The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 643 The Star Swallowing Envoy

The content that needs to be explained has almost been explained. The purpose of Richard convening this meeting is to warn everyone of the seriousness of the problem. He is not very interested in the subsequent discussion of everyone's tactics and plans.

And Stark was already planning to go back and convene a meeting with his "Illuminati" friends after the meeting. A cosmic giant that devours planets falls from the sky, and mankind and the earth face unprecedented tests. It sounds very much like the mission of their group of human elites.

The Pentagon general is still trying to point fingers at the superheroes, looking like a arrogant superior, and what he says is "you all have to listen to me."

Richard wasn't going to sit here and listen any more. It happened that at this moment, the communicator in his arms rang.

That was the liaison device given to him by the Nova Corps, so that the Nova Corps could ask him for help in an emergency, and at the same time, the Corps could notify him immediately of any situation on Earth.

The person who connected the communication was Nova Supreme himself. The white-haired lady told him with a worried look on her face that they had observed three messengers of Galactus appearing near the solar system and were now flying rapidly towards the direction of the solar system.

As we all know, the Earth is the only planet inhabited by life in the solar system, so it is obvious who they are coming for.

Xinxing Supreme said that she had sent Xinxing to support them. They had just set off and it would be a while before they reached Earth.

Richard thanked her for her kindness, but he felt in his heart that the support would not be enough.

If those envoys were sent to Earth to start a war, there should still be time to wait for the support of the new stars, but Richard did not intend to do so.

The reason for putting the fight on the earth is to worry about the possible impact on the earth - after all, it is a battle between a group of fairy-level bosses, and no one can tell what will happen then.

As for the other reason, it is naturally Ganata.

For various reasons he didn't want Ganata to know about the battle, so the battlefield was as far away from Earth as possible.

After ending the communication, everyone's eyes were focused on him, as if they had vaguely expected something.

Richard put away the communicator, stood up and said, "They are here."

Everyone's expressions changed.

Everyone has just heard about Galactus, and now they are still trying to accept the fact that they are digesting it, but they have already come to kill them?

What kind of efficiency is this? Are all public officials in the universe so dedicated and efficient?

"Fifteen minutes, get dressed and get ready." Richard said calmly and stood up, "We will prepare for space travel in a moment."

Everyone was a little uneasy.

"Wait a minute, are we going to fight in outer space?" Hawkeye asked.

Richard nodded: "Yes. But don't worry, I found a planet outside the boundaries of the solar system where humans can survive. The gravity and air environment are very similar to the Earth. We can attract the enemy to that planet first. Let’s start fighting again.”

The superheroes didn't speak anymore, but they were obviously a little nervous.

Space is no joke, and most of them have never left the earth.

The Pentagon general stood up and said with a serious face: "This is simply crazy. Giving up your own advantages to fight on the enemy's home court? I will not allow this."

"I don't think anyone plans to ask for your permission, General." Colonel Rhodes, who was already semi-retired, crossed his arms and said, "No offense, but this is our mission, our action. We have made up our minds to do this. It was done, regardless of official support.”

The general swallowed back the rest of his words.

He glanced at all the superheroes, and after realizing that no one seemed to want to mess with him, he snorted heavily to express his dissatisfaction.

"Okay, that's up to you." He stood up, "But first of all, my army will not go crazy with you. Our mission is to guard the earth, and we will arrange it here Line up to meet the enemy. Don't expect any support from you."

After saying that, he went out without looking back.

However, no one took his words to heart at all. Anyway, no one expected the support of the army. It was as if bringing a group of soldiers would make any difference.

"Okay, if you don't have anything else to say, let's get ready." Richard stood up and looked at his watch, "We'll set off in fifteen minutes."

Outside the solar system, in space.

Three streams of light traveled through the starry sky, pointing directly in the direction of the earth. Their speed is above the speed of light. At this speed, they will reach the earth within today.

Of course, that's assuming no one blocks it.

Ripples appeared in the void, and dazzling white light shone in the dark and deep space of the universe. Countless light particles gathered together and transformed into a silver-white entity. Nexus hung in the void and intercepted the three light streams.

The high-speed moving light flow stopped, revealing the entity wrapped in it.

That is an impressive three people besides the Silver Glider among the current Galactus. One of them is a tyrant with a bad temper and infinite strength, who looks a bit like the Hulk in a high-end match. There is also a Flame King whose whole body is burning and who can be seen as a master of playing with fire from his appearance. And the whole body is made of pure energy and is enveloped Stardust, the young lady with crystal-like divine blue light.

"That's it." Richard blocked their path with his body and said with his mental power, "Further forward is my territory. I would be very grateful if you could take a slight detour for your convenience. "

"Get out of the way, Planet Guardian, this has nothing to do with you." The one who spoke was Stardust, the only girl among the four messengers and also the chief of the four messengers. "We are just completing our work."

"Yeah, but we all know what your jobs are."

Stardust's energetic facial expression seemed to change slightly: "This is not what you think, Planet Guardian."

"Maybe, but I still can't let you go."

"Okay, that's enough!" It was the grumpy tyrant who spoke this time, "You have to know that Galactus has never been in the habit of talking nonsense. Either you get out of the way, or you bear my wrath!"

This guy wasn't bluffing, he roared and struck with his fist.

Tyrant, the only power-enhancer among the Star Eaters. Just as the Silver Glider reached the pinnacle of speed, the cosmic energy tempered the Tyrant's body, allowing him to reach a peak in strength attributes beyond biological limits.

Hmm. But obviously, it's not strong enough.

Nexus raised his left palm, and the tyrant's immeasurable power was all blasted into his palm, making no movement like a stone sinking into the ocean. Then he made a fist with his right hand and hit the tyrant's jaw with one punch. The big man raised his head and blood spurted out of his mouth.

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