"The outcome of this battle was doomed from the beginning." The voice sounded again, sounding a little proud, "No matter what you do or how many times you defeat it, it is meaningless. Because the ability of the alien beast-reality is invincible If it doesn’t work once, just do it twice, if it doesn’t work twice, do it ten times. It is immortal, and no matter how strong you are, you will always have a limit, and you will be defeated by it sooner or later.”

Richard was unimpressed.


Maybe, the special ability of this alien beast does sound invincible. Any fatal trauma or direct kill will cause its ability to activate, erasing the reality that is unfavorable to it. In other words, as long as this ability is still activated, it will never be knocked down.

But there is no such thing as absolute invincibility in the world, and there are ways to defeat every ability.

The alien beast roared angrily and approached again, no different from its previous postures and movements. Its sharp claws descended high and clawed straight at Nexus' forehead.

Nexus used his palm to deflect its grab, and then punched him with his backhand. The alien beast relied on its rough skin and thick flesh to punch hard, and its claws came together like raindrops to attack.

Fortunately, its own strength is not too strong for Nexus. He can currently deal with it relatively easily, and he also has time to fight back with fists and kicks.

In just a moment, the Kung Fu alien beast took several more punches, and its whole body was stained in many places.

Nexus blocked its waving arms, kicked its waist with a spring leg, and then kicked its chest and abdomen with a kick. He stepped on the chest of the alien beast, used his strength to push off its chest, and lifted its entire body into the air. His other leg flew up and slapped its face hard, causing its cheeks to crack and its bones to vibrate.

A series of consecutive kicks made the alien beast dizzy, and even Nexus could not be found, let alone fight back.

Nexus volleyed in the air, kicked the alien beast with his feet together, flipped backwards in the air, and landed lightly. His palms were intertwined at his sides, and electric currents were drawn between his palms. Light energy was mixed with cosmic energy and attached to his palms.

Cross storm!

Nexus crossed his hands into a cross, and golden sparks shot through the air and hit the alien beast's abdomen. The light melted its skin again, burning the cells and structures in its body, rapidly decomposing its flesh.

"It's useless." The mocking voice echoed again, "I said, the alien beast-reality cannot be defeated. No matter how many times you try, the result will be the same!"

As if to confirm his statement, the body of the alien beast hit by the light began to become illusory again, until it disappeared without a trace like a holographic image.

The body of the alien beast suddenly appeared from the side again, and the churning dark energy had accumulated between its claws, and it seemed that it was about to roar out at any time.

Nexus turned his head to lock its position, and his sight penetrated the layers of darkness.

This time, he was well prepared and noticed the fluctuations in reality before the alien beast finished charging its power.

But he didn't dodge, or even have the intention to block and parry.

On the contrary, he clenched his fists, and the golden light flashed on his fists, and the golden light flowed down his arms like water.

With one quantization and one flash, Nexus teleported directly to the face of the alien beast.

The energy of the alien beast has been gathered, the energy of ether and darkness blend with each other, and the light is ready to blast.

Nexus exploded with his right fist, facing the deep darkness.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise like the world collapsing, and the majestic energy was instantly dispersed by a punch. The energy that spilled out lost control and suddenly went out of control, turning into a black and red storm that swallowed up the bodies of giants and monsters.

A super punch that gathered the energy of the universe, interrupted the accumulation of energy and penetrated the skin of the alien beast without hesitation. Nexus punched into its body, penetrating the bones and burning the organs, and penetrated the body and out from the back of the alien beast.

A blue ball of light condensed on the sky-blue palm, like a transparent bubble. The ether particles were sealed inside the bubble, struggling violently and impacting the energy field, but could not break free at all.

Nexus directly took the ether out of its body.

The cross storm just now was not released to defeat the alien beast at all. Richard's purpose itself was to trigger its ability to distort reality again. This way he can observe the operation of this ability up close.

After all, the source of this ability is the Reality Stone, so every time the ability is activated, it will definitely draw energy from the Reality Stone. At that moment, Richard used super vision to carefully monitor every cell in its body, accurately locking the location where ether particles were stored in its body.

Next, just hit it with one blow and take out the core and that's it.

Nexus held the ball of light that sealed the ether in his hand, and quickly pulled his arm out of the alien beast's wound. He kicked the alien beast away with a fierce kick with his left foot, and flipped his palm to throw the restless ether particles into the subspace along with the light ball.

Reality gems have been recovered.

Now that the guy can no longer bend reality to avoid harm, he can simply deal with it, as he has done several times before.

The alien beast climbed up with difficulty, dragging its seriously injured body and seemed to want to make a final counterattack, but its wounds were bleeding gurglingly. Although the wound is trying to heal itself, it doesn't look promising.

This is no ordinary trauma. This alien beast itself is the product of the combination of ether particles and alien beast factors. The reality gem can be said to be the source of its life. This state is a bit like the relationship between the Mind Stone and Vision in the original movie, except that the alien beast's powerful vitality allows it to survive for a while after the gem is taken away.

But it can only go so far.

Nexus placed his right arm on his chest, and the energy core on his chest lit up with golden light, releasing a photon bow and arrow, which was equipped on the Nexus weapon on his wrist.

He clenched his fist with his right hand and pointed the light arrow at the alien beast not far away. He drew the bow with his left hand, and the colorful light flowed along the bow and arrow like a ribbon.

Bow arrow ray·flow!

The golden bow flew out of the air, like a sharp flying knife, cutting the alien beast into two pieces from head to toe. Like a star-like golden glow, it bloomed from the cracks. The alien beast's body was burned and melted, and it fell on its back. It turned into countless particles and dissipated in a burst of explosions that soared into the sky.

Nexus lowered his arms and turned his gaze to the vortex in the sky.

The voice that had been taunting before now died down. The other party said nothing, but silently swirled the dark vortex, and the last trace of darkness disappeared.

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