The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 661 Sorry, I can’t

Pain, burning, and a few other things followed. The unimaginable pain hit Hive's nerves, causing him unprecedented pain.

As stated before, a hive is essentially a mass of parasites, a mass of parasitic organisms that jump from one host to another. His true body had been abandoned as early as the tribal period, along with a large number of his human senses.

So normally he can't feel pain. When attacked, only the host will be injured, and his body will always remain unscathed. In the American TV series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." he can even occupy the body of Agent Grant Ward who has died, which shows that he does not even need a host to be alive.

It had been thousands of years, and he had almost forgotten what it felt like to be hurt and in pain, and now Richard was helping him remember.

The hive roared loudly, as if trying to mask its fear with anger and aggression.

The alien beast dragged its pierced body and launched another attack. The tens of thousands of tons of shouts were like hammers striking the earth. The sharp blades on its arms drew a black trajectory and cut down.

He was unable to hit Nexus just now, and now that his body was pierced and light energy was raging in his body, it was naturally even more impossible to succeed in this state.

Nexus raised his right arm and cut with the arm blade, and the golden blade light drew a beautiful arc. The armor-like flesh of the alien beast was easily evaporated, blood gushes out like a fountain, and the entire arm flew far away under the inertia of the huge force.

Similarly, a domineering golden light was poured into the body of the alien beast from the broken arm at the moment the blade cut.

All the parasites living in that body desperately tried to stay away from the scorching light, but to no avail. Ultraman's light is like an unstoppable golden flame. It started from the alien beast's arm and rushed all the way, burning all its internal organs. Along the way, countless parasites were melted and wiped out by millions of degrees of heat, like moths in a fire.

The hive screamed.

Not from the alien beasts, but from what seemed like every insect in the parasite colony was screaming.

Without giving it a chance to breathe, Nexus took a step forward, and boundless golden light condensed in his raised right fist.

Super boxing!

This time it was more powerful and explosive than before. Even a superior alien beast would explode and die on the spot after taking this punch!

And this is not a purely physical attack, it is not only powerful enough, but also comes with extremely terrifying light energy. If this punch hits completely, it will be enough to obliterate the alien beast and the parasites in its body from the plane of existence.

As if sensing a life threat, the hive did not hesitate, and a large group of parasites escaped from the alien beast's body at the critical moment, noisily breaking away like a ball of yellow mist.

The next second, all Nexus' punches hit.

The alien beast that lost its parasite suddenly turned into an empty shell. It had no defense and no ability to fight back. It was completely disintegrated with one punch. Countless fragments scattered in all directions, were affected by the golden light in mid-air, and turned into azure particles.

The aftermath of the golden light also affected the scattered parasites, crackling and burning to death in the smoky swarm of insects.

Pain and annoyance dominated Hive's thoughts.

This is not how it should be.

Just a few hours ago, he gained unprecedented power, a power powerful enough to overturn all his past perceptions and even make him feel that he did not need to fear even if the Kree came back.

He thought that with this power he would be truly invincible in the world. Return to Earth, take control of Hydra, unify this organization that should be subordinate to you, and then easily take the entire Earth into your pocket. This is what the plan should have been.

The one who gave him strength warned him that he would soon face the most powerful being he had ever faced in his life, and told him to be prepared. But he didn't take it to heart at all.

At that time, Hive was in a state of joy that was overwhelmed by the power beyond his understanding. He subconsciously felt that even if the King of Heaven came, he could still easily solve it.

But he was wrong.

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind——

——How can there be such an invincible existence in the world?

In the past, humans respected him as "god" and were even afraid of calling him by his name. But at this moment, Hive truly felt that the giant behind him might be qualified to be called a god.

And him?

He's just a bunch of pathetic worms trying to escape.

After slamming headlong into the transparent barrier, Hive quickly realized there was no way he could escape. Parasites are trapped by invisible barriers. They were flying around like headless flies, but they hit the transparent wall up, down, left and right, and couldn't get out at all.

Hive is not the kind of fool who doesn't know how to assess the situation. He quickly realized his situation, gave up his struggle and looked like he was willing to cooperate.

Richard released the transformation and returned to human form, looking at a large group of bugs trapped in the energy field in front of him.

"If you have anything to tell me, you should do it as soon as possible," he said. "I don't plan to stay here long."

Hive in a parasitic state cannot speak through vocal organs, but this is not a problem. Mental communication can save a lot of trouble, and by the way, it can also make it more difficult for him to lie.

"Calm down, I'll tell you everything - even though I actually don't know anything." Beehive said, "Not long before you came, someone appeared here. I don't think he was human, but I didn't I couldn't believe it. He did something to me that seemed to give me something. When I came back to my senses, I became like that - a huge body, powerful, something I had never imagined. Things that have passed.”

Richard narrowed his eyes.

It sounded just like he expected, but it wasn't much information.

"What was that man like? Did he say anything?"

"He spoke very little. I had just gained new power and didn't pay much attention to it. Oh, by the way, he did seem to say that he wanted to tell you something. It seemed like he said that this was just a warning and that things had just begun. I don’t quite understand what it means.”

Richard frowned: "Is there more?"

".No more." Beehive said, "Listen brother, I've told you everything I know. I know you took away my position outside, and I don't care and don't want to go out now. So either we do this. You just Pretend you don't see me, keep leaving me here, and let's pretend nothing happened. What do you think?"

He sounded cautious, even a little amused.

Richard smiled gently and politely.

"Sorry, but no." He said, lifting the energy blaster, "Thank you for your cooperation. But as I promised before, this will be quick and you won't feel anything."

Hive: "You@#\u0026%"

Gunshots fired.

The ancestor of the aliens and the god of Hydra, who had lived in obscurity for more than five thousand years, perished.

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