
Flame Emperor, one of the three ambassadors of Swallowing Star, narrowed his eyes and walked out first.

"Don't get in the way, you can't afford this."

"Interesting, this was said by an accomplice who is preparing to destroy our planet." Stark sarcastically said.

Flames ignited all over the Flame Emperor's body, and the scepter in his hand flew 180 degrees. With a kick of his feet, it flew towards the people on the earth, like a fireball flying through the air.

A golden light passed by, and a human figure was wrapped in the golden beam. That was Captain Marvel. She suddenly cut in from an unexpected angle and bumped into the Flame Emperor. The two struggled in one place, and after landing, they rolled together several times. The cosmic fire and golden energy dragged out a burning crack on the ground.

Captain Marvel rolled twice and jumped up, looking at the Flame Emperor from a few steps away. The latter also stood up quickly, looking a little embarrassed but actually unscathed.

"You are different from other humans, woman." Flame Emperor said in a deep voice, "Back away, I don't want to hurt you."

Aunt Surprise wiped her mouth and sneered confidently: "Interesting, I was planning to say something similar."

Seeing that there was no way to resolve the matter peacefully, the Flame Emperor roared and rushed forward while waving his scepter. Captain Marvel was not afraid at all and faced the sharp edge with a golden light all over his body.

The Fantastic Four's Invisible Woman and Human Torch also rushed over to provide support. Colonel Rhodes also maintained a distance in his war machine armor to provide fire support.

Although the flames of the Human Torch are not as good as those of Cosmic Fire, it is still considered a fire-type specialist. Its resistance is higher than others in this aspect, so it can barely be regarded as a main force. Needless to say, Aunt Surprise, the Earth's top combat force, also bears the main frontal output. Several people surrounded the Flame King and started a fierce battle. For a moment, bright lights and flames were flying all over the sky, and the scene was quite gorgeous.

The big, violent Tyrant took on the Hulk first. Both sides are the same kind of strong and thick-skinned template, with basically no difference in abilities, except that the Hulk suffers a bit in terms of attribute values.

But fortunately, his good friend the Stone Man quickly rushed to help. Two of the Earth's Hercules fought against Galactus's power messenger, as well as Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic and the remaining Avengers. For the time being, it was still possible. Can hold up.

Gwen, who is also an Avenger, also followed, as did her little apprentice Spider-Man. However, twenty tons of punching power and the reaction speed to dodge bullets usually sound abnormal, but in this battlefield, they can't help much. They mostly kept their distance and roamed around without a fixed opponent. If any side couldn't support them, they would shoot some spider webs there to provide interference and support.

Not to mention Hawkeye, Falcon, etc., they are completely paddling at long range.

Only Captain America still wields a small shield and rushes to the front line, following the Hulk, Stone Man, Iron Man and other teammates to beat the tyrant. But well, he is Captain America, so there is nothing surprising about it.

All the super heroes from the Earth teamed up to besiege the two Star Devourers. Although they were very difficult to deal with, they could barely hold on for a short time.

At the same time, everyone also has a more intuitive and terrifying understanding of these Star Swallowers. Whether it is the Flame King or the Tyrant, their crushing terrifying strength has obviously made them deeply aware of the strength of the enemy. Even if so many of them work together, they can only barely resist it. Whether they can defeat their opponents is another matter.

But they no longer have the manpower to deal with the remaining Stardust.

Stardust swept the entire battlefield expressionlessly, slowly raised his right hand, and the cosmic energy was activated and quickly condensed into shape, turning into a transparent and invisible shock wave and flying towards the battlefield on Aunt Marvel's side.

The silver body instantly flashed on the trajectory of her attack, raising one hand and releasing an aqua shield to block her energy impact.

Nexus lowered his arm and faced her from afar.

"Your opponent is me." Richard said.

Xingchen didn't answer, he just turned his palms over, his body shone with starlight, and he stepped forward to prepare for a move.

Among the three messengers, Xingchen looks the thinnest and looks a bit like a scholar. However, the actual situation is completely opposite. This is the four ambassadors of Galactus. No, it should be said that he is the most powerful one among all the ambassadors of Galactus in the past. There is no one.

It can even be said that she is not on the same level as the other messengers of Galactus.

But the interesting thing is that she is completely different from other messengers. Most of them, like the Flame King, Tyrant and Silver Glider, did not voluntarily become Galactus Messengers. They were either forced or had no choice, and they all had their own reasons. But not Stardust. Xingchen took the initiative to approach Uncle Tun and begged him to take her in as his emissary because she was madly in love with Uncle Tun.

Like Galactus, Stardust can barely be considered a survivor of civilization before the Big Bang. It's just that she survived in a different form from Uncle Tun. She dispersed her body into atoms and survived. She can break her entire body into countless unrelated atoms and reassemble them again. The entire body exists in a certain form of energy.

Stardust believes that he and Galactus have the same history, and that they also survived the crisis that destroyed the universe. She believed this was a fateful choice, so she fell madly in love with Galactus.

To what extent can you love?

Let's put it this way. Stardust was not the only survivor of her race. She had 53 remaining compatriots living in her body in the form of energy.

But when Uncle Tun rejected her request to serve him, she made a decision that made her hair stand on end - she ignored the pleas of her compatriots and dedicated all the remaining survivors of her civilization as food. Uncle Tun.

Even Galactus was surprised by her obsession. According to Uncle Tun's own words, as the Creator God, he has accepted so many Star Swallowing messengers over the years, but no one has ever surprised him like Xingchen. He has never seen any messenger betray his race for his own sake.

So he finally accepted Stardust and allowed her to stay with him.

A woman who is crazy about love is extremely terrifying, especially a woman with god-level strength.

Stardust's life level can be said to be almost at the top of the current universe, even far beyond what her strength should be.

After the former supreme mage Gu Yishou died, he abandoned his body, sublimated to a new form and wandered around with the eternal boss; in the movie Thor 3, after Riodin died, he turned into a golden light and dissipated, and he also gave up his body. A path to sublimation.

And Stardust's current state is the kind of sublimated life form that countless strong people pursue.

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