The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 642 Swallowing Star is coming?

Although he didn't think the military or superheroes in general could help, Richard still called everyone together.

On the one hand, this is because this is a crisis common to everyone, and everyone should at least be mentally prepared. On the other hand, it is also because he considered that the superheroes did have a record of repelling Galactus in the original work.

Earth's superheroes generally have the special attribute of "fighting together to force a 50-50 split". Although the strength is very different, if they can find a way to defeat one or two Star Eaters, that will work.

Richard felt that he still had a chance of winning in a one-on-one challenge with Uncle Tun, but if those messy messengers followed Uncle Tun and came up to fight in a group, then he might be in real danger.

Is it rare for a master to fight alone?

The idea is good, but this is not the case in the universe, especially those high-level bosses who have no such concept. This can be seen from the fact that the cosmic gods often come up to engage in group fights. The cosmic gods have no concept of "fair duel". In their view, even if 10,000 people on the other side press down on one of them, that means the other side is awesome and there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

The combat power of the army can be ignored, and the Avengers such as Falcon, Hawkeye, and the Widow Sister can also be ignored. The remaining people, Stark, Captain Marvel, and the Fantastic Four, may all be able to help. of.

The general from the Pentagon looked serious and asked about Richard, the "Special Advisor to SHIELD": "I heard that this is a large-scale crisis on Earth? Is it related to the abnormal climate these days?"

Richard nodded: "Yes. The abnormal climate is because we have an uninvited guest who came to the earth. He is here to observe, analyze, and collect intelligence. And because his own energy is too powerful, the places he passes by cause the heaven and earth to tremble. Vision.”

Everyone's expressions changed a little. The younger Spider even exclaimed: "Just passing by caused a strange phenomenon? Cool."

Gwen, who was sitting next to him, pinched his thigh. Little Spider immediately understood and quickly changed his words: "Oh, no, I meant it was terrible."

Although the others didn't say anything, they all found it a bit unbelievable. After all, this description sounded very high-level and awesome. The general couldn't wait to ask: "So how can we catch such a powerful guy?"

"Already caught." Stark crossed his arms, "As we speak, he is being held in an absolutely secure facility beneath our feet."

Everyone showed expressions of surprise, and even the Pentagon general, who had always been at odds with SHIELD and the straggler superheroes, couldn't help but show expressions of admiration.

Damn it, we were just lamenting how powerful the enemy is, but you have already captured him without making a move?

Stark's expression remained unchanged: "Ultraman chased him across dozens of galaxies, and finally packed him up and handed him over to us."

Everyone then showed understanding expressions, leaned forward and sat back on their seats and nodded.

Oh, it turns out it was our Ultraman who captured him, so it's okay.

This is right. When did their Aegis have such ability?

Richard couldn't help but feel helpless when he saw everyone's reactions.

Although I am indeed very awesome, I need you to show me some respect.

The Silver Glider is not a nameless little character in the universe, and it took a lot of effort to get him back. As a result, everyone acted like "it's Ultraman's fault, so it's natural" and didn't even mean to praise him.

The life of a cosmic god is so boring.

Stark opened the real-time surveillance video and showed the imprisoned silver glider on the projection screen on the table.

Team Jing couldn't help but be surprised when they saw him: "Is this the messenger from Galactus?"

Everyone's eyes came together: "Do you recognize him?"

After all, Captain Marvel has been in the universe for more than twenty years. She didn't know Ganata because of her relatively low exposure, but she had heard of a household name like Uncle Tun.

"He is just a pawn, serving a supreme being, Galactus. In many places, he is called 'Galactus', which is said to be his name." Captain Marvel's face suddenly darkened, "It doesn't count what I know. Many, I only heard that he makes a living by devouring planets. Most civilizations in the universe regard him as a natural phenomenon, just like landslides, earthquakes, and floods, but this is a universe-level disaster. Once Devouring Stars appears , which means that civilization has reached its end.”

Everyone looked at each other, and no one said a word for a while.

I don't blame them, this story sounds a bit too mysterious. The level of most people on the earth is still too low. With their backward civilization, they have no chance to come into contact with the level of swallowing stars.

"What Captain Danvers said is roughly true." Richard sat up straight, operated the console in front of him twice, and used the projection in the SHIELD conference room to show the picture he had prepared.

That was the image data he borrowed from the Nova Corps. As the space detectives representing intelligent creatures, the Nova Corps has naturally had many conflicts with Galactus, so their information is relatively complete.

Through the 3D projection screen, everyone saw the dark clouds in the sky and the rolling thunder, as if an apocalyptic scene had descended on an alien civilization.

Rocks collapsed, the ground cracked, and countless buildings were dragged underground by the ruthless magma. A pair of red devil-like eyes appeared in mid-air, and a heavily armored giant appeared, towering above the earth, overlooking the civilization below, just like a god overlooking all living beings from above the clouds.

Stark held his chin and studied for a while, frowned and said: "Judging from the reference objects on the ground, this guy may be 500 to 800 meters tall?"

"In this image? Almost the same." Richard shrugged, "But sometimes he is shorter, sometimes he is taller. Height and size are never important. If he wants, he can even grow so big that he can hold the earth in his hands. to the point.”

Captain America thought for a while: "So he is intelligent? An intelligent creature?"

"To be precise, he's a god, but you can see it that way," Richard said.

"Then can we negotiate with him?" Captain America asked, "Ask him what his purpose is and convince him to give us a chance. We may be able to avoid it."

Richard shook his head.

"Of course, I will do it when he comes," he said, "but don't have any hopes. Devouring planets is his job, it has nothing to do with good or evil, and his actions are not malicious. There are very few people you can rely on. Convince him to abandon his mission with just one mouth.”

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