The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 651 It’s better not to do this

After listening to Gideon Malik's narration, Richard realized that there were so many things going wrong with Hydra these days.

Hydra has never been truly unified since the end of World War II. It seems to be a large organization with clear goals, but this is not the case at all. There is no communication between the major leaders, and everyone has always meddle in their own affairs. As long as they don't stir up any big troubles that endanger everyone's common interests, generally no one will meddle in other people's business.

It's a delicate balance. Everyone occupies a force to check and balance each other, because everyone knows that they have enough power and trump cards in their hands as a deterrent. To put it bluntly, it is actually strength-based deterrence, because each party has the strength to overwhelm the others, so they can maintain peace and harmony.

Not long ago, Baron Strucker was still the leader among the big bosses. As a well-established old German guy who survived World War II, this guy also has the most men and the most guns. He also secretly hides a large number of superpowers. He is a big shot that no other boss can afford to offend.

But precisely because of his strength, Baron Strucker always had a natural sense of superiority when facing other leaders, as if he was superior to everyone else and everyone else had to obey his orders.

Due to his strength and qualifications, other Hydra leaders generally didn't want to quarrel with him over trivial matters, so they tolerated it when they could.

Although they tolerated it, it doesn't mean that the other bosses won't hold grudges. Everyone remembers all the advantages Baron Strucker has taken over the years and all the benefits of leaving. Now that this guy's vitality is severely damaged and his strength is no longer there, how can other leaders give up?

Questions soon came one after another. Baron Zemo accused Strucker of being too ugly in the defeat, not only losing the face of their Hydra but also losing the glory of the former Axis powers; Lady Viper questioned that his remaining manpower and equipment were not enough to manage his existing turf. Dr. Whitehall has not spoken yet, but he must be planning something secretly, and it will definitely not be a good thing for Baron Strucker anyway.

As the saying goes, "When a tree falls, the hozens scatter, but when the wall falls, everyone pushes back." Now Baron Strucker is obviously the wall that is about to collapse. The decline of the Baron has caused the balance that Hydra has maintained for many years to be broken, and the redistribution of power and interests is bound to cause another struggle.

Mr. Gideon Malik called his leader here so urgently just to report this matter. The old man was very excited, his face turned rosy when he talked about his rise, and he looked like he was ready to take the world into his pocket.

Richard knew that this old guy had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Although he, the fake god of Hydra, has no interest in conquering the world, Malik has really worked hard his whole life to achieve this goal.

The old guy may also vaguely understand in his heart that "conquering the world" sounds a bit too neutral and unrealistic, and it may be difficult to achieve, so he pinned his hopes on the omnipotent "Hydra" from the legends of his ancestors. God", hoping that this god can lead them to achieve this goal after returning smoothly.

Can Richard help him realize his long-cherished wish? sure.

Not to mention conquering the earth, if he wants to conquer the galaxy, it is only a matter of time.

But will he?

Unfortunately for Mr. Malik, no.

It's possible to conquer, but it's not necessary.

Richard felt that it was almost too full to hold on. With his current strength, he can walk around the galaxy at will, get whatever he wants, and live a happy and free life. Why should he run to rule the world and take care of a bunch of messy things that are not his responsibility? Isn’t that a pain in the ass?

So when faced with the emotional Mr. Malik, he only said that the current situation still needs to be observed patiently, and we have to wait.

Poor old man Malik is already old. If this continues, he may not be able to see Hydra unite to conquer the world in his lifetime.

Richard's idea was simple. The leader of this gang loves to grab territory and resources, so just take it for yourself. He doesn’t want anything anyway, so just don’t drag him into it.

However, the opposite happened.

Let's put it this way. There are some people in the world who like to dance in minefields, and are even complacent about it, without even knowing what trouble they are getting into.

After meeting Malik, as soon as Richard returned home, he realized that someone was already at home. And they were uninvited guests.

But he wasn't nervous or panicked - he honestly didn't think there was anyone else on the planet who was worthy of him.

Richard took out the key and opened the door as usual, changed his shoes, took off his coat, went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and then came to his room unhurriedly.

Pushing open the bedroom door, he didn't show any panic when he saw Dr. Daniel Whitehall sitting arrogantly in his chair with his legs crossed, followed by a room of black agents.

Of course, the accident was still a bit unexpected. After all, his identity as the God of Hydra was completely kept secret and had not been noticed by anyone over the years.

With this posture now, it seems like the old guy Whitehall has noticed?

Sure enough, Whitehall sat up straight when he entered, smiled and said: "Busy with official business, right, Mr. Li? Or should I say 'God of Hydra'?"

So he did know.

But now it doesn't really matter. Richard shrugged and admitted graciously: "Oh, so you noticed."

"You disguise yourself very well, and you have indeed kept everyone in the dark all this time." Whitehall was still a little complacent when he said this, "But no matter how well you hide it, you will always leave subtle traces. And I, He’s someone who’s good at catching clues.”

"Congratulations, you found it."

Richard said, glancing left and right.

There seemed to be no one else in the manor. Gwen is in Avengers Tower, Jessica is at the newspaper office, and brother and sister Quicksilver and Wanda seem to be out shopping. Even Ganata, who always stayed at home and never went out, left the earth not long ago.

If any of the tenants in his house were at home, Whitehall would probably not have the chance to sit on this chair and act like this.

Richard shook his head: "Lucky guy."

Whitehall: "Sorry, what did you just say?"


Richard walked inside indifferently. The agents in the room pointed their guns at him alertly, but he ignored them all and just walked to the small refrigerator in the room and took out a can of beer.

"I think you should understand the current situation, so I'll get straight to the point." Whitehall said coldly, "Now we all know that you never show your true colors to others, even in front of your closest subordinates, because you Know that once your identity is revealed and you lose your sense of mystery, you are just a human being. You may have some special abilities, but you are still a human being. We have many ways to attack you or the people you care about."

"Oh, really?" Richard took a sip of beer and made a "please" gesture, "If you are determined to do this, then do it easily, Dr. Whitehall. But here is a little personal advice. You'd better not Do this."

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