Hive, the god of Hydra, the guy Richard impersonated.

Although the name has the word "god" in it, Hive is not a real god. It is more appropriate to say it is "the god of aliens" rather than the "god of Hydra". Because that guy's ability can command all strangers in the world.

But just like the first batch of aliens born on earth, he was not born with it.

Back when Earth's civilization was still in the tribal period, primitive people were still living a life of hunting in the jungle, and they had not even received enlightenment. And Hive was originally a member of the hunter tribe. He carries a stone spear and goes out hunting every day to eke out a living.

Until the Crees came.

As early as when the earth was still in the tribal era, the Kree people had already developed an advanced civilization that could dominate the universe. They came to the earth, selected a group of lucky earthlings, modified their genes and created a race called "aliens".

The hive is the lucky one among the lucky ones. He belongs to that kind of protagonist template who is given a golden finger. He started his own pretentious road from a useless counterattack, and gradually reached the pinnacle of his life.

Of course, that's only in the eyes of humans and aliens.

Hive's ability allows him to easily command all aliens and become the absolute overlord on the earth. However, in fact, he is just a microphone for the Kree, a tool that facilitates their rule and management of aliens. To put it bluntly, they are slaves.

But then times turned around, and Hive's life finally took a turn for the better. There are huge differences among the Kree people about the alien project. Some people think that the alien project is difficult to control and very dangerous, and its practical value is not high. A quarrel accompanied this civil war, and the result was that all the ancient Kree people withdrew from the earth, leaving a huge mess behind.

Now the hive is liberated, and without his master, he suddenly becomes the real king!

Then he was exiled to an alien planet by his own people.

Hmm. Yes, it is so hard.

In fact, even on that strange alien planet, with his abilities, he should have been able to live happily. However, this guy wanted to die, and when he came to this strange planet, he raised his arms and shouted, saying that from now on, I am the king, and you all must listen to my orders!

As for the local aliens, of course they just thought he was a lunatic from a foreign country, and no one cared about him at all.

The already angry Beehive was angered again, so he did nothing but exterminate all intelligent life on the planet in one go, paralyzed the entire planet's ecology, and turned this place into a desert. The cosmic desert.

Then he would huddle alone in a corner of the desert and shiver, waiting for his devout believers to throw some food and supplies from the earth every few months to satisfy their hunger.

To be honest, Hive still felt a bit regretful in these thousands of years. If he hadn't killed all the life on this planet and paralyzed the ecosystem, how could he have ended up with no water to drink?


And the hive today is worse than at any time in five thousand years.

In the past five thousand years, at least every once in a while, a few more people would be thrown in and some supplies would be thrown in to help him survive. However, now he felt as if no new humans and supplies had been thrown in for several years.

All the creatures and flesh on this entire planet have been eaten clean by him. Fortunately, his vitality is strong enough and he can still hold on for a while. But if there are no more supplies, he is not sure how long he can last.

What happened over there on Earth?

Have his followers finally lost patience and given up on him?

And just when he was hungry and cold and thought he was going to die, things suddenly took a turn for the better.

Someone appeared in his cave and came to him.

Beehive's pupils shrank, and he pounced towards the man without thinking.

He doesn't care who the other person is or what the other person has to say. The only thing he cares about now is food. If he doesn't eat something, he may really starve to death!

As for the other party’s purpose of coming? Anyway, after he eats the other person, he can also devour the other person's memory. He will understand after eating it.

However, what Beehive didn't expect was that the moment he pounced on him, he seemed to hit an invisible barrier. A layer of transparent dark red ripples spread in the air, the hive was knocked back with a groan, and a large group of parasites was blasted out of his body as the host.

Those parasites are the essence of the hive. He has long since lost his physical body over the long years, and can only maintain his movements by constantly taking other people's bodies.

"Don't be too impatient, 'Hydra God'." Appeared in front of him was a man in black, who smiled and said, "I'm here to help. Right now, as we speak, there is someone who is asking you A basically invincible existence may come to this place at any time. He is here to deal with you, and with your strength there is no room for counterattack.

And I am here to provide you with an opportunity. An opportunity that can save your life and at least be able to fight when that existence comes. "

The figure paused for a moment, watching with a playful smile as the parasite flew back into its host body like a tide.

It wasn't until the hive fully recovered and lay on the ground panting desperately that he continued to smile and said, "So, what do you think of this?"

Beehive was still panting and didn't answer immediately.

But deep down he knew he had no choice.

As night approached, the wind on the surface became even more violent. The strong wind stirred up sand and dust all over the ground, and yellow gravel flew all over the sky, as if forming an endless curtain, hanging down from the horizon and covering the entire sky.

Lightning appeared out of thin air, as if an invisible hand tore the space apart.

Before everyone had time to react, Richard and Coulson's team appeared out of thin air on the land.

Suddenly being teleported here from the Aegis Airliner, Fitz was in a state of confusion. It took him a while to be convinced that he was no longer on Earth, and a while to wonder how it had happened.

However, his strong desire to "recover Simmons" soon overwhelmed his curiosity as a scientist. Putting aside his questions for the moment, Fitz quickly took out his search equipment and tried to search for any signs of life within a radius of several miles, but found nothing.

"It's useless!" He said with some frustration, "I don't know the reason, but it may be that the magnetic field of this planet interferes with the equipment, and the equipment cannot operate here."

"It's okay, we don't need it either."

Richard comforted the young scientist by patting him on the shoulder. He told everyone, "Wait here a moment," and with a kick of his feet, he flew vertically into the air, piercing through the layers of yellow dust and disappearing into the sky.

Fitz looked up at the direction he left with a look of shock on his face.

"Who is Mr. Li?" he asked in surprise, "He looks just like Superman."

The remaining three people in the team looked at each other.

Daisy looked at Ward: "You didn't tell him?"

Ward shook his head: "No, I thought you would tell him."

Daisy shook her head like a rattle: "No."

It was then that everyone realized an embarrassing thing.

For those who don't know about "Mr. Li is Ultraman", it seems that Fitz is the only one present.

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