The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 671 Sneaking into the Internet

"That guy is hiding in the Internet." Stark frowned. "He may be in any system in any department, or in any area. He is a program, like a ghost wandering around the earth with the help of the Internet. Impossible to be captured.”

"Indeed." Richard, who was in the director's office, nodded. "Unless you throw some bait to him, something he might be interested in, and then design a data trap. Three minutes, we only need to trap him for three minutes. , we will have the opportunity to solve him in the online world."

Stark rapped his knuckles on the clear glass tabletop.

"What is he interested in? Like what? The human extinction plan?"

"That's an idea." Richard nodded seriously.

Stark narrowed his eyes: "Are you kidding?"

"Seriously." Richard said, "Ultron is very smart, but after all it is just a program, right? We have to play with him according to the rules of the program."

Stark was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and quickly understood what he meant.

"I see, I understand." He said thoughtfully, seeming to have his mind opened up, "SHIELD's network department will take care of this."

Richard smiled and scratched his hair: "I don't mean to criticize, but I have to say that I really can't compliment SHIELD's network security. I think this was the case when Fury was still the director of the agency. You should have noticed it too."

Stark tilted his head and thought for a moment, it seemed that this was really the case. Back then, he felt that for a high-level international organization like SHIELD, their network security module was just like a pile of X. Every time Stark hacked into their system, it was like having fun. At that time, he secretly thought that if he became the director of SHIELD one day, he would have to lay off this entire department.

"Well, maybe I'll do it myself," he said.

"I do have a recommendation for hacker work." Richard said, "Agent Daisy Johnson is also an agent under your command. She is on field duty in Phil Coulson's team. But even though she is She's a field agent, but when it comes to computer skills, she can outsmart the rookies in SHIELD Cyber ​​Security."

"I know." Stark crossed his arms and leaned against the window, "So what's the next plan? I assume you came here to see me already with an idea? You will use that again after Ultron appears. With the ability to infiltrate the Internet, can you drill in along the network cable and kill him?"

Richard shook his head.

"No. It can be seen from the last fight that Ultron is not only hidden in the Internet, he also has 'Implaza' in his hand."

"Implaza?" Stark repeated the unfamiliar name.

"It's the giant robot that appeared in New York." Richard said, "That thing shouldn't be remotely controlled. I guess there is also a backup of Ultron's program in there. If we want to completely defeat Ultron, we must first deal with that guy. .

You may not have known it since you haven't fought directly before, but Imperaza's power is extremely powerful. If it appears, I must stop it. So I have to stay outside. "

Stark rubbed the bridge of his nose: "Okay. So if Ultron is really led out and we manage to locate his location, how are we going to deal with him in those three minutes or even less?"

Richard smiled.

"About this. I'm not the only one who can enter and fight in the world of data."

Half an hour later, the famous scientist and superhero of the last century, Dr. Ant-Man Hank Pym, appeared on SHIELD's floating carrier.

If there is anyone on earth who can penetrate into the online world besides Ultraman Richard, then it is Ant-Man. The DC Atom next door also has the ability to grow bigger and smaller, and he can drill network cables, drill telephone cables and so on. As for Marvel, Ant-Man can shrink to the point where he can enter the quantum realm, so there is no reason why he can't enter the online world.

But old man Pim was not very cooperative. He was chattering non-stop from the moment he was pulled onto the mothership.

Comrade Pym worked with SHIELD and the Stark Group when he was young, but he was later squeezed out. He had a very bad impression of Aegis, and he was already quite annoyed when he was brought to the mothership. And seeing the descendants of the Stark family, whom he had always disliked, made him even more angry.

Old Man Pym has a bad temper, but at least he was once a superhero, and he can still prioritize clearly when facing big things. After much talk, the old man was finally willing to cooperate with SHIELD to solve the Ultron problem, but when he heard their plan, the old man jumped up again.

"What? Continue to shrink?" Old Man Pym shook his head repeatedly, "No, absolutely not! It's too dangerous. You don't know the dangers of Pym particles at all, and you don't know the consequences of doing so."

When he mentioned this, Pim couldn't help but think of his wife. I think that when his wife Wasp was on a mission to dismantle the missile with him, after the Wasp suit shrunk to its limit, she forcibly used Pym particles to continue shrinking and entered the missile circuit to dismantle the warhead, but she was unable to stop her body from shrinking. process, and finally shrunk to the subatomic level and got lost in the quantum realm without a trace.

"It doesn't have to be that small." Richard said, "We just need to enter the online world. You see, I also know a little bit about quantum science. I can help you adjust and improve the design of the Ant-Man suit so that the suit can be used in the future." Even small particle levels can be controlled freely.”

"You?" Dr. Pym looked at him suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Dr. Pym prides himself on being the best in the world in the field of quantum science, and he never thinks that anyone can come up with better ideas than him.

Stark said: "This is Mr. Richard Lee. He is assisting and responsible for our operation this time. He uh..."

He paused, asked Richard for permission with his eyes, then turned around and said, "He is 'Ultraman'."

Old Man Pym suddenly froze, and looked at Richard carefully for a moment with wide eyes, as if he wanted to see some clues about the silver giant from him.

Then he laughed loudly: "Ha! I know, I know. I have already said that the giant must have a human form, an appearance for disguise. I also said that he cannot always be that kind of giant. ."

Richard shrugged: "Well, congratulations on your guess, Dr. Pym. Now are you willing to assist us in our work?"

"Yes, of course. By the way, my daughter is also a fan of yours. Although she has never told me, I know how much she admires you." Dr. Pym smiled and said, "I am willing to help, but there is a question. I’m already old, and I can no longer put on the Ant-Man suit and fight again. But as for the suit’s wearer, I already have a pretty suitable candidate.”

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