The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 620 Energy Absorption

Titan, the former planet Titan.

Team Shock expressed that they wanted to have a brief discussion with Ultraman, and Richard readily agreed. But the beating must not be done in his own backyard, otherwise the manor would be scrapped directly after the beating. So he activated the power of the space gem, and teleported directly to Titan with Captain Marvel, using this abandoned planet as a stage for battle.

There used to be a very glorious civilization here, and it was the base where the Eternals who left the earth developed and grew and became famous throughout the universe. But that's all in the past.

Today's Titan has long been deserted, and the entire planet is deserted and half of the ghosts are gone. The remains of that glorious civilization can be vaguely seen in the distance, with dilapidated buildings and metal debris dumped on the ground, like a huge tomb of civilization.

There is no sign of life on the entire planet, making it a suitable stage for a duel.

Richard revealed his Evolution Truster and transformed into silver Nexus.

"Why don't you use the posture of a giant?" Team Jing said, "Use all your strength and come over, otherwise the battle will be meaningless."

"No need, this gesture will not affect my combat effectiveness." Richard smiled, "Size is not the only criterion for measuring a man."

"Really?" Captain Jing clenched his fists, "Then I'll go straight up."

Captain Marvel has been wandering in the universe for more than 20 years, and when he returned to Earth, his mentality was relatively detached. After all, age, strength and combat experience are all there. In her eyes, all the superheroes on earth are cute and potential juniors.

But the guy in front of me now is different. Even if she didn't count the records and rumors she had heard about, she could tell from the previous fight together that the other party was much stronger than her. So this time she attacked with all her strength, as if she was fighting to the death.

Captain Marvel's "energy absorption" ability is a very high-end superpower in the Marvel universe. Below the Protoss, even Heavenly Father gods like Odin are helpless against cosmic energy and can only apply it through ancestral methods. However, as a human being, Aunt Marvel can absorb cosmic energy without any obstacles, and even once reached the level of a god. The point of strength.

This is enough to show that the upper limit of Team Shock's superpower is actually extremely high, and she usually does not reach her peak level.

Richard has also been curious about the level of Team Shock as the current ceiling of Earth's combat power, so that he can have a reference for future battles. Therefore, he didn't dodge or use any skills. He also punched head-on, and the punch directly met Team Jing's fist!

boom! ! !

There was a shocking explosion on the surface of Titan, and yellow sand exploded into the air like a tornado. The storm swept across, the earth cracked, and even the air seemed to be shattered.

Team Jing may also have the idea of ​​​​"testing strength", so she did not use any skills or superpowers for this punch, just relying on pure arm strength to hit it. Naturally, the result was that she was hit backwards and flew out, like a red and blue bullet shot through several mounds, and was pressed at the bottom by the collapsed rubble.

A few seconds later, golden light erupted, dust and stones were blown away, and Team Shock reappeared disgraced, with a trace of blood hanging from the corners of their mouths.

She smiled: "It's really amazing. But you still have reservations, right?"

Richard was noncommittal.

Captain Marvel is still a senior, so he still needs to be given some face. Of course Richard can't say I'm afraid that if I use my full strength, you might die if I punch you with all my strength.

He didn't tell the truth, but Team Jing guessed what he was thinking, and she was still a little unconvinced.

"Well, in that case, you should be careful." Captain Marvel arched his body slightly, his body shimmering with golden light, and the golden light flowed like water, "I also want to be a little more serious."

She kicked off her boots, golden ripples appeared under her feet, and her figure disappeared instantly!

The figure rushed out, like a ghost flashing behind Nexus, and slashed with a hand knife. Nexus ducked slightly and punched her throat with his backhand. Without even thinking about it, Team Jing struck with his left palm through the air.

But the previous round of confrontation was enough to show that her strength was far inferior to Nexus. If the fists collided with each other now, she would lose an arm at least due to Nexus' god-level punching power.

But unexpectedly, when the fists and palms met, the team did not fly backwards, and there was not even the expected earthquake. There was a dull low sound in the air, and a circle of transparent ripples spread out. Captain Marvel only swayed slightly, and his face looked a little ugly, but he still stabilized and firmly received Nexus' punch.

"Huh?" Richard became interested.

Although he was far from using his full strength, this fist was definitely not something that Jing Dui could hold. If she had used brute force, her arm would have been broken by now, vomiting three liters of blood and flying backwards.


Captain Marvel let out a clear whistle, and the golden light all over his body was released, and a bright light burst out from the palm of his hand! Endless golden light spurted out like a flame, and overwhelming power burst out from her palm, sending Nexus flying backwards.

Richard was enlightened.

So that’s it, is this “energy absorption”?

Captain Marvel just caught the punch not because she was so strong, but because she activated her "energy absorption" ability in that electric moment, absorbing the kinetic energy contained in the punch.

This principle is the same as vibranium. Captain America jumped from a tall building with a small shield and remained unscathed, and Black Panther used his body to carry an RPG and carry missiles, all relying on vibranium's "kinetic energy absorption" ability. Captain Marvel's own body can absorb kinetic energy, and its speed and upper limit are many, many times stronger than vibranium.

In the original work, Captain Marvel was able to fight off interstellar weapons and eat Thanos' fists with her face without shaking. It's not that her skin was so thick that even interstellar heavy artillery and Thanos' fists couldn't be broken, but that her The heaven-defying super power absorbs all the energy, so it appears that the defense is even more abnormal than the Hulk.

After such a long period of training in the universe, she has developed this super power to its peak. Energy absorption and energy reflection, this set of movements has long been as skillful to her as breathing. She can complete it through muscle memory almost without thinking, and at an extremely fast speed with almost no gaps.

The stronger the force of hitting her, the stronger the reflection will be. Nexus was just hit by the superposition of his own and Team Shock's punches, so he was caught off guard and was knocked back.

Of course, it's definitely not serious enough to be injured.

"Come again?" Captain Jing punched his right fist into the palm of his left hand and smiled, "I'm just warming up."

I'm dizzy == Tomorrow morning's scheduled release, the operation error has sent it out in advance, and the order of chapters has been reversed ==

emmm. . . Unexpected circumstances, I will add two extra chapters. == I can only wait for the editor to go to work tomorrow and ask her to help adjust the chapter order. . .

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