The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 618 Can you build a spaceship?

When the word money was mentioned, Richard immediately became energetic. Although he is no longer short of money at all, there is an old saying that "the process is more important than the result." He feels that he is in this state now.

It is true that at this stage he has nothing missing. He has no shortage of strength, power, and money, but people always have to maintain some passion and motivation. If you no longer have the interest to make money, what's the difference between it and salted fish?

"Please make an offer." Richard crossed his arms and looked like a profiteer. "What's the approximate psychological price?"

Luodan refused to speak: "Let's talk about the ship first. I need to know what kind of goods I can buy."

Richard smiled: "Don't worry about that, Director Fury. I still have some channels of my own in the universe. I can satisfy you with any kind of battleship you want."

This is not bragging. He has an extraordinary relationship with Shia and the Nova Corps. As long as he asks for a battleship or something, it won't be a problem at all. As for the small battleships, Xi'a would probably give them to him for free. If they were large or even super battleships that were not for sale, they would be willing to sell them to him at a discount.

As for whether there is a shortage of money for braised eggs? Richard knew he didn't have to worry about this part of the problem.

This guy shamelessly said that he was broke after resigning as director, but this could only fool an honest agent like Coulson. Only he knows exactly how much money the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has made from Lu Dan over the years. Even if someone comes forward to report Lu Dan now and says that he actually buries a large amount of gold that makes the country rich and powerful, Richard will believe it.

"Any kind of battleship is fine? What about one as big as that kind of planet?"

Luo Dan obviously still misses that kind of planet-level battleship. It must be that the Skrull super battleship impressed him too much. I think back when he was the director of SHIELD, he was the guy who drove the largest aircraft on the planet. He was cool and awesome. The appearance of the super battleship completely overturned his impression. Compared with the planet-class battleships, their Aegis floating carrier was not even an ant.

"Yes, you can buy it if you want. But you'd better change it to another one." Richard shook his head, "You can't afford it."

He didn't mean to fool Lu Dan. A super battleship was indeed not something Lu Dan could afford.

Although no one has ever bought a space battleship with US dollars, currencies can always be exchanged for commodities. Although Shia is highly civilized, people's daily necessities always have things similar to those on Earth. As long as the gadgets in daily necessities are converted into Shia coins, and then converted into U.S. dollars through corresponding products on Earth, even space battleships can be converted into U.S. dollars.

Of course, it is said that rare things are more valuable. Space battleships were not a rare thing in an empire like Shia, and small and medium-sized battleships were actually sold quite cheaply.

But Richard thought that there was no such thing as a space battleship on earth. This is the same reason that Wakanda's vibranium sells for sky-high prices in the outside world. Because they prohibit the outflow of vibranium, a small bottle of vibranium costs the outside world billions of dollars. And is the vibranium itself really worth the price? It's definitely not worth it.

So, following the spirit of the black uncles of Wakanda, Richard decided to convert the space battleship into American knives. Before selling it to Lu Dan, he would turn it over dozens of times, and then sell it to Lu Dan at a 20% discount as a friendly price. It is considered to comply with the laws of economics.

Why only increase it dozens of times instead of hundreds of times?

This is not nonsense. Can you still afford braised eggs that have been sold for so many times?

Richard graciously offered to customize a large warship for him based on actual needs. He listed all the impressive interstellar weapons he had encountered, such as the interstellar heavy cannon that could sink a continent from outside the atmosphere, the particle collapse cannon, the interstellar pulse cannon, and even the Space jump, faster than light travel. What? Can't understand? To put it more clearly, you can fly from the earth to the sun in a few seconds. Does that make sense?

Finally, Richard the Lion opened his mouth, and a "bland" large battleship was sold to Braised Egg for a sky-high price of hundreds of billions.

Is the battleship Fang Xi'a worth that much? Of course not worth it. Shi'a's industrial technology has been extremely developed. With their productivity, it is no exaggeration to say that it is cheaper to build a large battleship than Aegis to build a floating carrier. It is difficult to convert it directly into US dollars. Dan also wonders if the other party is deceiving him because the price is too cheap.

Now he talks about hundreds of billions. Although Luodan feels distressed, he feels it is normal. After a formal bargaining process, the deal was finalized.

Luo Dan finally left with satisfaction, quite satisfied with the result. He originally thought he was going to get ripped off. After all, it was an alien battleship. If he wanted to buy it, he would have to buy it from here, no matter how high the price was, he would have to buy it. Unexpectedly, the other party was quite "reasonable". At least Lu Dan himself felt that the price was very reasonable.

Alien battleship! As long as one comes to the earth, all intercontinental missiles, nuclear weapons and even floating carriers will be rubbish. This will be the new ceiling of military power!

After Lu Dan left, Richard also began to think about this battleship. Anyway, he guessed that Lu Dan wouldn't need this boat very much, so he might as well go to Shi'a and ask about it and buy him a second-hand boat at a cheap price.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be looking in through the crack in the door.

It’s Ganata.

Richard smiled gently: "Carrie, what's the matter?"

Ganata poked her little head in, hesitated for a while, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "Ah, it's nothing. I just wanted to ask, when will dinner be served today?"

Her voice became softer and softer as she spoke, and her little face turned red, as if she was a little shy about how delicious she was.

Richard suddenly understood, smiled and said: "Want to eat? Eat some snacks first, I will cook now."

"Okay." Ganata nodded obediently.

Richard watched her close the door and prepare to go out, and suddenly thought of something: "Hey, wait, Carrie."

Ganata's little head poked back again: "Huh?"

"I remember, did you build the spaceship you flew before?"

Ganata nodded: "Yes."

Ganata not only inherited her father's magical power, but also inherited her father's vision and knowledge. Building spaceships and weapons was child's play and belonged to her innate talent.

As for alien battleships, I have never seen Ganata build one, but this Uncle Tun definitely knows how to do it. After all, Uncle Tun's favorite car was built by himself.

Richard smiled and suddenly came up with an idea that could save a lot of money.

"Then can you build a space battleship? A bigger one?"

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