The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 635 A little guilty

New super criminals are also constantly appearing, but most of them are making small fuss. At most, they can only cause some panic in a small area in the city. They are easily stopped by the super heroes who arrive in time and become a threat to the citizens. Talk after dinner.

In fact, several of the most suspected super criminal candidates in New York, Richard, are being followed by agents. Although he is generally too lazy to pay attention to such things, it would definitely be best if he could avoid the casualties and sacrifices caused by these super criminals.

There are Hydra agents sneaking into the Osborne Group and keeping an eye on Norman Osborn's actions. Richard feels that if anyone wants to go dark and is relatively capable of causing trouble, Osborn must be the first choice.

Unexpectedly, he did not wait for Osborn to turn black. Instead, Dr. Otto Octavius, who was busy doing scientific research at home - also known as Doctor Octopus - ran out to cause trouble first.

Marvel's old story is nothing new. All in all, this was a laboratory accident. Dr. Octavius ​​is obsessed with the development of new energy sources every day, and uses four mechanical arms linked to his nervous system to assist in his work.

As a result, there was an accident in the experiment, and his new energy exploded out of control, causing the core of the robotic arm and his spine to fuse together and become unable to separate. The doctor's own personality was also greatly changed by the influence of the machine. He began to become crazy and regardless of the cost. As soon as his head twitched, he decided to rob a bank to raise funds to continue his experiments.

It wouldn't matter if it were anywhere else in the world. If he did this in New York City, a place where superheroes are everywhere, it would basically be suicide.

Sure enough, Spider-Man and Gwen arrived one after another, and the two Spider-Man teamed up to beat Doctor Octopus, who had just debuted with basically no fighting experience, until he didn't even recognize his mother.

In the end, the two of them tied up Doctor Octopus, and hung each of his four arms with thick spider silk. He hung him on the street like a real big octopus, waiting for the police to sign for it.

Doctor Octopus faces a host of serious accusations. Although he regained his consciousness in time and argued vigorously in court, it could not change anything.

Octavius ​​is just a poor scientist who needs money but no money and no backing. No one can protect him if he creates such a big trap. The judge finally sentenced him to life imprisonment.

Speaking of which, the main sponsor of Doctor Octopus's project is the Osborne Group. Osborne's business hasn't been very prosperous recently. Investments have been failing and stocks haven't shown much improvement, and now this happened again. Although it is unlikely that legal liability will be pursued, the decline in the company's reputation is certainly inevitable.

What's worse is that things happen to happen at this juncture, which is undoubtedly not conducive to Norman's intention to enter the political arena and compete with Stark.

In addition, the small vulture group that has been secretly reselling alien equipment has recently shown some flaws. Some "enthusiastic people" reported the matter to Stark, who then assigned the task to Agent Coulson's team.

Coulson arranged for the team to set up a trap and had a fierce battle with Vulture's black technology team in the suburbs of New York City. While the two sides were anxious, Gwen, who was patrolling at night, happened to pass by and stepped forward to help. Eventually, Vulture and the rest of the group were also captured.

What happened in the past two months were trivial matters that were neither big nor small. It was not until the end of June that the Super English camp received an important piece of news.

The Fantastic Four's Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards and Invisible Woman Susan Storm decided to officially hold their wedding in July.

Whether in comics or movies, the wedding of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman is regarded as a landmark event that promotes the development of the plot. And if the trajectory of the original work is followed, their love will eventually give birth to an Omega-level boss like Franklin - which is the top combat power on earth.

The Fantastic Four are now considered public figures. Unlike many other superheroes, the Fantastic Four have not concealed their identities since their debut, and even their addresses are known to everyone in New York. Their positioning is somewhat similar to that of movie stars, the kind of celebrities who would be dragged to sign autographs while walking on the street.

Therefore, the wedding of the Fantastic Four has naturally attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Not only were a bunch of superheroes invited, but also a lot of ordinary people who couldn't be beaten were also invited. Among them are basketball stars, famous directors, novelists and Hollywood stars.

Although most of these people have nothing to do with the Fantastic Four, this is actually an unwritten convention. More celebrities swiping their faces can increase the popularity and make the wedding more grand. Celebrities can also take this opportunity to increase exposure and increase popularity.

Mr. Li is not a big or small figure in New York City, but he is even more important among the superheroes who know his true identity. Therefore, although he was not familiar with the Fantastic Four, he was not surprised when he received the invitation.

That afternoon, Richard received the invitation. He sat in a chair in the study and looked at the letter with the Fantastic Four logo on it, his face not looking good.

What is supposed to come will always come, and as expected, Mr. Fantastic is still preparing to get married according to the original trajectory.

Their wedding is not the focus of attention, but the plot that happened with their wedding in the original work was a bit painful.

Richard remembered it clearly. One of the four emissaries under Galactus, the "Silver Glider" riding a cosmic surfboard, happened to come to Earth at this time in the original work.

The appearance of the Silver Glider also means that Uncle Tun and his family may not be far away.

No matter which parallel universe it is, Galactus seems to have a deep obsession with the earth. Obviously the universe is so big and there are so many stars to eat, but Uncle Tun just likes to stare at the earth, and he likes to come and cause trouble on the earth every time he is hungry.

Of course, he was repelled every time by the Fantastic Four and other superheroes, but that didn't dampen his enthusiasm. After a while, Uncle Tun will soon forget the painful experience of being deflated last time, and continue to run relentlessly to find trouble on the earth, with a posture of "I am determined to eat this planet."

In fact, it’s not like Richard didn’t compare. If he really had to fight Uncle Tun, he felt that he would not necessarily suffer. The old man is awesome, but he can't stop him from being hungry. God knows how much the hungry Uncle Tun's combat effectiveness will be reduced. With Richard's current strength and four infinite gems, he should have a slightly better chance of winning against the hungry Uncle Tun.

However, if Uncle Tun really comes, it won’t be a question of whether he can beat him or not.

Thinking of this, Richard took a peek at Ganata, who was eating snacks and watching "Tom and Jerry", giggling with joy.

He swallowed.

He didn't know why, but he always felt a little guilty when dealing with Uncle Tun.

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