The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 638 Comparing speed?

The Silver Glider is very fast and its energy intensity is not weak, but it has a fatal weakness.

That's because his fighting style is too simple and crude.

This is like a master in a martial arts novel who is about to die and forcibly passes on his skills to a ignorant Bai Ding. This person has magical power but doesn't know how to use it.

Silver Glider's situation is slightly stronger than this. After all, this is not his first time on the battlefield, and it's not like Uncle Tun has never taught him fighting methods. It's just that for ordinary beings like him, the energy of the universe is too vast and profound, and it's almost impossible to control it precisely.

The flaw of bullying opponents who are far weaker than oneself is not a big deal, but when facing enemies of the same level or even higher than oneself, this flaw will become obvious.

I saw Nexus raising his right hand and spreading his fingers to make a gesture similar to "stop". A faint red light was released from his hand, as if invisible resistance was added to the air. The Silver Glider felt like it was rushing into a sponge, its kinetic energy was quickly consumed and its strength was completely offset.

By the time he rushed in front of Nexus, his speed had been cut in half.

Stagnant Light. In the third episode of the TV series, Nexus used this technique against the high-speed flying alien beast Pedron. It is a telekinesis skill. At that time, Brother Zhun used this light technique to stop Pedron. With Richard's current level of strength, he could naturally stop more than just one alien beast.

Before the Silver Glider could even be surprised, he saw Nexus raising his right hand high and slashing down with a hand knife on his head! The strange force hit Yin Hua's shoulder hard, and a dense silver light overflowed from the place of impact.

The silver glider groaned miserably, and was knocked down from the sky with his skateboard and his head tilted.

Richard's idea is simple.

Since this guy refuses to speak, then beat him until he does.

Big fists are the last word, and this applies to all parts of the universe. No matter what, it is always right to capture this guy alive first.

As the Silver Glider fell, he involuntarily separated from his skateboard.

Richard knew that Yin Sliu who lost his skateboard was a tiger with his teeth pulled out, and all his magical power actually resided in that surfboard. Therefore, as soon as the blow was successful, Nexus immediately accelerated and dived down, aiming straight at the opponent's skateboard and chasing after him.

But he obviously underestimated the Silver Glider. Or maybe he underestimated the black technology created by Uncle Tun. The surfboard seemed to sense that someone was pursuing it, and it actually flipped over without being controlled by anyone, blasting a stormy wave of cosmic energy towards Nexus's face!

The two sides pursued too fast, and Richard did not expect that the skateboard could counterattack on its own. He was caught off guard and was hit in the chest by a beam of silver light. Sparks flew from his chest and flew backwards.

The impact was quite severe, but it did not cause any actual damage to him. Nexus volleyed and rolled a few times to lose the momentum. When he looked up again, he saw the silver glider stepping on his skateboard again and flying away into the distance.


There is nothing to hide, so let’s keep this guy here first.

Nexus' whole body flashed with light, he switched directly to his blue adult form, and charged forward at full speed!

The two sides flew over the ocean, rushed onto the continental plate, flew one after another through jungles, mountains, and reinforced concrete cities, and almost circled half of the earth in the blink of an eye.

The direction of the silver glider suddenly reversed, and the silver light drew a ninety-degree right angle, pointing directly at the sky and shooting away, trying to escape from the atmosphere.

Richard sneered inwardly.

He remembered that in the Fantastic Four movie, the Silver Glider used this trick to get rid of the Human Torch. He forcibly brought the Human Torch to a place with thin oxygen outside the atmosphere. Without oxygen, the flames on the Human Torch could no longer burn, and the transformation was immediately lifted.

But he, Mr. Li, is not the Human Torch.

Want to go to outer space to decide the outcome? Please do so. I don't even mind if I go to the stars to fight him.

There is no combat environment in this world that Ultraman is not good at!

Two blurry afterimages were wrapped in the light and flew out of the atmosphere, rushing straight into the universe with an indomitable momentum.

The Silver Glider's combat effectiveness may not be the best among the Galactus, but if he is ranked second in terms of speed, no one would dare to be ranked first.

From his appearance and the surfboard under his feet, it is easy to tell that he is a runner. Let alone a heavenly father. If Yin Hua really wants to run, even the ordinary gods of the universe will not chase him. superior.

Maybe this is why Uncle Tun always likes to send the Silver Glider out to collect information and determine the coordinates - because no matter what happens, he can run fast, and at worst, he can sneak back to recover if the mission fails. If it had been any other messenger, he might have told me outside.

Leaving the earth, the two parties caught up within the gravitational circle of Mars in the blink of an eye. They both reached the speed of light when they threw away Mars, and two streams of light, one silver and one blue, rushed straight to the edge of the solar system like arrows from the string.

According to the known scientific theory system of mankind, the speed of light cannot be surpassed, and it is even a theoretically unreachable limit speed. But for the gods of the universe, super-light speed is a very common thing, and super-light speed flight is a basic skill that everyone knows.

Nexus is an Ultraman with balanced abilities. As a god, he can be considered a comprehensive type. He has no particularly outstanding strengths and no obvious shortcomings. It's just that depending on the personal characteristics and preferences of different able-bodied people, they may grow and evolve in different directions.

Richard has a style that prefers down-to-earth fighting, so the adult form he obtained is not known for its speed. Although speed cannot be said to be a shortcoming, it is not a big advantage in the face of Marvel's famous speed specialization like Silver Slide.

However, as a low-end version of Noah and a god of the universe, Richard still has an advantage that the other party does not have.

That's spatial ability.

He couldn't compare in speed, but in terms of spatial attainments, he was about to surpass Yin Sli. Seeing that the silver glider had flown out of the solar system, and Nexus was hanging further and further behind, his whole body instantly became quantized, and at the same time activated the ability of the space gem. Ultraman's light particle body was directly teleported under the power of the space gem, and the distance suddenly became much closer.

Nexus raised his hand, and cosmic rays suddenly struck from an unexpected angle! The silver glider was taken aback and hurriedly controlled his skateboard to flip sideways, while throwing out a semicircular barrier to resist.

He dodged the blow without any risk, and quickly accelerated his feet to widen the distance again.

Nexus was still chasing after him relentlessly, and Yin Slipper broke out in a cold sweat - if he could sweat.

Only then did he realize that even if speed was an area where he was absolutely confident, this pursuit would not be as easy as he imagined.

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