After the battle, Richard stayed in Watvalheim for a while, trying to find any clues about the new mysterious enemy.

But found nothing. Obviously, the other party turned around and left after seeing that the defeat of the alien beast-reality was determined. When he saw Richard recovering the Reality Stone, he was completely indifferent, as if he was not interested in the Infinity Stones at all.

Even though he had won the battle, eliminated the dark elves, and recovered the reality gem, he didn't feel happy at all. His current mood was like the terrible weather in Walter Alheim, which was gloomy and without any sunshine all day long.

He had always thought that Dark Zaki was the ultimate enemy.

From the alien beast at the beginning, to the dark Faust, and then to the endlessly updated dark Mephistopheles, and then to the sect of Confucianism.

All these crises from outside Marvel, all these enemies were created for him by Dark Zaki.

It can even be said that for a long time, Dark Zaki was the goal that spurred him to become stronger and the reason why he continued to pursue strength.

After defeating Zaki with the help of Ganata, he did feel an unprecedented sense of relief. It's like all the weight is gone.

He no longer had an enemy that he had to defeat, and he no longer had to worry about enemies peeping in the shadows. He could just do his job as a civil servant in the universe and just sit on the earth and eat and wait for death every day.

But the reality doesn't seem to be that beautiful.

It's clear things aren't over yet. Besides Zaki, there is another enemy lurking in the dark, waiting for an opportunity. What's worse is that this time he has no clue.

When facing Dark Zaki before, he always had the original TV series as a reference. He knew what enemy he was facing long before Zaki showed up. He knew that the Dark Giant was behind the alien beasts, that Faust's superior was Mephistopheles, and that Zaki was behind all their enemies.

He understands the weaknesses of every alien beast and every dark giant, and can even take a certain initiative when facing Dark Zaki.

But it doesn't work now, because he has lost the reference for foresight. Dark Zaki is the final BOSS in the finale of Nexus TV. After defeating Zaki, the story comes to a perfect ending.

So the new enemy that appears now could be anyone.

Maybe Zeuda? An Ampera star? Maybe even the mysterious Thunderbolt from the Ultraman universe?

It's possible for anyone.

Richard knew he had to be prepared for any strange abilities that might arise.

Thinking on the bright side, at least something has been gained this time.

Before returning to Earth, Richard also walked around the plane of Watt Alheim to confirm that the dark elves did not leave any back-ups here.

These ancient villains like to keep some weird gadgets. In movies, they always like to show artifacts that were lost in ancient times. God knows if the dark elves have any other artifacts besides ether.

However, after he walked around and checked, he was generally convinced that the other party did not have it.

It seems that all the dark elves in the entire plane knew about the fall of Malekith, and now this race is in a state of serious civil strife.

After the boss died, all the dark elves with a little bit of power wanted to be the new leader. No one was convinced by anyone, so they rushed forward with their knives and started to chop each other with their younger brothers.

Watching Richard flying in the sky, he couldn't help but feel speechless.

Five thousand years ago, the Dark Elf race was almost wiped out by the heavenly soldiers and generals led by the former God King of Asgard. Later, most of them fell into a deep sleep, and a small number of them were hiding in the east. So far, there are only tens of thousands of people left in the entire race.

As a result, this group of dark elves were about to become a rare and protected species, and they were killing each other without realizing it. The originally small population was reduced to half in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Richard suddenly no longer felt that this group of people was a threat.

There is no one in this race who has any foresight. Even if they are left alone, they will soon perish on their own.

Leaving the remaining dark elves to quarrel among themselves, Richard teleported directly back to Earth.

Of course the first thing to do after returning to Earth is to find Ganata. After all, the ether particles he threw into the subspace were still such a sticky mass, and he still didn't know how to turn them back into gem form.

The longer they spent together, the more he felt that Swallowing Star Girl was really useful. No, she was really useful. So far, Tunmei has helped him a lot. Without her words, he might have been killed by Zaki on Xandar.

In return, he just made some braised pork ribs for Tunmei, and she was so moved that she felt that Richard was a super good guy.

Recently, Richard has even begun to feel that the favor he owes Tunmei is almost the same as the bonus that was deducted from Jessica.

When she got home, Ganata was sitting on the sofa happily eating chocolate beans. She did not disappoint Richard, and she enthusiastically taught him all she knew about reality gems without any secrets.

She took the mud-like ball of ether particles from Richard's hand. With one mistake of her little hand, the large ball of ether quickly gathered in her flawless white palm and condensed into a small and exquisite gem.

"Here." She handed the gem to Richard with her right hand, and continued to touch the chocolate beans in the bag with her left hand.

Richard took the Reality Stone and solemnly said: "Thank you. I owe you this, Ganata."

Ganata shook her head hurriedly: "No, no, I'm very happy to be able to help you."

Now, every time Richard gets an infinite gem, he has to come to Ganata for a lesson, but each time Ganata teaches a set of knowledge corresponding to the gem. He would still have to ask her for help next time a new gem came along.

Did Thanos and Old Farmer also memorize a set of such knowledge about each gem? He thinks it shouldn't be.

The knowledge level of Killing the Old Peasant is quite terrifying in the Marvel world. It is probably not too far off to say that he is the first person in the multiverse.

The OAA (ONE-ABOVE-ALL) in the Marvel system that is so hyped by netizens is generally something that transcends all concepts of reality and even existence itself.

Not to mention the gods of the universe, even those multiverse-level bosses cannot see its existence, because its level is so high that it cannot even be described. ,

The only person who can talk to this being is the "Life Tribunal", the manager of the multiverse, but that is because the duties of the Life Tribunal are given by the OAA, and there must naturally be channels of communication between superiors and subordinates.

But Mie Lao Nong didn’t have no position in the Tribunal of Life, but he simply relied on his black technology and transcendent vision to “see” this supreme existence. From this point of view, he has already overshadowed all the gods above.

Seeing Richard thinking thoughtfully beside her, Ganata stopped eating and asked in a low voice: "Richard, what are you thinking about? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"Oh, of course not. Carrie, you are a great teacher." Richard smiled and said, "I was just thinking about another question. I wonder if you can answer it?"


Richard turned around and looked at her seriously.

"I just suddenly wanted to know. What is the world you see in your eyes like?"

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