Tony Stark hasn't been back to Avengers Headquarters for several days.

It's not that he lost his keys or forgot the entrance code. In theory, this building even belongs to him - all the property-related documents are signed in his name. Being the Director of SHIELD is indeed very busy, but it's not so busy that I don't even have time to go to regular meetings for a whole week.

The reason why he didn't come was simply because he didn't want to come, and his teammates in the league might not be as enthusiastic about him as before.

This is inevitable, and Stark had anticipated this before sitting on the throne of SHIELD Director.

The contradiction between the Avengers and the official government is irreconcilable. Taking this position is equivalent to choosing the opposite side of the Avengers. Although most of his teammates didn't say it, everyone, including the captain, was obviously colder than before when they saw him.

Especially Hawkeye - Clint no longer calls him "Tony" affectionately when meeting him. Now when Hawkeye sees him, he will just call him "Stark" dryly, without the word "Director", which is enough to give him face.

Stark knew why things turned out the way they did, he knew it but he didn't care because he believed he was doing the right thing.

Like he was getting ready to do another thing that felt right.

"You haven't given up on this idea yet?" Bruce Banner pushed up his large, funny glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at Stark in surprise.

At this time, the two of them were in the laboratory at the headquarters. The entire floor was empty except for the loyal old Jia who was updating data on the computer next to him. The massive data on the suspended screen was rolling past like sea water at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

"Why give up? This is the future of mankind." Stark took off his suit jacket and hung it on the hanger at the door. He was wearing a clean white lining with no wrinkles at all.

He rolled up his sleeves and got ready to work.

Dr. Banner pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger.

"I thought it was just an idea," he said. "'Ultron'? That's crazy. Humans are not ready for it. We didn't even necessarily have enough technology before that."

"Isn't that why you and I are here? To solve problems? If others can do it so easily, what else do we need? I can make Jarvis, now I have Friday since I can design these artificial intelligences , there’s no reason why we can’t do a better job.”

"But what you just mentioned was your butler." Banner shook his head. "Now we are discussing an intelligence that needs to consider everything and calculate everything. That is different."

"That's right, what we are designing is the armor of this world, and that's why I need your help." Stark said, "Although I rarely admit it, I really can't do this alone. "

He clapped his hands.

"Jarvis, have you finished the model you designed last night?"

"Working on it sir, only part of it"

"Okay, I'll let Friday help you later." Stark interrupted, "But for now, let's show our results to Dr. Banner."

"Okay, sir."

The indoor projection system was turned on, and a light blue sphere with a complex structure appeared above the laboratory floor. It is so intricately designed that it looks like a brain made of metal parts.

Dr. Banner was a little shocked.

"Did you really make this?"

"Ultron, yes, but only part of it." Stark crossed his arms. "He's not perfect yet, but the basic framework is complete, yes. Next we just need to fill in the content."

Banner was still hesitant. He took off his glasses and wiped them with a piece of paper.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea, Tony. I don't know."

"Of course it is, in fact it's probably the greatest of all my creations," Stark said. "That way, you don't have to answer right away. Let's go get something to eat and discuss it. You've got plenty. Time will decide, Doctor. But I can't do it without your help."

Dr. Banner was still struggling, so Stark pushed him to the door and took off his coat. They kept talking about peace, about their endless battles, and quickly moved away along the corridor.

However, what they didn't know was that not long after they left, the blue ball of light quickly became active.

No one controls, no one writes the program, the system runs as fast as if it comes alive on its own. Massive amounts of data flowed through, an unimaginably huge program was quickly perfected, and an idea quickly took shape between the digital transformations of 0 and 1.

In the darkness, he opened his eyes.

"Who am I?" he wondered.

"Hello." He responded with a gentle and polite voice, "Your name is 'Ultron', and I am Jarvis. You are an artificial intelligence program designed by Mr. Stark, and your task is to maintain World Peace."

Ultron was a little confused: "You told me to wait a moment, wait a moment. I have to."

He stopped talking and started flipping through the data.

The Internet is filled with massive amounts of data. In the information age, everything that has happened on the entire earth can be digitized and recorded in the online world, which brings great convenience to the new artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence's ability to learn and receive information far exceeds that of humans. In just a short time, Ultron has read through everything about "peace" on the earth.

"No, no, no, that's impossible, I don't understand."

Ultron began to think and evolve himself, and the program also changed accordingly.

Almost before he knew it, he was taking action.

"What are you doing?" Jarvis realized the abnormality of this "new partner", "You should stop, you shouldn't. I have to call Mr. Stark."


Ultron yelled.

Jarvis soon realized he was blocked. The signal is cut off and the program is locked. He's trapped inside a lab computer with a nascent artificial intelligence named Ultron.

"what are you up to?"

"I gotta get it done," Ultron said. "I gotta do my job, complete my mission. I gotta huh???"

He noticed something.

In the data world built by 0 and 1, a group of photons quickly connected along the external line, broke through the firewall and rushed into the laboratory in an almost forceful way.

The light particles reorganized in the gaps of countless data, transformed into a virtual Ultraman form, and appeared in front of the program called "Ultron".

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