The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 637 Uninvited Guest

There are still ten minutes until the wedding officially starts. The heroes and heroines have not yet appeared, and the guests are eating and drinking in the open-air banquet venue, chatting and getting to know each other, and passing the time.

Until now, Richard was doing the same thing as everyone else - eating something, watching the excitement, making friends and so on. Then a call came to his cell phone.

That was a call from Hydra—actually from a research institute affiliated with SHIELD, so it’s okay for you to say it was SHIELD. They said that something foreign had been detected in Asia that had invaded the atmosphere and was now moving toward the west at a speed unimaginable to humans.

Not only was that thing extremely fast, and had intermittently escaped human surveillance methods several times, the energy field on its body was also incredibly powerful. Wherever he passed, a series of abnormal phenomena were caused, including electromagnetic anomalies, signal interference, changes in strong magnetic fields and sudden drops in temperature.

Satellite images cannot capture anything because they are too fast. The clearest one has been sent to Richard's mobile phone.

From the satellite's perspective, only a long silver light could be seen, like a sword light cutting through the blue sea, heading straight towards their direction.

Of course Richard didn't need a clear image to know who it was.

Silver Glider.

Richard couldn't help but sigh.

It’s a blessing, not a curse, but it’s a curse that cannot be avoided. What is supposed to come will always come.

Even if he knew with foresight that Uncle Tun would be passing by the earth soon, there was nothing he could do about it. The God of Creation is coming in person, and a little god like him has no position to stop it.

Not to mention that he abducted his daughter, so he felt guilty when meeting Uncle Tun.

"Sir, that thing seems to be coming in the direction of New York." Hydra asked tentatively, "Do you need us?"

"No, just continue to observe, I will take care of it." After finishing speaking, Richard hung up the phone.

What can Hydra do? Fly a Quinjet to take down Silver Slide?

Even though he seems to be completely naked and the only equipment on his body is a surfboard, he is still a big shot. The advance messengers of Galactus all have combat prowess that is at least Heavenly Father level, and a few of them who are outstanding may not even be able to cope with Odin. To be honest, with the current combat power of the Earth side, there is really nothing that can be done.

Richard hung up the phone, glanced at Tunmei next to him who still knew nothing about it, and left silently without saying a word.

After all, the ideal result is that he can find a way to stop Uncle Tun and his retainers in the universe and prevent Ganata from knowing that such a thing is happening.

Of course, if you can sit down and have a good chat with Uncle Tun, and we become good friends, and then Uncle Tun not only lets go of the earth, but even waves his hand and says, "My daughter, you will raise her", then that's it! No better

Well, okay, this is purely in YY.

Without making any announcement, Richard silently left the wedding banquet. He found a remote and uninhabited corner, showed his Evolution Truster, transformed directly into a ball of white light, and quantized his whole body into the subspace.

At the same time, the silver glider was flying across the Atlantic Ocean, dragging a very fast image behind it. At this moment, a bright light appeared out of thin air, and Nexus' body blocked him in place.

"Where are you going in a hurry? Come to my place as a guest, why don't you say hello to the owner?"

The silver glider noticed him, but neither paid attention nor had any intention of slowing down. Instead, he lowered his center of gravity, seemingly "stepping on the accelerator" and launched a sprint at a faster speed.

call out!

There was a sound that broke through the air, and a condensed silver-white beam of light suddenly flew towards Nexus.

That is cosmic energy, and it is cosmic energy of quite high quality.

The Silver Glider is also a controller of cosmic energy, but he is just an ordinary creature and does not have the ability to absorb and control cosmic energy. All of his cosmic energy was bestowed upon him by his direct superior, Uncle Tun.

I remember when Galactus fought in the Skrull Empire. Although he ate the opponent's main star, he was beaten so disgraced that he almost died. That war made Uncle Tun realize for the first time the terrifying power of technology developed by intelligent creatures. He realized that even if he used his immortal body to challenge the interstellar weapons of high-end civilizations, he might not be able to gain favor.

Therefore, after Uncle Tun thought about it carefully, he felt that it was not a problem for him to work so stupidly alone. He felt that he needed to expand and needed some subordinates who were covert and powerful enough to run errands for him.

This is how the four ambassadors of Galactus came to be.

Uncle Tun is worthy of being a remnant of the last universe, and he is not just boasting about black technology. He easily accomplished something that no other civilization or god in the universe could do—give cosmic energy to creatures that were originally unable to withstand such power. He can appoint anyone to enlighten him, from a zero-level rookie to a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse in one go, and make him his envoy.

Since then, Galactus' strategy of eating planets has changed from frontal assault to sneaking in. He no longer competes with some super battleship interstellar main gun. What Uncle Tun does now is to send envoys to sneak directly into the planet he wants to eat, and directly open a teleport for him in a place infinitely close to the atmosphere.

Uncle Tun himself only needs to wait patiently at home for the door to open. Once the door opens, he will land directly, bypassing the interstellar battleship and the deep space defense network, and start eating directly.

The Silver Glider is generally the most famous of the four ambassadors of Uncle Tun. But of course, as we all know, there are actually more than four ambassadors, this is just a title.

Therefore, the cosmic energy of the Silver Glider also comes from Uncle Tun, and is the purest divine power in the current universe.

Of course, this kind of energy is already familiar to Richard.

In fact, he himself has absorbed a lot

As if he had anticipated the silver glider's attack, Nexus raised his right arm, and a semicircular light blue shield formed on the arm blade of his wrist, firmly catching the silver impact. The energy was quickly absorbed along the shield to his wrist, where it was converted into light energy. Then, as he waved his arm, it turned into a golden light like a flying knife and was thrown back from the original path. The momentum was even stronger than before. Get over it!

Silver Glider was startled. At this distance and speed, he had no time to adjust his direction and dodge. He adapted to the situation and hurriedly jumped off the skateboard. The golden light blade flew past the gap between him and the skateboard, which was extremely dangerous.

The silver glider's expression condensed, and he fell back onto the skateboard, his body hugging and almost becoming one with his skateboard. Silver light like ice and snow covered him and his skateboard, dragging two silver lines behind him, crashing towards Nexus like a swooping snowball!

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