The nemesis of vampires, the knight under the night - Blade Warrior!

At a time when the topic of vampires is a hot topic, the appearance of Blade Warrior suddenly became a hot topic. Before, he had only circulated in public opinion in the form of rumors. Making the headlines of Daily Planet was the first time he had officially appeared in the public eye.

So the people who were being frightened by vampires felt at ease again, because they knew that the stories of vampire hunters were true, and there was indeed a vampire nemesis who walked in the darkness every night and killed these vampires for them. Evil creatures. This gives them a sense of security again.

Some people even suggested that Dao Feng should be given a medal, or that he should be made a public employee and given a salary. This proposal has received a lot of support, but it is a pity that there is an obstacle in the first step if it is to be implemented-the vampire hunter has been missing all day long, and God knows which corner he is hiding in at the moment. How can we present awards if we can’t find anyone?

The report mentioned that the Blade Warrior "faced the siege of dozens of heavily armed vampires alone without falling behind", and also included photos of the Blade Warrior fighting with the large group of soldiers. Finally, it was mentioned that the legendary vampire Count Dracula also appeared. In the article, Blade and the vampire leader fought each other for 300 rounds. Both sides used all their cards, and the fight was dark and dark. In the end, Blade prevailed by luck and used silver The sword pierced the vampire king's heart, pinning him to the wall.

"Take all your vampires with you and get out of this city." Blade finally said viciously, "New York City is protected by me, do you understand?"

So at the end of the story, things ended with Dracula giving in and agreeing to allow all vampires to evacuate New York.

After reading the report, readers feel as satisfied as reading a novel with twists and turns. The most important thing for them is that Dracula finally compromised and agreed to let the vampires withdraw from New York.

Doesn't this mean that from now on there will be no more vampires around them?

The citizens were very excited for a while, and they could not stop hearing their praises and gratitude for the blade. Within a day, Blade topped the list of trending searches, and was almost exaggerated into a selfless savior hero.

As for the protagonist himself, Dao Feng, he was completely confused when he got the news.

ah? What? Is it popular?

Dao Feng read the report and was completely confused.

Kill Dracula alone? Could that person be talking about me?

Where is that little spider girl? And that Ultraman who was passing by to buy groceries?

Although Blade is generally more confident, he clearly remembered that when he met Dracula last night, he could only get beaten. Who is this cool guy in the article who fought with Dracula for three hundred rounds and finally made a threat in a cool manner?

Then when he learned that he had become a hotly searched figure, Dao Feng couldn't help but become even more speechless.

He had been a vampire hunter for so many years, killed so many vampires, and saved so many people, and no one had ever said a word of thanks to him. As a result, he didn't do this at all. It seems that the whole world recognizes him as the hero.

But Richard thinks this is good. After all, the world owes Blade the title of "hero". Not only did Blade in the movie fail to receive praise and glory as a hero, but he was regarded as a mentally disturbed murderer by the public after his whereabouts were exposed. Later, a large number of special police officers attacked Blade's stronghold and captured Blade alive. The old vampire hunter Whist who raised him also died as a result.

By giving Blade the praise he deserves, letting the world recognize his dedication and contribution, and recognizing him as a hero, such tragedies should never happen.

Richard was sitting in the office, flipping through a book, when Jessica suddenly came in with a copy of today's newspaper and looked at him with a strange expression.

Richard glanced at her sideways: "What are you doing? I'm busy. If you have something to say, please tell me."

Jessica glanced at the book he was holding, "Nepal Travel Guide."

"Boss, are you planning to go on a trip?"

"Yeah, wait, that's not right, I called it a business trip." Richard corrected. I am traveling on official business, how can I call it a tourist trip? I just like to talk nonsense.

"Going to Nepal on a business trip?" Jessica was confused. Is there any big news there?

"Don't worry about it."

Richard has long wanted to go to Nepal, but it was still in the planning stage. Richard has carefully studied the maps of major cities in Nepal, collected a lot of information, and combined it with the memory of the "Doctor Strange" movie in his previous life to search for traces of the "Kama Taj". Currently, he has roughly locked the location in Small towns around Kathmandu.

However, this range may not be narrowed in the future. It seems that he can only search nearby towns one by one.

"What are you going to say?" Richard asked as he continued to flip through his travel guide.

Jessica looked at him strangely: "It's nothing, but what you told me last night was true?"

Richard rolled his eyes at her.

Nonsense, who do you think I am? Do you really think I kidnapped an underage girl to do unspeakable things?

"Okay, I apologize, I shouldn't doubt you." Jessica paused, confused, "But didn't you say you met the vampire named Dracula last night? It doesn't seem to be in the photo?"

"There's nothing I can do about it." Richard reluctantly opened the drawer and threw a stack of developed photos on the table. "The photos all look like this."

Jessica took it and took a look, and saw that the Blade Warrior in the picture was holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. He seemed to be fighting Mosaic to the death?

"What's going on?" she asked curiously.

Richard shrugged: "I don't know, but every photo with Dracula looks like this. I guess he just can't be captured by the camera."

Jessica nodded suddenly.

At this time there was a knock on the door outside. Secretary Stephanie poked her head in, smiled politely at Jessica, and then said to Richard: "Mr. Li, is that Agent Coulson here again?"

"Again?" Richard raised his eyebrows. Is the SHIELD gang finished?

Didn't you already tell me that I am Ultraman? What will I do this time?

Richard frowned and pointed at Jessica: "Tell him I'm very busy. I'm drinking tea and chatting with my close staff here. I won't be free for three to five hours."

Jessica immediately turned her head: "Boss, I suddenly remembered that there are some photos that haven't been developed yet. I have to go quickly."

Richard squinted at her.

Girl, do you know why you never get a promotion or salary increase?

That's why.

(You don’t even want a salary increase to please your boss? Are you dreaming?)

(Thanks to book friends ZMAN, Boli zx, and Xingluglulu for their tips!)

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