"Jesse? You got up very early today." Richard closed the door and said, "I was about to make something to eat."

"Will she come back?" Jessica asked.

"Maybe, I don't know."

Richard began to walk away, as if to avoid the subject.

After coming back last night, he told the tenants about Ganata's departure. He explained to everyone that Janata had only lived here temporarily, but now her father sent someone to pick her up.

Although he said it as simply as possible, it was still true.

But for some reason, Ganata's behavior when she left always gave him the illusion that "it would be difficult to meet her again."

Richard thought maybe Uncle Tun didn't allow it. Maybe Uncle Tun was very angry that Janata ran away from home this time? Or maybe Uncle Tun warned her not to associate with weird people anymore?

Who knows.

Jessica's expression was a little complicated: "Boss, you know that although I usually make some jokes, before this, before Ganata, it was just a joke."

Richard stopped and raised his eyebrows: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying, she's different, right?"

Seeing him staring at her, Jessica spread her hands helplessly and said, "Don't look at my boss like that. In fact, it's quite obvious. Although I know you have some secrets, Carrie must have them too. There are many things at your level that I don't understand. But you understand each other, don’t you?

I could see how she and I were different from the rest of us. She can understand you and help you like no one before her has been able to do. Is that why she seems special? "

Richard was silent for a while, then slowly turned his head.

"Speaking of which, it's almost time to go to work." He said expressionlessly, "It's time for you to work, Jesse."

Jessica's eyebrows twitched: "Today is Sunday."

"I know it's Sunday," Richard said, "but the organization just decided to let you work an overtime day."

Jessica: "."

God’s organization decided, isn’t this organization your own?

Jessica was a little dissatisfied: "It's no use trying to fool me, boss. This is your problem, I just see it."

After she finished speaking, she stopped talking nonsense and turned back to her room. She didn't know whether she was planning to go back to sleep or really preparing to go out and work overtime.

To be honest, Richard didn't really care whether she went to work overtime or not. Anyway, the girl's bonus had been deducted long ago, and now Richard turned a blind eye to her. Even if she doesn't want to work and just stays at home and is a rice bug, it won't be a big problem.

But Jessica's words replayed over and over again in his mind, and they were a little lingering.

Was there anything special about Ganata to him?

If it were before today, he would definitely say no, and he was so sure of it.

But now, at this moment, looking at the empty room left after she left, he seemed to be no longer so sure.

People are so weird sometimes. Some people live with you day and night and gradually become a part of your life, so much so that you take them for granted.

Only when that person leaves and disappears from your life, and you are shocked to realize that there is a large blank space in your life, will you regret not cherishing it.

Well, actually Richard is not that exaggerated, but it is true that he is not adaptable.

There is no well-behaved loli who holds snacks and eats them all day long. It feels a bit strange at the moment, as if this huge manor is missing a vital part.

In fact, speaking of it, Ganata won't go anywhere in this universe. If you want to meet, there should be a chance. There is no need to treat it like a farewell.

But he just felt a little restless for no reason.

A phone call from Gideon Malik in the morning called him to the Hydra headquarters over there. Richard casually grabbed a Hydra soldier as a substitute. After chatting with the old man, he realized that there seemed to be some instability within Hydra these days.

Luodan and Baron Strucker have been in love and fighting each other for so many years, and there was no winner until Luodan collapsed and resigned from the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But neither side gave up. Baron Strucker has been sending people to track down and assassinate Lu Dan after he stepped down. He seems to regard Lu Dan as his lifelong enemy and will not stop until he is defeated.

However, the braised eggs are not easy to mess with either. He has been recruiting troops since leaving SHIELD, and he has indeed recruited many retired SHIELD agents and strange people. The two sides fought intermittently for a while, and it was considered a back-and-forth.

It wasn't until a head-on battlefield that the two rival teams of Lu Dan and Strucker finally faced off.

That battle was really brutal. Baron Strucker showed almost all his trump cards. The weapons and equipment he intercepted from AIM, the powerful superpowers he had collected over the years, as well as Hydra's aircraft, anti-aircraft guns and other equipment were all put into battle, showing It is also the leading military force in Hydra, and it is bound to completely defeat Luodan!

Then there’s the braised eggs! Braised eggs, braised eggs, he got a star battleship.

Baron Strucker's expression at that time was really wonderful. He felt like a sunken dog. Maybe it was a male dog.

At that time, he wanted to drag out all members of the intelligence department and shoot them.

Dry! What do you do for food?

Why did no one ever tell me there was a starship? ?

So there was no suspense about what happened next. Baron Strucker's troops completely collapsed. No matter how advanced aircraft, cannons, or powerful superpowers were, they were useless in front of the star battleships.

Hydra had all its cards. Baron Strucker even threw a nuclear bomb in the end with a desperate mentality, but it didn't even break through the battleship's outer shield.

Gideon Malik looked a little scared when describing this incident. Apparently he was also a little frightened by the battleship in Lu Dan's hands.

The generals and top brass on Earth are actually quite easy to scare. Generally speaking, as long as there is something that even a nuclear bomb can't kill, they will most likely be shocked.

But when Richard heard about this, he couldn't help but sneer.

Oh, no, it doesn't matter where Luodan's battleship comes from.

That was designed by our Ganata herself. If a mere nuclear bomb can break through the defenses, it is still haunted.

As you can imagine, Braised Egg must be having fun at home right now.

After all, a space battleship is a space battleship. You get what you pay for, and it is really worth the money.

After the war, Baron Strucker himself ran away, but his power was also severely weakened. More than 70% of the manpower was lost, and a large number of armaments and weapons were destroyed. This battle directly cost Strucker back to his grandma's house. Not to mention continuing to fight head-on with Lu Dan, he also lost his former voice in front of other Hydra leaders.

Finally, old man Malik said very solemnly that there might be a storm in Hydra.

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