The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 66 The Director wants to see you

A minute later, SHIELD's good old agent Phil Coulson once again appeared in the boss' office of the Daily Planet, standing in front of Richard in a very standard professional posture.

"We meet again, Mr. Li." Agent Coulson greeted.

Richard crossed his legs and took a sip of tea slowly: "SHIELD's mission has been very heavy recently, right? Don't you have enough manpower?"

Colson was stunned for a moment, recalling Richard's sarcasm when he met him two times before. He couldn't help but subconsciously touched his bald forehead.

"That's not what I meant." Richard waved his hand. I really didn't mean to mock his hairstyle this time. Why has he become so self-conscious?

"I mean, does SHIELD only have three or five field agents or what?" Richard pointed at him and asked, "Why is it you who comes here every time?"

Richard really felt that way. Agent Coulson was simply a model worker for SHIELD, a hard-working old scalper under Nick Fury. This was the case in the movies back then. He was on the Iron Man set, he was on the Thor set, and he was on the Avengers set, until he was finally killed by Loki in the Avengers 1 movie.

Coulson's death in the Avengers 1 movie directly stimulated the unity of the Avengers. This model worker can be regarded as having dedicated his life to death. But you think this is the end? No, no, no, Comrade Colson's journey of dedication to the organization has just begun. He never expected that after he died, Director Fury actually used alien black technology to drag him back from hell, and told him that the organization still needs you and you can't die yet. So the hard-working Agent Coulson began his five-season journey of dedication in the American TV series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Agent Coulson explained: "Because the director thinks that I have dealt with you and am an old face, so he sent me to negotiate with you. If you don't like me, I can also apply to the director for a change of contact person."

"No, I'm just curious." Richard waved his hand, "If you hadn't told me, I would have thought SHIELD and the director were just the three of you."

There is nothing wrong with dealing with Agent Coulson. After all, he is upright and easy to talk to. If you must choose a SHIELD agent to communicate with, Richard thinks Coulson is a good choice. At least you will be able to get along with him. Easy.

It would be a bit annoying if Coulson went back to ask Fury to apply for a replacement, and Fury would then arrange for Black Widow or something to come over and play a honey trap. Black Widow is good-looking, but too tricky to deal with. Richard hates dealing with that type of person.

Colson said: "Mr. Li, we have to ask you something this time. It's very important."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Sorry, that is highly confidential and I have no right to tell you."

Richard looked at Coulson with vacant eyes.

So you come here and tell me that you need to talk to me about something, but the matter is too confidential to comment on?

So now do I have to blindly guess what you plan to talk to me about?

"Agent Coulson, you're not so free that you came here to entertain me, are you?"

"Our chief wants to talk to you personally," Coulson said.

Richard was stunned: "Lu Dan wants to see me?"


"Oh, it's nothing." Richard realized that he probably didn't recognize Fury at this moment, and besides, calling the director like that in front of others would really have a negative impact.

"Sorry, no need to talk." Richard shook his head.

Colson was surprised to be stunned. He didn't expect Richard to refuse so simply and without delay: "Don't you want to know what it is?"

"No," Richard said, "I am a journalist and a businessman, Agent Coulson. I am very busy. Please convey my apology to your director for me."

Agent Coulson's eyes subconsciously fell on the "Nepal Travel Guide" that Richard had been flipping through before he entered.

Richard remained calm and said, "That's official business. I'm going on a business trip."

As a successful person, you must have many unique skills, for example, being a two-skinned person is one of them.

Why else would Nick Fury want to see him by name? Either they were arresting him to do hard labor and tricking him into dealing with some mess on the pretext of world peace or something, or they were still determined to find an opportunity to study the secret of his power.

No matter which one it was, he felt that he had no reason to be obedient.

"Oh." Colson said that I would just believe it for now, and then emphasized, "Although I can't tell you what it is, it is indeed very important. Our director really hopes that"

Before he could finish speaking, Richard refused: "If this matter is really that important, then I am pretty sure that you, Mr. Director, will try to find time to find me in person. Otherwise, it means that the matter is not that important. Okay. If nothing happens, please come back, I have a lot of work to do next."

Coulson had no choice but to leave.

In fact, when he received this mission, he had already vaguely expected such an outcome. Unlike most of the superpowers that SHIELD has dealt with, Richard is not afraid of their SHIELD reputation at all. It is obvious that they cannot call a bunch of big men to come over and tie people up. To put it bluntly, he refuses to take soft and hard advice, and is very difficult to deal with.

Forget it, don’t worry about this anymore. Agent Coulson decided that it would be better to leave this kind of troublesome problem to his boss to think about. He was just running errands anyway. He was only responsible for going back and conveying the message to the boss. He did not have to worry about other problems.

Richard watched Colson leave from the window on the roof, groaning in his heart.

If Braised Egg asks me to go, I will go. Doesn’t that make me look very shameless?

One of the reasons why he refused was the reason he just told Coulson, and the other reason was that he simply didn't want to meet Nick Fury. After all, who would want to meet the King of Spies?

Furthermore, if this matter is really so important, then Nick Fury should come to see him in person, right?

Richard was right about this.

But what he didn't expect was that Fury would come so efficiently.

Richard came home from get off work and as soon as he opened the door of his bedroom, he saw Director Fury sitting on the sofa in the bedroom with his crotch raised and black leather boots dangling.

Richard couldn't help but look sideways. Is SHIELD's work efficiency so high? It simply overturned his usual understanding of bureaucracy and government institutions. Did Fury happen to be in New York or did he fly over from the mothership on a special plane?

So it seems that Fury really has something important to talk about?

"You are really a hard person to find, Mr. Richard Lee. Or should I call you...'Ultraman?'" Fury said slowly.

Hmm, why do you feel like you've heard such an opening statement before?

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