The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 636 The Wedding of the Fantastic Four

"Ganata, can I ask you a question?" Richard thought for a while and suddenly said.

Ganata turned around: "Ah? What?"

"What if. I mean what if," Richard thought for a moment, "your father found Earth and wanted to take you back, would you go with him?"

Ganata was stunned, as if she was stopped by his question.

She showed a troubled expression and unconsciously tugged on her skirt to think about it.

"No." She shook her head, "I don't want to go with daddy."

"Do you hate Dad?"

Ganata was entangled again, biting her pink lips with her white teeth.

She lowered her head and said nothing, but shook her head.

Sure enough, it was pretty much what Richard guessed.

Tunmei couldn't stand her father's behavior and actions, but deep down she still loved her father.

It seems a bit contradictory, but it is not. In short, Tunmei thinks her father is a bad guy, but she still likes him. She actually knows how much her father dotes on her.

Hmm. So it seems that it is not realistic to ask Tunmei to help him fuck Uncle Tun.

And Richard could also imagine that if he and Uncle Tun really started to fight, Ganata would be at a loss if she was caught in the middle.

Let Ganata persuade Uncle Tun to change his mind and stop eating the earth?

On a less optimistic note, this may not be of much use.

For Uncle Tun, eating the earth is work, and work is work and private matters are private matters. Richard felt that if he were Uncle Tun, he might coax his daughter to stop making trouble and take you home when daddy eats the planet. If you continue to disobey, you'll be treated as per the family law, and you'll be good after a spanking.

As for whether Uncle Tun can give himself up to save face and let the earth go? Richard thought it was possible.

After all, he is just an ordinary god of the universe now, and Uncle Tun is the God of Creation, so to speak, he is still his leader. In addition, Uncle Tun can't explain why he has always had a deep obsession with the earth. I'm afraid it's not just someone who can make him leave by saying a few nice words.

After much thought, it seemed that the most reliable way was to use fists. Use your strength to knock Uncle Tun down so that he will have to find other food.

Although it is a bit bad to do this in front of Ganata, there may be no other way to save the earth.

Mr. Fantastic's wedding was indeed very grand, with many public figures and celebrities from all walks of life attending. Needless to say, superheroes, most of the more famous superheroes based on the reputation of the Fantastic Four in New York were also present.

In addition to himself in Richard's manor, Gwen also received an additional invitation. After all, as Spider-Woman, Gwen has also collaborated with the Fantastic Four many times. Although it was not very pleasant to cooperate in the two group games at first, the two sides got along relatively happily in the end.

Oh, by the way, the Human Torch, the dashing little brother of the Fantastic Four who looks a bit like Captain America, has not completely given up on showing favor to Gwen.

The Human Torch and Spider-Man are very compatible - this is a similar situation in countless parallel universes. In most universes, the Human Torch and Spider-Man are good buddies, and now the Human Torch here has met a girl version of Spider-Man. It is obvious that he hopes that the relationship between them can go further.

No, this guy is still making mistakes at his sister's wedding.

He first ran to find Quicksilver, and then ran to Richard, trying to find out about Gwen's situation.

In fact, he is quite handsome, has a good background, and has cool superpowers. If you think about it carefully, the conditions seem to be quite good. However, in Gwen's own words, she just felt that this guy was extremely unreliable. When playing in a group, he tricked so many people that even his teammates couldn't tell them apart.

So although it might be a bit shocking to say this, Richard told him with a calm face and a calm voice on the spot, give up, buddy, there is no chance for you.

What's even more incredible is that Mr. Fantastic's lifelong enemy, Dr. Victor von Doom, who returned to his hometown from a billionaire to start a new life after being tricked by Reed, actually sent a representative to attend the wedding.

Yes, that's right, the Doctor Doom who was tricked by Reed into disowning his relatives, whose appearance was disfigured, and whose wife was kidnapped. He also sent his confidants to express his most sincere blessings for Reed and Susan's wedding.

Doom also became quite successful after returning to his hometown. At this time, he had united the entire Latvian army, defeated the king, and ascended the throne. With the unanimous voice of the people of Latvinia, the United Nations had no choice but to recognize his status as king.

In other words, although Doctor Doom is still a notorious super criminal in the United States, he now has diplomatic immunity.

I don’t know how much of Doom’s blessing is true and how false. If this is true, then Richard feels a little impressed by Doom’s broad-mindedness.

Even if he can let go of such festivals, what else can he, Dumu, not let go of?

Is there such a thing as a living Buddha who has seen through the world of mortals?

Speaking of which, I have to mention the daughter of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman in the original work. Yes, they will have a super talented daughter in the future named Valeria Richards.

Whose name is Valeria?

That was the name of Doom's childhood sweetheart, the girl who played house with him catching lizards when he was a child, and Doom's first love. But later, Doom's mother and father died. He left his hometown in search of stronger power and still abandoned his first love.

Then Mr. Fantastic decided to name his daughter after Doom's first love.

Richard didn't dare to say that he got Mr. Fantastic's intention, but he would make a bold guess.

What Mr. Fantastic means is that I stole your wife, but I will give you my daughter as compensation, so our grudges can be wiped out?

Can we all be good friends in the future?

Awesome, this operation is so cool

Of course, this is just YY, and Richard doesn't understand what Mr. Fantastic's operation means. It can only be said that the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doom fell in love and killed each other. The entanglement between them was so deep that they themselves could not figure out their grievances.

Stone Man Ben was chatting with guests from all sides, telling various anecdotes about his and Reed's student days.

Speaking of where he got excited, the stone man took the champagne on the table next to him and poured it into it, but he found nothing. He turned around and saw that the bottle of champagne had been carried by a little girl who looked to be no more than fifteen or sixteen years old and was a little too beautiful.

The little girl was wearing a purple dress and was looking at the bottle of champagne like a curious baby.

The stone man was happy, bent down and said gently: "This is not something a child should drink. You are not old enough yet."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the girl pop open the bottle cap with her fingers, pick up the bottle, raise her head to the sky, and start pouring the wine into her mouth.

The stone man watched the liquid level of the full bottle of champagne drop rapidly, and it was instantly poured into the little girl's stomach at a speed visible to the naked eye. His eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

After the little girl finished a bottle of wine, not only was her face not red and out of breath, but she even looked unsatisfied: "This drink is delicious, can I have another bottle?"

stone man:"???"

Are all the girls in middle school so awesome now? Can champagne be drunk as cola? Why does it seem so different from when I was in school?

Could it be that I am really old?

At this moment, Gwen emerged from the crowd: "Oh, Carrie, didn't I tell you to stay with us and not run around?"

She pulled Ganata over, who was carrying an empty bottle, and smiled apologetically at the stone man: "I'm sorry."

The stone man waved his hands to show that it was okay, and at the same time exclaimed: "Is this little girl with you? She has a great drinking capacity. Does she have any super powers?"

"That's right, haha." Gwen made a fool of herself.

It’s that kind of superpower that you can eat so much that you can’t believe it.

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