Although strength didn't seem to be an advantage, Nexus' punch didn't knock the tyrant away.

The Star Devourer was really rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and he didn't seem to be seriously injured by the punch. With blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, he turned around and swung his fist in his face again.

Nexus pushed it away with his palm and punched back with his backhand. At the same time, the Flame Emperor had also flown forward, waving a burning scepter in his hand and throwing a line of fire.

Nexus pulled away, and the flames almost brushed his chest. The hot feeling came through the energy core on his chest, forcing him to feel tight in his chest.

When it comes to playing with fire, the Flame King is a well-deserved master in the Marvel universe. Compared to him, the Human Torch is just a kid in kindergarten. What the Flame King controls is not an ordinary flame, it is a "cosmic fire" that contains cosmic energy purified by Uncle Tun. The flame temperature not only exceeds the core of the star, but also comes with a powerful impact of cosmic energy. It is basically the most powerful fire in the current universe.

Ultraman itself does not have the ability to be "immune to fire" - there have been many cases of Ultraman's predecessors being burned and rolling all over the floor by the flames sprayed from the monster's mouth, not to mention "that lord" being burned by the volcano monster bird The flames that Patton spewed ignited his head, leaving him with the legend of "Captain Flaming Head".

Richard became a cosmic god and absorbed part of the eternal fire to gain super high fire resistance, but there is a limit to that. Most of the flames can't hurt him, but the Flame Emperor's cosmic fire is still worth being wary of.

But of course, he has his own means of dealing with it.

Nexus deflected the tyrant's punch with his left palm, then hit him in the chest with his elbow, causing the Star Eater to stumble back. At the same time, he raised his right hand, and the weapon on his wrist flashed, transforming into a transparent shield and placing it on the trajectory of the hellfire shot by the Flame Emperor.

The aqua blue shield perfectly withstood the energy impact. The fire of the universe kept licking the energy barrier, but could not break through even the slightest.

Not only that, the energy of the shield moved rapidly along with the weapons on Nexus' wrist, extracting the cosmic energy that made up the cosmic flame like a vortex, and quickly poured into his wrist along the vortex.

The absorption and transformation of energy is already an old trick.

No matter how powerful the Flame Emperor's flames are, their source is ultimately the divine power of the universe given by Uncle Tun.

And as long as it's energy, there's nothing Ultraman can't absorb.

But this time, he may have underestimated the other party a little bit. Or maybe he underestimated Uncle Tun.

The cosmic flame was successfully resolved and the energy was absorbed into his body. However, at this moment, the scene in front of Richard suddenly changed. The dark universe and the stars all over the sky suddenly disappeared, and the sky and the earth began to rotate out of control. The armored giant's figure rose from the ground, covering the entire starry sky, and stared at him viciously with scarlet eyes.

In an instant, Richard understood that it was the spiritual power of Galactus.

After all, Planet Devourer is the Creator God, which is different from the cosmic god level he absorbed before. The cosmic energy controlled by the messengers who were given divine power by Uncle Tun all contained the spiritual energy of this great god. Anyone who attempts to absorb this power will have to absorb this spiritual power as well.

Of course, this is just a bit of mental debris after all, and it can be purified with a little effort. But that takes a little time and a little extra energy. Obviously those are things that are not allowed on the battlefield.

The momentary loss of concentration left a loophole for the enemy's attack. The tyrant punched Nexus in the face with his backhand, and the Flame King's flames and a transparent energy blast from Stardust hit his chest at the same time.

Nexus was shaken and was knocked away. He rolled twice in the air to stabilize his figure, turned his head and turned into a silver light and flew towards the depths of the universe.

Seeing that the enemy seemed to be injured, the three envoys naturally had no intention of letting go. The three people turned into three streams of light and flew out, chasing after Nexus.

The four figures pursued all the way, and soon they came to a deserted planet.

There is also atmospheric coverage here. The composition of the air is slightly different from that on Earth, but the effect is not significant. The gravity is similar to that on the earth, and the entire planet is uninhabited. It can basically be said to be the most ideal combat environment.

Nexus passed through the atmosphere and landed lightly on the ground. The three messengers followed him like a shadow and landed in front of him.

Stardust looked around the surroundings.

"Lead us to a place outside the earth to solve the problem, are you right, young god?" she said.

Yes, she had already seen that the other party was not injured at all, but only deliberately lured them to a specific place.

She knows, but she doesn't care.

"I said, things are not what you think." She said, "We are just doing the necessary work."

"Really? Then maybe you can tell me and listen. Maybe after hearing your reasons, we can discuss it together and see if I can help." Richard said.

Stardust shook his head: "It's a very important matter. I can't reveal any information to you without the master's permission."

"So you want me to believe you mean no harm, but at the same time you won't tell me anything. How does that sound to you?"

Stardust shrugged: "It's not very convincing, but I can't prove anything to you."

"I guess so, so let's cut the nonsense and get straight to it."

After speaking, he made a gesture.

A huge black thing fell from the sky, whistling and hitting the heads of the three envoys. Xingchen raised his head with a calm expression and raised his hand to throw out the semicircular shield with shining stars. The next moment, their bodies were swallowed up by smoke and falling rocks.

Iron Man and War Machine both flew out and landed.

This is the battlefield they selected in advance and is the earth's first line of defense against foreign aggression. All the superheroes who are ready to join the battle have been arranged here early, just waiting for Ultraman to lead their enemies to this designated location.

"Have we got them?" Colonel Rhodes asked. "Please tell me we've got at least one."

"Unfortunately, Rhodes, all three targets are still alive." Stark looked solemn, "And their energy index is rising. Be careful! They may be going to fight back!"

boom! ! !

The boulder was blown to pieces, and dust and debris were blown away like waves.

The three messengers came out from different directions. Each of them looked unscathed, with not even a speck of dust on their bodies.

"Avengers," Stark stepped on the propulsion flames and flew up, "it's time for everyone to show their strength."

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