After receiving Richard's request, Ganata agreed to his request without thinking.

Richard made a few phone calls to arrange for her to have an empty base, and Ganata went to work that night.

For a god like her, there is no technical difficulty in building a battleship, but it still takes some time. A large warship that is 10,000 meters long is no small project. It takes several months to build a large warship with the production technology of the Shi'a Empire. Although Ganata moved quickly, it would take about three to five days for one person to bear the workload of an entire engineering team, right?

The materials required for the alien battleship are not available on the earth. For the earth at this stage, to build a space battleship, almost everything from metal to screws is lacking.

It is said that a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice, and even if she hires the best engineers in Shi'ar, it is impossible to create a warship out of thin air without raw materials. But Ganata is really good. She can use any substance and element as raw materials to convert it into any substance. The ability to convert elements and recombine materials can solve most of the troubles. If there is any trouble, just modify the reality. There will be no problems that cannot be overcome.

As a reward for Ganata's hard work, Richard made her a large plate of sweet and sour pork ribs - just for her to eat.

A large plate of sweet and sour pork ribs was exchanged for a large battleship. Ganata was so moved that she seemed to have taken advantage of something, which made Richard a little embarrassed and couldn't help but start to reflect on himself.

The battleship for the braised eggs was left to Ganata, and he even saved money on buying second-hand battleships. Ganata would definitely not ask him for wages anyway. It was basically equivalent to more than 100 billion whoring in vain. Isn't it flattering?

One day after Lu Dan left, another new customer appeared at his door.

This time it’s Aunt Surprise.

Team Jing did not wear her bright red and blue uniform today. Today she wore a jacket and jeans. Her long blond hair was tied into a single ponytail. She stood at the door with a heroic look.

Richard led the team into the study to talk. The tenants were whispering outside again, discussing whether this woman had anything to do with Mr. Li again.

This time Jessica said decisively without thinking: "I don't think so."

"Oh?" Gwen looked at her in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

Jessica is the one who tries to commit suicide the most every time, and she is the one who talks about the boss the most behind his back every time. Why did you suddenly change your gender today and stop seeking death? Could it be because she finally started to feel sorry for Jin Sang, who had been killed in battle eight hundred years ago?

Jessica said seriously: "Because that woman is not the boss's cup of tea. The boss is only interested in a specific type."

I don’t know if it was the desire for survival that caused her, but she didn’t continue talking at this point, but her eyes turned to Ganata beside her, who was holding a bag of chocolate beans and pouring it into her mouth intentionally or unintentionally.

Her actions seemed to say - look, that's what the boss likes.

Ganata's little mouth was filled with chocolate beans, and she seemed to suddenly notice her gaze. She turned her head and smiled friendlyly: "This is super delicious!"

"Yes, it's super delicious." Jessica nodded in agreement, and at the same time she became a little curious about the structure of Ganata's taste buds.

Normally everyone has different preferences for different flavors, but Ganata doesn't seem to exist. According to what she has observed these days, this loli can taste anything from salty to spicy to sweet to sour, and they are all "super delicious".

Anyway, he is a good boy who is not picky about food and has a good appetite. No wonder he is so talented at a young age.

Richard asked Team Jing to sit on the sofa and got up to make tea. However, Captain Marvel waved his hand and refused, saying that he did not intend to stay for a long time.

She first briefly expressed her admiration for Richard and praised him as a strong and respectable warrior. Richard reciprocated the courtesy, saying that Team Shock was also very capable and had unlimited future potential, and was destined to be the future leader of Earth's superheroes.

"I heard that Fury came to see you?" Team Shock asked.

"Yes." There was nothing to hide. Richard shrugged and said, "He did come here and ordered a space battleship. He seemed to say he was going to create a new organization or something."

"Maintain world peace and resist alien invaders." Team Jing smiled.

If the number of people in the world who truly understand braised eggs can be counted on one hand, she should definitely be one of them. She knew what Lu Dan was thinking, what he planned to do and what his motives were.

"He doesn't trust the new SHIELD director, and neither do I," she said. "We don't think Tony Stark is the right person for this position."

"Maybe, but it's a fact."

"Perhaps there is room for maneuver if a more suitable person is willing to take the position."

Team Jing didn't continue talking here, but stared at him directly.

"If you are hinting at me, forget it." Richard shook his head, "I'm not that material either."

Team Jing said: "I have made up all the information about you. What you have done, your fight to stand up for the earth, and even the movies you made. I know what kind of person you are. At least Nick and I They all think you have enough strength, courage and brains, and you are also responsible enough."

"But I don't have enough sense of responsibility." Richard interrupted her, "Well, there is no need to continue this topic. I am not interested in the position of Director of SHIELD at all. Is there anything else you have here? No. If you want, you can stay and have dinner or something together.”

For Richard, being the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is purely a matter of food.

What? A lot of money? Endless resources? And unparalleled power?

Sorry, he already has these.

So why is he going to be the director of SHIELD? Not only do you have to manage all global affairs like a nanny, but you also have to talk to reporters all day long and make smiles to the top officials of the United Nations. Isn’t that what you are doing if you are not full?

Wouldn’t it be nice to lie down with salted fish at home every day?

It's true that Team Jing didn't come here specifically to persuade him to become the mayor, and Luodan also told her that this guy wouldn't be interested.

She then directly explained another reason for her visit - she wanted to fight Ultraman.

This is not arrogance, nor is she dissatisfied with anything. Captain Marvel may be a little arrogant, but that's as it should be. After all, she does have the strength of the top experts on earth and even the entire universe. She has a clear understanding of her own strength position after walking in the universe for so many years, and she is not unreasonably arrogant.

After witnessing the battle between Nexus and the Skrull super battleship, she clearly knew that there was a huge gap between herself and him. She didn't come here to challenge him or prove herself or anything, she just wanted to know how big the gap between the two was and what the difference was, so that she could continue to become stronger.

Richard certainly had no reason to refuse.

He didn't like to get involved in the trivial matters of the earth, but someone had to take care of these trivial matters. It's a good thing that Earth's superheroes are stronger. That means they can solve more crises by themselves, and he doesn't need to do it himself.

"Okay." Richard stood up, "I've heard of Captain Danvers for a long time, so I'd like to learn a little bit about him today."

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