From the bottom of his heart, Richard didn't worry about the people around him at all. No one he knew well could be dealt with casually by Whitehall sending a few soldiers.

But Whitehall apparently didn't understand it that way. He still kept his squinty smile, and the reflection on his glasses made him look like a cunning and cunning boss behind the scenes.

"Let's open the skylight and speak frankly. I've done my research, Mr. Li. I know there are people you care about and I know where they are." He said, "Normally in this room we might not be so easy to do anything. , but they always go out, and you can't possibly take care of them all.

If you're worried that I'm going to blackmail you into doing something outrageous, that's no need. I'm just here to be friendly. "

"Oh? How about a friendly method?" Richard continued to drink beer, and the can of beer had reached the bottom.

To be honest, he has no reaction to alcohol now. Drinking is just a drink to taste.

"It's very simple." Whitehall crossed his arms. "I believe you already know that a storm is coming. Baron Strucker is finished. This is a certainty. The only difference is who will collect the benefits."

"I know, but I'm not interested in it," Richard said. "If that's what you're worried about, don't worry."

Dr. Whitehall smiled.

"Let's just say I believe you," Whitehall said, "but that's not the answer I want. In fact, I hope you're interested. I need you to put your best foot forward to get a share of the battle ahead. What’s yours and then I’ll take some of it.”

"Oh." Richard said expressionlessly, "Do you think I would do that?"

"With all due respect, I don't think you have a choice. I hold your secret, and you are not that powerful after losing the cover of your identity." Whitehall's tone was polite, but his words were tit for tat, "Baron Strucker's Downfall means more than just a piece of his pie. It represents an opening, an opportunity—a chance for all of us to do what we should have done long ago.

If things go well, Hydra may be reunited. This is a rule that history has already decreed. The only difference is who will lead it. And you will help me get into that position, Mr. Li. In return, I promise to give you a good enough spot in the new Hydra, at a price point that's definitely worth it. "

Richard nodded thoughtfully, raised his head and took another sip of beer.

"So, what do you say?" Whitehall asked.

"Ah," Richard tipped the jar over, "drank it."

Whitehall was beginning to lose his patience.

"I don't have much time for you to think about it," he said. "There's no point in trying to stall for time."

Richard looked at his serious attitude and aggressive look, and couldn't help but feel funny.

Why didn't he kick Whitehall out as soon as he saw him? Or should we simply blast them where they are until there are no atoms left?

Just out of sheer boredom.

After Ganata left, he had been feeling a little inexplicably irritable, with an attitude of being unmotivated about everything. He thought it was quite interesting that Whitehall came out of nowhere to chat with him, at least to pass some time.

However, the glasses man obviously didn't realize his position. He even funnyly thought that he had bargaining chips.

Richard thought for a while, and temporarily left a clone to accompany Whitehall, while the main body separated from the body and flew out in a form invisible to the naked eye.

He escaped into the subspace while transforming, and appeared directly above the Whitehall Base Camp thousands of miles away in an instant.

Whitehall thought that his lair was very hidden, but in fact, in Richard's eyes, there were no truly hidden places on earth. Not only could he clearly see every move in this base from outside the atmosphere, he could even see another facility hidden under Whitehall's facility - a secret base hidden in a secret base.

The old guy from Whitehall obviously put a lot of thought into this. He did a lot of shielding work to try to hide the base, and used various technological means. But it was no use, all his little secrets were invisible in the eyes of the gods.

Switching to the blue adult form, Nexus flew high in the air, raised his arms, and loaded the golden bow with a burst of golden light on his wrist. Countless light particles swirled around his body and arms, locking onto the huge facility below.

Countless HYDRA agents are milling about the facility, and they will never find out where the attack is coming from.

Bow arrow light!

The golden light cuts through the space, and the huge bow swoops down with an indomitable momentum!

The protective cover, armor plates, reinforced concrete all melted like paper in the golden light, the floor was blasted open, and even the underground facilities were swept away by the impact. In less than a second, the powerful impact completely wiped Whitehall's entire base off the face of the earth. Metal, rubble, and entire ruins were decomposed in the strong light, with not even sparks or debris left.

In an instant, the entire land was blasted away cleanly, as if it had been dug away entirely from the depths of the earth, leaving no trace.

Nexus put away his bow and arrows and descended, landing at the edge of the pit with an exaggerated diameter.

The blue giant squatted down, pressed his palms on the ground, and poured out his divine power.

The terrain began to transform and change at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the deep hole was quickly filled. Thin grass spreads and grows along the ground, covering the newly grown land like a green carpet. Followed by flowers, shrubs, and trees of various colors. The saplings grew into towering trees in the blink of an eye, just like the ones that had grown here many years ago.

Now that he is the patron saint of the earth, he has the authority to call on all resources and energy on this planet. This kind of thing is naturally easy.

After the matter was done, Richard released the transformation and returned to his room.

Poor Brother Whitehall obviously didn't know that he had ended up in a similar miserable situation as Baron Strucker at this moment, and he still continued to press: "Don't waste time, this is your last chance. Be sensible. Make your choice or I will do it for you.”

Richard gave him a deadpan look.

"Before you do that, Dr. Whitehall, I strongly suggest you call your hometown and ask what happened," he said. "Maybe you'll change your mind."

Whitehall narrowed his eyes at him for a moment, as if wondering what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

He didn't say anything, but he still took out his cell phone and made a few calls.

No one seemed to answer the first few calls, and it wasn't until his fourth call that someone finally answered.

Then the expression of the glasses man suddenly froze and his glasses widened.

"What?" He said with disbelief on his face, "You said it's gone? What does it mean it's gone???"

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