire energy shield.

While he had just avoided the attack, he had been scanning the composition of the super battleship's shield. Observation found that this thousand-mile-long super ship has a total of thirteen shield generators, twelve of which are designed around the one in the center. The super vision scan found that the generator in the center was continuously sending energy in twelve different directions at the same time, which was equivalent to an insurance measure to enhance the defense of the other twelve weak points.

In other words, if this generator is destroyed first, the remaining twelve will be much easier to deal with.

Nexus flashed above and at the same time the charge was completed, he formed a cross with his hands and directly launched the Cross Storm!

The golden beam of light struck the surface of the shield, causing ripples. The energy shield began to deform slightly, the color of the generator below changed from blue to red, and the energy making up the shield began to change drastically.

Something is wrong.

The moment he noticed the abnormality, the part of the shield surface that was hit by him suddenly launched a counterattack! The intense, hot golden spark-like light was dispersed into five light paths and reflected, locking directly on Nexus!

Nexus immediately cut off the output of Cross Storm and evaded sideways. He dodged four of the rays with his agility, but his waist was still hit by the fifth one, and sparks flew from his silver waist.

It hurts a little now.

This reptile-like Skrull ship really gave Richard more and more surprises. It seemed that they were really well prepared for the battle with the gods of the universe.

As you can guess, this reflection technology is specially prepared to deal with the impact of rays from the gods. The main ability of the cosmic gods, including Galactus, is the manipulation of cosmic energy, and their most powerful attack method is cosmic ray bombardment. Especially Uncle Tun, who can easily blow up planets with a cosmic ray.

So it is foreseeable that how to deal with cosmic ray bombardment must be the focus of the Skrulls' research. Thanks to a group of Skrull scientists working day and night, they actually developed this "energy reflection" technology, which is also one of their trump cards against the gods.

Queen Veranque almost laughed with pride.

This is not over yet.

Nexus was hit by the reflection of the cross storm. He had just retreated less than twenty meters when a violent current surged behind him. His whole body seemed to be grasped by countless invisible giant hands, and a strong suction force pulled him violently. Pulled over.

He turned his head and saw that a dark vortex with a diameter of a hundred meters had exploded behind him. A black hole that even light could not escape was violently dragging him in!

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