Although it cannot be said that it is completely settled, at least now all branches of Hydra have expressed their willingness to submit.

Baron Strucker had already experienced the power of space battleships before. A space battleship in Luodan's hands beat Strucker's powerful frontal troops into dogs, annihilating most of the Baron's active forces and giving him a devastating blow.

The fate of the Baron was obvious to all. His body was thrown at the meeting venue before it cooled down. In this situation, no one with a right mind would dare to ignore the giant battleship above their head.

Maybe there will be some idiots who want to do some tricks next, but Richard doesn't really care. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, and a group of Hydra leaders could not do anything to him even if they turned the world upside down.

The reason why they were temporarily spared was purely to save trouble - although Hydra was unified, Richard decided to retain the locations and mechanisms of each branch, and continue to be run by the original leaders of each branch. It's just that from now on, they have to answer to Richard's Snake and Shield headquarters.

What? Centralize the power of the entire organization and take care of everything yourself, down to the smallest detail?

Wouldn't that be causing trouble for yourself?

But if anyone still wants to be clever, Richard doesn't mind going to a little trouble and throwing people into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish. The worst thing is that the corresponding branch will have to give back a leader. Anyway, the most important thing for Hydra is people.

At the end of the meeting, the leaders left the scene with their own thoughts. When old Mr. Malik boarded the plane, his face was red and he was very excited. It was obvious that he was just being a loser, but he seemed to be happier than Richard himself.

I thought this series of events had come to an end. Unexpectedly, a day later, a group of unexpected people came and found Richard.

"We need your help."

SHIELD agent Daisy Johnson stood in front of his door, followed by Phil Coulson, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Richard glanced at the two of them, and then his eyes fell on Coulson's head, to be precise.

"I guess you finally found a good brand of hair restorer, or your workload has been reduced a lot since Director Fury stepped down," Richard said.

Colson seemed to have become immune to his unique way of greeting him. Now he didn't even twitch his facial muscles and just said calmly: "You look good, Mr. Li."

"You know, I went around the universe not long ago and found a buddy who is very similar to you. He is a guy like a space policeman, and he works very seriously and hard. He is also there wherever something goes wrong. And that My brother's hair style is as good as yours." Richard said seriously, "So if you have any secrets, you might as well tell me, and I can give him some advice next time I have a chance."

"Maybe next time, this time we have a mission." Coulson said, "We need your help."

Richard shrugged: "Of course, come in. I'll get you something to drink, and you can talk slowly."

Although Coulson and Daisy both said they didn't plan to stay long, Richard made them each a cup of tea.

"I recently studied the tea ceremony and found it quite interesting." He said with a smile as he put the cup on the table, "And this is much better than coffee. I strongly recommend that you switch to drinking tea in the future. Caffeine is really not friendly to humans.”

Colson took the tea cup and thanked him.

"Let me say it up front. If something goes wrong or you encounter any trouble in your SHIELD mission, then I can't help." Richard also made a cup of tea himself and came to them. The two sat down in front of them.

Coulson shook his head: "I know your attitude, Mr. Li, and I have never forgotten it. But this has nothing to do with SHIELD. I have never asked you for anything in these years. Believe me, if I think there is something else going on, I will never come here to ask for help."

Richard raised his eyebrows.

"I'm listening."

"It's Simmons." Daisy said, "Gemma Simmons, a member of our team and a biological expert of SHIELD, do you remember?"

Richard nodded: "Remember."

"She disappeared." Daisy looked very tired. She said, "We seized a dangerous object and a huge stone not long ago. Fitz said it was a material that does not exist on the earth. None of us know what the stone is. What to do. It never did anything, so we threw it in the lab. Until a few days ago."

"It suddenly activated without warning and swallowed Agent Simmons, right?" Richard frowned.

Both Colson and Daisy showed surprised expressions, and the former stood up from the sofa involuntarily.

"So you know that thing?" he asked.

"Yes, I know." Richard crossed his fingers and held up his chin, then frowned and shook his head, "You really shouldn't play with things you don't understand."

Coulson reflected: "Maybe, we will never touch it again in the future. But before that, I have to rescue my people."

"What on earth is that stone?" Daisy asked.

"A portal leading to a deserted alien planet."

Coulson and Daisy looked at each other, each seeing worry in the other's eyes.

"You mean aliens?" Coulson asked.

"Yes, alien. But I won't know where exactly until I see the portal." Richard said.

Daisy said happily: "So you are willing to help us?"

Richard shrugged: "So be it."

In fact, it seemed like he couldn't do anything without helping.

Although he didn't know where the shield was obtained, Richard estimated that the "stone" they were talking about, that is, the portal, was probably the one leading to the real "God of Hydra". Alien.

Several pieces of this kind of stone that serve as portals have been handed down from ancient times and are sealed in different areas of different branches of Hydra, not just Malik's.

It was a completely deserted and uninhabited planet, and only one intelligent creature, the so-called "Hydra God", existed on the entire planet.

He has been able to survive for thousands of years only because of the continuous tribute from loyal believers like Gideon Malik on Earth. This group of Hydra old-schoolers relentlessly sent people to deliver supplies through the portal, and the so-called "god" survived on these reliefs.

But recently, Richard took his place, making old man Malik mistakenly believe that their god had been rescued, so he did not send people or materials to the alien planet in the past two years.

Originally, Richard thought that as long as he left things alone, the Hydra god who was deprived of food and supplies would starve to death sooner or later, but now it seemed that this was not possible.

In the worst case scenario, the so-called "god" might possess Simmons and wait for Team Coulson to take her out.

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