The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 660 Healing quickly?

Fitz and Simmons, the scientific duo, looked at the giant shadow rising from the ground and couldn't help being shocked. They were speechless for a long time.

"Mr. Li, he is, he is." Fitz felt as if his tongue was tied up and he couldn't speak for a long time.

As a result, when they turned around in shock, they found that the other three teammates had already turned towards the direction of the portal.

"Okay, if you're surprised, we can wait until we get back. Now let's get out of here quickly!" Daisy stopped and waved to them.

The two young scientists came to their senses and hurriedly helped them follow.

Fitz muttered: "Why aren't you surprised at all? Wait, do you mean you already knew this?"

Coulson glanced back at him: "This is confidential, Fitz, Director Fury's order."

Fitz was a little unhappy: "No, it's a secret. Why do I feel like everyone knows it except me? Is it only a secret for me?"

Even though he said this, he didn't stop. In the blink of an eye, all of them had returned to Earth through the portal.

Only the giant alien beast transformed from the hive and the silver giant were left on the scene.

"I don't know who turned you into this," Richard said while releasing the mental oppression, "but it doesn't matter, you will tell me eventually."

The alien beast transformed by the hive let out a low roar.

Richard perceived that his spiritual world was disorganized, full of meaningless memory fragments and scattered fragments that could not be connected logically at all.

Over the course of thousands of years, the hive has changed countless hosts and eaten countless people. When everyone is devoured by him, his memory will also be inherited by him. Therefore, the hive's brain is mixed with the memories of people from all eras, nationalities, and fields.

But now that you have been transformed into an alien beast, all these memories, personalities, and thoughts are mixed together in such a mess that you can't find any useful information at all.

Richard didn't know if this was because Hive's thinking was confused, or if the other party was deliberately using this method to resist the intrusion of his mental power, but it didn't matter. Anyway, it's the same thing to wait until he beats the opponent to the ground before asking for the information he wants to know.

The hive roared, and the nine heads opened their mouths at the same time, spitting out some kind of dark green mucus.

Although he didn't know what it was, Richard had no intention of trying it with his body.

Nexus jumped sideways to avoid the slime. The green liquid penetrated the wind and sprinkled on the vast sand, making a harsh and burning sound.

Nexus approached the hive and punched the opponent. The huge body of the alien beast trembled, and its punch punch penetrated the hard skin.

If it were an ordinary alien beast, this punch should at least be able to break a few bones and shatter a few organs, if not an instant kill.

But the hive was completely unmoved. While his body absorbed all the impact, he was still yelling arrogantly, raising his sharp hand high and slashing at Nexus' shoulder.

Richard felt slightly strange.

Is this because fists have no effect?

The speed of the alien beast was not too fast for him. Nexus turned slightly to avoid the attack, then turned around and whipped him hard.

Now Nexus's leg strength was so powerful that the impact of one leg would cause the alien beast's skin to crack and its bones to break. The huge body of more than sixty meters high was lifted off the ground by the alien beast under the power of this leg. It flew out into the air with a mournful cry and fell hard to the ground, stirring up thick smoke and dust.

But after receiving such a heavy blow, the alien beast's movements still did not stop. It had thrown out a tentacle before it landed, and the soft black tentacles came close to the ground like a spiritual snake, approaching quickly with the cover of sand, dust and wind.

Of course, this attack is unlikely to work. The golden light on Nexus's wrist flashed, and the crescent-shaped sword slashed past, cutting the pitch-black tentacle into two pieces.

At this moment, Richard clearly saw a large group of parasites retracting from the broken tentacles and quickly hiding inside the alien beast's body.

Richard probably guessed what was going on.

There is no point in attacking this alien beast no matter how hard it is, because this body is simply an empty shell.

This alien beast is the product of the combination of the alien beast factor and the ability of the hive. The super growth ability of the alien beast factor created this body, which is like a biological mobile suit, and the hive is equivalent to its driver.

Although it looks like he is fighting the hive, in fact he has been hiding deep inside this body in the form of a parasite. No matter what kind of damage the body suffers, Honeycomb can immediately activate its ability to speed up repairs.

Because this is the ability of the hive and not the self-healing effect of the alien beast factor, even if Nexus shines light into it, it cannot suppress this ability. After all, the fragments of light only have an inhibitory effect on the alien beast factors.

Richard had to admit, whoever the guy behind the scenes was, he had created a pretty interesting alien creature. This seems to be the first alien beast that cannot be restrained by the properties of light.

But it's just fun.

If he had encountered this kind of alien beast before, he might have been helpless, but now he has long passed that stage.

The alien beast screamed sharply and rushed forward with its fangs and claws. The floating head behind his head also floated up at the same time, and a crazy roar broke out from his mouth, which seemed to be vaguely mixed with the hive's own voice.

"Die to me!" he screamed sharply, "I will crush you and devour you. You will become a part of me, and then I can take back what is mine!"

A straight dash with no tricks or redeeming qualities. It's simply not easy to deal with.

Nexus didn't shy away. He stepped forward, ducking his shoulders to avoid two shots of corrosive slime, and dropped his left elbow to break the sharp blade.

Then he raised his right fist, energy poured into it, and the whole fist burned with golden flames, like a scorching sun.

Super boxing!

A punch to the lower abdomen! The strong skin of the alien beast split open, the fist punched in, and intense hot light bloomed, like an unstoppable storm raging inside the alien beast's body.

The hive let out a shrill scream. The body of the alien beast burned violently, and an immortal flame spread rapidly. All the parasites fled from that site as if lifeless. Its internal organs were burned, its bones were melted through, and even its thick skin glowed with a golden glow like the sun.

The alien beast howled in pain and retreated, swaying on its feet, looking like it might fall over at any moment.

"I heard that you are very good at self-healing?" Richard sneered, "I just shattered your stomach and shattered every fragment from the atomic level. Can you try to heal yourself?"

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